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    Tracts and Booklets

    • 9781682164365 Steps To Peace With God 25 Pack

      Steps To Peace With God 25 Pack


      In this redesigned tract, Billy Graham outlines the steps to find peace with God through Jesus Christ-understand God’s purposes, admit the problem, discover God’s bridge, and embrace the truth.

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    • 9781682164327 4 Reasons For Hope In Suffering 10 Pack

      4 Reasons For Hope In Suffering 10 Pack


      In this brief tract, bestselling author Paul David Tripp offers comfort to weary readers, explaining God’s purposes for suffering and how to find salvation in Christ.

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    • 9781682164280 Whats Your Story 25 Pack

      Whats Your Story 25 Pack


      Tracking universal patterns, this tract helps teens discover their part in God’s larger story, seek out the Author, acknowledge their sin, and trust in Christ alone.

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    • 9781682164143 Gods Greater Love 25 Pack

      Gods Greater Love 25 Pack


      This beautiful tract, written by Dane C. Ortlund, helps readers reflect on God’s endless love and put their trust in Jesus.

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    • 9781682164204 Can I Be Forgiven 25 Pack

      Can I Be Forgiven 25 Pack


      Everyone needs to be forgiven-and God provided a way for us to be forgiven through Jesus Christ.

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    • 9781682164136 Is Hell Real 25 Pack

      Is Hell Real 25 Pack


      Adapted from bestselling author Dane C. Ortlund’s booklet Is Hell Real?, this tract explores 3 biblical realities of hell, arguing we should not view hell as a problem but as an affirmation that God is rightly establishing justice, fairness, and grace.

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    • 9781682164259 Give Thanks 25 Pack

      Give Thanks 25 Pack


      With economic distress and life’s hardships getting in the way, it can be difficult to feel truly “thankful.” But the Bible shows that even in hard times, we all have reasons to give thanks to God.

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    • 9781682164150 Behold The Lamb Of God 25 Pack

      Behold The Lamb Of God 25 Pack


      Adapted from bestselling author Rebecca McLaughlin’s book Confronting Jesus, this tract explores the character of Christ-calling readers to let the Lamb of God take their sin as they put their trust in him alone.

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    • 9781682164242 Story 25 Pack

      Story 25 Pack


      An innovative new way to tell the gospel message, this tract illustrates how God’s story of redemption is shown throughout the entire Bible.

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    • 9781682164198 Lifes Ultimate Questions 25 Pack

      Lifes Ultimate Questions 25 Pack


      This convenient tract, written by Voddie Baucham, addresses 4 crucial life questions from the perspective of modern culture and the Bible, showing how Scripture alone has the answers.

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    • 9781682164174 Youre Special ESV 25 Pack

      Youre Special ESV 25 Pack


      This all-time bestselling tract shares how everyone is special to God, and how he loves and desires to know each of us personally.

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    • 9781682164167 There Is No Defeat In The Cross 25 Pack

      There Is No Defeat In The Cross 25 Pack


      Adapted from the book Journey to the Cross, this tract by Paul David Tripp explains that all events are testaments to God’s sovereignty, and that Jesus’s victory-even over death-offers believers eternal life.

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    • 9781682164129 I Will Never Cast You Out 25 Pack

      I Will Never Cast You Out 25 Pack


      Adapted from bestselling author Dane C. Ortlund’s book Gentle and Lowly, this tract explores the unconditional love and comforting words of Christ for sinners and sufferers.

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    • 9781610362672 Gospel Of John

      Gospel Of John


      New King James Version, Scripture Portions, Ray Comfort

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    • 9781628629910 I Am Pamphlet

      I Am Pamphlet


      I Am: Seven Powerful Claims of Christ is a full-color, glossy-coated pamphlet that fits in the back of most Bibles for handy reference. Packed with illustrations, simple summaries, and charts, this pamphlet covers the 7 powerful I AM statements Jesus made at a glance!

      Seven times in the gospel of John, Jesus makes powerful I AM statements: I am the bread of life. I am the light of the world. I am the good shepherd. I am the true vine. This foldout pamphlet gives you a deeper understanding of the biblical imagery of Christ’s seven I AM sayings.

