Frankincense And Myrrh


Both Frankincense (Boswellia) & Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) are resins produced by certain trees that grow on both sides of the Red Sea. Along with gold, frankincense and myrrh were given to the Lord Jesus by the wise men as symbols of his humanity, his coming sufferings and his deity (Mt 2:11).

Myrrh was used as part of the holy anointing oil (Ex 30:22) and frankincense was part of the holy incense (Ex 30:34). Frankincense was also part of the tabernacle offering as 2 golden cups of it were placed on the table of showbread, one for each row of six (Lev 24:7).

2 in stock


SKU (UPC): 634357131003

Manufacturer: Every Good Gift


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