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24 Maneras De Explicar El Evan – (Spanish)
$4.99En nuestro mundo posmoderno, puede ser dificil explicar el concepto de la salvacion. Afortunadamente, la Palabra de Dios provee muchas maneras de ayudar a otros a entender conforme intentamos guiarlos hacia la salvacion. Este folleto provee docenas de imagenes, referencias biblicas e ilustraciones que lo ayudaran a comunicar el Evangelio de 24 formas diferentes. El folleto se despliega a 38 pulgadas de largo y cabe en la mayoria de las Biblias.
In our post-modern world, it can be difficult to explain the concept of salvation. Fortunately, the Word of God provides many ways to help others understand as we try to guide them toward salvation. This pamphlet provides dozens of images, Biblical references, and illustrations that will help you communicate the Gospel in 24 different ways. The pamphlet unfolds to a length of 38 inches and fits in the majority of Bibles.
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Bosquejo Sencillo Del Plan De – (Spanish)
$0.12With a beautifully redesigned cover, this timeless tract uses Scripture to summarize the key points of salvation. Outlining the three major questions an unbeliever would ask about beginning a relationship with Jesus Christ, this message paints a compelling picture of the gospel, while presenting verses that calm uncertainties faced by every sinner.
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