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    • 9781682164075 Offer Of Hope 25 Pack

      Offer Of Hope 25 Pack


      Many people are struggling with shame. Whether it comes from things they have done, or things done to them, shame is the sign of a wounded spirit. But there is hope: Although the Bible says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), the story does not end there. The Bible also says that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died and rose again to take away the shame of his people. This tract extends Jesus’s offer of unlimited mercy, forgiveness, and cleansing to all who trust in him.

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    • 9781682164082 Last Prayer Of Jesus 25 Pack

      Last Prayer Of Jesus 25 Pack


      A person’s dying words can reveal a lot about them–they may express love, regret, gratitude, or many other things. The Bible says that Jesus, while dying on the cross, uttered “It is finished” in his final moments. What did Jesus mean by these words?

      In this tract, readers are invited to ponder the last words of Jesus–words that reveal that he was finishing something. Jesus fulfilled his mission on earth by taking the punishment that humanity deserved so that anyone who believes in him can find forgiveness and know and enjoy God forever. This tract is a great resource for anyone interested in learning more about the free gift of salvation and is an open invitation to come to know Jesus through his dying words on the cross.

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    • 9781628629439 Understanding The World Of Jesus Pamphlet

      Understanding The World Of Jesus Pamphlet


      Experience reading the stories of Jesus in the Gospels in a whole new way! Understanding the World of Jesus is a slimline pamphlet packed with key information about the fascinating time in which Jesus lived.

      The apostle Paul wrote that “when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son” (Gal. 4:4). It’s no coincidence that God the Father sent his Son into the world exactly when and where he did. This pamphlet lets you see snapshots of the most important historical, cultural, and political changes that formed the setting to the life and ministry of Jesus. In this easy-to-understand overview, you’ll get answers to questions like: What language did Jesus speak? What’s the difference between Pharisees and the Sadducees? Who were the Samaritans? What happened in the time between the Old Testament and New Testament? Who are all those different Herods in the Bible?


      *Timeline of key people and events before the birth of Christ
      *Family tree of Herod’s dynasty
      *Map of the Roman Empire
      *Jewish religious and political groups
      *Comparison chart of Pharisees and Sadducees
      *Languages in the time of Jesus
      *Jewish expectations for the Messiah

      This pamphlet’s high-gloss coating makes it a durable, convenient resource you’re sure to keep with you and use time and again. Fits in the back of most Bibles so you can take it anywhere.

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    • 9781628629033 Chronology Of The Bible Pamphlet

      Chronology Of The Bible Pamphlet


      Enjoy seeing over 200 key Bible characters, books, and events across 2,200 years of biblical history at a glance!

      Ever wanted to read the Bible in the order that each of the events happened? Now you can! Chronology of the Bible is a valuable pamphlet and chronological Bible reading plan that helps you see Bible history from Genesis to Revelation in chronological order. Simple, colorful, and easy to follow, this fold-out pamphlet covers more than 2,200 years of biblical history. It includes over 200 key Bible characters, books, and events arranged on a timeline in the order that they happened. This attractive and easy-to-use pamphlet helps you discover where your favorite Bible stories fit within the larger story of God’s Word.

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    • 9781628628579 Ark Of The Covenant Pamphlet

      Ark Of The Covenant Pamphlet


      Inside the holiest of holy places in the tabernacle stood the Ark of the Covenant. This gold-covered box was Israel’s most sacred object and the one that most symbolized God’s presence. Its power and uniqueness has given rise to all sorts of curiosity, speculation, and mystery surrounding the ark. Even longtime students of the Bible still have questions about the ark.

      This slimline pamphlet gives biblical answers to your questions about the Ark of the Covenant:

      *Who built the ark and why?
      *How big was the ark and what was inside it?
      *What was the mercy seat for?
      *What happened to the ark?
      *And more!

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    • 9781682164044 To Be A Christian

      To Be A Christian


      To Be a Christian

      By J.I. Packer and Lane Dennis

      What does it mean to be a Christian? What is essential for Christian faith and life? How can we know Jesus Christ and experience the full love of God through him? How can you become a child of God, anchored in the full reality of unquenchable joy, beginning in this life and ever increasing in the life to come?

      It is possible to know about these things, however, without actually knowing them personally in one’s life. In order not to miss what God is offering you, it is imperative that you receive Jesus Christ as your own Savior and Lord–if you have not already done so–and commit yourself to him to be his life-long disciple.

      There is no more important thing in life that you could ever do–both for the sake of this life and immeasurably more for the life to come. And when you have received Jesus Christ as your own Savior and Lord, to know that you have done it, so that you can go on from there, knowing the fullness of joy as a child of God both now and forever.

      To be a Christian is a lifelong personal commitment to Jesus Christ, but it begins with becoming a Christian in a deliberate conscious way, much like being a spouse begins with taking marriage vows. Being a Christian is a process of advance from that point. As you continue with Christ, with his Father as your heavenly Father, his Holy Spirit as your helper and guide, and his Church as your new family, you will constantly be led deeper into your born-again calling of worship, service, and Christ-like relationships.

      You need to know from the beginning that God creates human beings for the purpose of knowing him, loving him, and enjoying a deep friendship with him. But no one naturally fulfills this purpose. We are all out of step with God. In the words of the Bible, we are sinners, guilty before God and separated from him (Romans 3:23). Life in Christ is, first and foremost, God’s taking living action to remedy our dire situation (Romans 5:8).

      The key facts of this divine remedy–which the Bible calls the Gospel (meaning “good news”)–are these:

      1. God the Father sent his eternal Son into this world to reconcile us sinners to himself, and to preserve and prepare us for his glory in the life to come.

      2. Born of the Virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit, God’s son (whose human name is “Jesus”) lived a perfect life, died a criminal’s death as a sacrifice for your sins, and rose again from the grave to rule as Christ (meaning “the A

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    • 9781682164037 Greatest Chapter In The Bible

      Greatest Chapter In The Bible


      The Greatest Chapter in the Bible

      Adapted from Why I Love the Apostle Paul by John Piper

      By John Piper

      The greatest chapter in the Bible is Romans 8. Why? Because Romans 8 spells out all that God is for us in his Son, Jesus Christ. Romans 8:32 says, “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” What are the great obstacles between us and everlasting happiness? One obstacle is our sin. We are all sinners (Rom. 3:23), and the wages of that sin is eternal death (Rom. 6:23). Another obstacle is the wrath of God. If God is justly wrathful toward us in our sinful guilt, then we have no hope of everlasting happiness.

      When Paul calls Jesus God’s own Son, the point is that there are no others like him, and he is infinitely precious to the Father. The point of Romans 8:32 is that this love of God for his one and only Son was like a massive, Mount Everest obstacle standing between God and our salvation. Here was an obstacle almost insurmountable. Could God-would God-overcome his cherishing, admiring, treasuring, white-hot, infinite, affectionate bond with his Son and hand him over to be lied about and betrayed and denied and abandoned and mocked and flogged and beaten and spit on and nailed to a cross and pierced with a sword, like an animal being butchered and hung up on a rack?

      The unthinkable reality that Romans 8:32 affirms is that God did it. He did hand him over. God did not spare him. In this passage Paul is saying the most unthinkable thing: God handed over his Son to death. “This Jesus [was] delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God” (Acts 2:23). God himself handed over his Son. Nothing greater or harder has ever happened. Or ever will.

      Therefore, God has done the hardest thing to give us everlasting happiness. He did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all. What does this guarantee? Paul puts it in the form of a rhetorical question (that means a question he expects us to immediately answer correctly): “how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” “All things” is not a promise of a trouble-free life. Four verses later Paul says, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.” (Rom. 8:36) Instead, “all things” means all things we need to be eternally happy in God. Since God did not spare his own Son, all things will work together for our good (8:28), we wil

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    • 9781682164020 When God Takes Your Place

      When God Takes Your Place


      The good news of the gospel is that when you repent of your sin, Jesus takes your punishment for you. In history’s greatest exchange, Jesus gave up his life so you can live.

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    • 9781682164013 Remembering Gods Promises

      Remembering Gods Promises


      This tract helps readers combat the false messages they hear in the world by pointing them to 9 specific promises of God that are the path to fullness of life in Christ.

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    • 9781596361898 Life Of Jesus Time Line Pamphlet

      Life Of Jesus Time Line Pamphlet


      See Over 75 Key Events in Jesus’ Life and Ministry-At a Glance!

      There are 89 chapters in the Gospels that cover Jesus’ life from his birth to his ascension-that’s a lot to cover! Enjoy having an easy-to-read time line which shows over 75 events in Jesus’ life and ministry along with key scriptures-at a glance!

      Easily see the stories of Jesus in the four Gospels in a fresh new way by looking at them in the order they happened with this full-color time line. From the birth of Christ in Bethlehem to his ascension into heaven, see helpful Bible references for 75 key events, including Jesus’ ministry, the Transfiguration, the Last Supper, and more at a glance!

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    • 9781628625325 World Christianity Pamphlet

      World Christianity Pamphlet


      SKU (ISBN): 9781628625325ISBN10: 1628625325Produced by: Rose PublishingBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2019Publisher: Rose Publishing

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    • 9781628625288 Exodus Pamphlet : From Passover To The Promised Land

      Exodus Pamphlet : From Passover To The Promised Land


      From the birth of Moses to the Israelites’ wilderness wanderings, the exodus story spans decades and is described in 40 chapters of the Bible. Get a solid overview on the entire exodus story with charts, simple summaries, and full-color illustrations. Trace the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt with a map showing their possible travel route. Explore key events with a detailed timeline and journey deeper in your understanding of God’s plan of redemption.

      See the how the exodus, Passover, and other Old Testament events foreshadowed the coming of Jesus and find fresh perspective on what it means to move from captivity into freedom with the pamphlet’s practical application section. Dig even deeper into the exodus story with Rose Publishing’s The Exodus pamphlet, which features:
      *Archaeological discoveries that help us know when the exodus occurred
      *How the 10 plagues of Egypt challenged the Egyptian idols
      *Full-color map, showing the possible route the Hebrews traveled from Egypt to Mt. Sinai
      *A timeline from the birth of Moses through the 40 years of wilderness wanderings
      *Themes of God’s provision, judgment, and presence with his people as he led them from Egypt to the Promised Land

      Paperback, 14 panels, full-color, laminated glossy pamphlet, 5.5 x 8.5, easily fits into most Bible covers. Perfect for personal and group Bible study, church libraries, discipleship, and much more.

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    • 9781628628050 Chronology Of Israels Kings And Prophets Pamphlet

      Chronology Of Israels Kings And Prophets Pamphlet


      Easily cover decades of Israel’s history at a glance with this slim line pamphlet packed with side-by-side chapter overviews and charts. This easy-to-read chronology takes you through the books of 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, and 1 and 2 Chronicles chapter by chapter.

      This pamphlet helps Bible readers keep track of who’s who and what happened when in Israel’s history. Compare the stories of kings such as David and Solomon with the many kings of Israel and Judah, as well the ministries of prophets such as Samuel, Elijah, and Elisha.

      Glossy laminated pamphlet, ultra-slim, 14 panels, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches.

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    • 9781682164006 Meaning Of Easter

      Meaning Of Easter


      The resurrection proved Christ’s substitutionary sacrifice was fully accepted by his Father. This truth about Easter invites all to trust in Christ.

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    • 9781682163979 Marriage: Expecting The Expected

      Marriage: Expecting The Expected


      SKU (ISBN): 9781682163979ISBN10: 1682163970Paul TrippBinding: OtherPublished: January 2019Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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    • 9781682163955 Sources Of True Change

      Sources Of True Change


      This tract highlights the variety of factors that work together as God changes a Christian’s heart.

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    • 9781628625240 10 Keys To Spiritual Growth Pamphlet

      10 Keys To Spiritual Growth Pamphlet


      Followers of Christ want to grow spiritually, but aren’t always sure how to get started. This slimline pamphlet offers 10 ways to grow your faith and recognize the Holy Spirit’s work in your life. Packed with simple summaries and practical applications, Rose’s 10 Keys to Spiritual Growth covers essential discipleship topics in an easy-to-understand way, making it perfect for individual or small group use.

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    • 9781682163849 This Changes Everything

      This Changes Everything


      “This Changes Everything” explains the gospel in a way that teenagers will understand, showing them how the truth about God changes everything-freeing them to live joyful, purposeful, and meaningful lives for Christ.

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    • 9781628625202 Sermon On The Mount Pamphlet

      Sermon On The Mount Pamphlet


      Rose Publishing pamphlets are known for their accessibility and concise presentation of in-depth topics for Christians of all walks of faith. The Sermon on the Mount pamphlet offers Jesus’ best known teachings from Matthew 5-7, and easily fits into most Bibles as a handy reference. This pamphlet includes:
      *The Beatitudes
      *The Lord’s Prayer
      *Teaching on believers as salt and light
      *Fulfillment of the law
      *Storing treasures in heaven
      *The wise and foolish builders
      *And much more!

      Perfect for individual use, Bible studies, and new believers classes. Jesus’ beloved teachings on finding hope and joy offer a true picture of God’s blessings for believers.

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    • 9781682163825 How To Pray

      How To Pray


      “How to Pray” reminds readers of the necessity of communion with God through prayer and provides helpful suggestions for how to cultivate a healthy prayer life.

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    • 9781682163801 Message Of The Bible

      Message Of The Bible


      Renowned pastor Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that we can be saved from sin and helplessness when we acknowledge our sinful state and turn to God for mercy through Christ.

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    • 9781628625493 1 Corinthians 13 Pamphlet

      1 Corinthians 13 Pamphlet


      SKU (ISBN): 9781628625493ISBN10: 162862549XCompiled by: Rose PublishingBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2018Publisher: Rose Publishing

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    • 9781682163764 Grace Filled Parenting

      Grace Filled Parenting


      Excerpted from Paul David Tripp’s book Parenting, “Grace-Filled Parenting” explains that through the gift of grace, God promises to give us everything we need for what he’s called us to as parents.

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    • 9781682163757 Why Should I Go To Church

      Why Should I Go To Church


      This tract clearly summarizes the summarizes the call for Christians to participate in God’s family and the benefits such community provides, including a list of considerations when choosing a local body.

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    • 9781628624618 Kings And Prophets Time Line Pamphlet

      Kings And Prophets Time Line Pamphlet


      See over 500 years of Israel’s kings and prophets at a glance! Fold-out timeline, charts, and map covers key events & people from King David to Elijah! Imagine having a fold-out timeline of all the kings and prophets at your fingertips that can easily fit inside most Bible covers!

      Easily see dozens of key people from Bible history at a glance, starting at the reigns of King Saul and King David to the prophet Malachi! This Kings & Prophets Time Line pamphlet provides an easy-to-follow overview of key dates, events, and leaders throughout Bible history. Filled with full-color illustrations and photographs, a map of Old Testament Israel and Judah, and more, this time line follows prophets, godly kings, and bad kings across the centuries as God unfolds his plans! There is no better timeline of the kings and prophets for Bible studies, Sunday schools, new believers groups, and small groups!

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    • 9781682163481 Why Trust The Bible

      Why Trust The Bible


      Adapted from Greg Gilbert’s book Why Trust the Bible?, this tract helps believers and unbelievers alike understand and explain why God’s Word can be trusted.

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    • 9781628624571 12 Radical Teachings Of Jesus Pamphlet

      12 Radical Teachings Of Jesus Pamphlet


      The 12 Radical Teachings of Jesus pamphlet shares a dozen of Jesus’ teachings that were radical for the disciples and hearers at that time, and are still impactful for us today. Discover what Jesus said and how to apply it in today’s context. 14 fold out panels, unfolds to 33 inches long.

      Clearly see Jesus’ teachings about –
      *Faith & Love
      *Caring for others
      *and more!

      *Great for small group discussions or studies on the Word of Christ
      *Affordable price point encouraging bulk purchases
      *Pamphlets fit easily inside most Bibles, making it easy to quickly reference
      *Glossy coating for durability

      8.5 x 5.5 inches. 14 panel pamphlet. Folds out to 38 inches. Fits inside a Bible cover.

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    • 9781628624519 100 Words Every Christian Should Know Pamphlet

      100 Words Every Christian Should Know Pamphlet


      Whether you’re a new believer or a seasoned saint, 100 Words Every Christian Should Know is a resourceful and practical overview of key words and definitions that illustrate biblical principles and the teachings of Jesus at a glance. What does “salvation” really mean? What happens when you practice “communion?” From terms like “repentance” to “baptism” to “holy,” rediscover the beauty of the gospel easily and clearly like never before.

      *Teaching tool to encourage memorization of core faith beliefs
      *Pamphlets fit easily inside most Bibles, making it easy to quickly reference
      *Glossy coating for durability

      8.5 x 5.5 inches. 14 panel pamphlet. Folds out to 38 inches. Fits inside a Bible cover.

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    • 9781682163375 Side By Side

      Side By Side


      SKU (ISBN): 9781682163375ISBN10: 1682163377Edward WelchBinding: OtherPublished: January 2017Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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    • 9781628624762 Autism



      SKU (ISBN): 9781628624762ISBN10: 1628624760Joni Eareckson-TadaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2016Help A FriendPublisher: Aspire Press – Hendrickson Publishing Group

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    • 9781628624748 Grief : Quick Reference Guide What To Day And Do How To Help

      Grief : Quick Reference Guide What To Day And Do How To Help


      Its difficult for many people to know what to say or do when someone has just experienced the loss of a loved one. This easy-to-read pamphlet equips readers to care for and comfort those who are grieving. Grief includes a simple overview on how to care for those suffering from a loss and struggles those grieving are likely to experience. A Quick Tips section covers things to avoid saying and suggested further resources, and this 20-panel resource equips readers with biblical wisdom and practical, time-tested advice from Joni Eareckson Tada. The Help a Friend pamphlet series focuses on the first response by a caring friend to bad news about a loved one. Friends gain the confidence to reach out rather than avoid, equipped with biblical wisdom and practical, time-tested advice from Joni Eareckson Tada.

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    • 9781682163573 What Is The Gospel

      What Is The Gospel


      Author Greg Gilbert uses evidence from the Bible to provide answers to the most commonly asked questions about Jesus Christ.

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    • 9781628623307 Judges Of Israel Pamphlet

      Judges Of Israel Pamphlet


      Enjoy having an easy-to-understand overview of the judges of Israel! From Deborah and Samson to Samuel and Gideon, see how God called upon these 14 amazing individuals to deliver Israel from oppression. Features simple summaries, quick-reference charts, an Old Testament map, time line, and more!

      The judges of Israel weren’t what anyone would call “conventional” leaders. One had a violent temper. One was the son of a prostitute. Another a woman in a male-dominated society. What did they all have in common? God called these courageous, relentless, and passionate seekers of the Lord to liberate Israel and bring them back into a right relationship with him.

      Perfect for individual use, Bible studies, new believer’s classes, church giveaways, or to keep in your Bible to reference when someone has a question. Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches, full color, glossy coating. Folds out to 38 inches. Fits in a Bible cover.

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    • 9781628623260 Your New Name In Christ Pamphlet

      Your New Name In Christ Pamphlet


      This is a 14 panel pamphlet that explains how believers are given a new identity and new names when they trust in Christ. Includes the meaning, key Bible verses, and application for each name.
      Folds out to 38 inches. Fits inside a Bible cover.

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    • 9781628622942 Christian Symbols Pamphlet

      Christian Symbols Pamphlet


      From the symbol of a fish to the cross, Christians for centuries have used pictures and symbols to communicate key and powerful truths about the Bible. But, where did these symbols come from? Why are they important? Enjoy clearly seeing 50 of the most common Christian symbols at a glance! For each symbol, easily find out key information, including its meaning, origin, uses, fascinating facts, and more!

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