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    Charismatic Interests

    • 9780914936855 Developing The Prophetic Ministry

      Developing The Prophetic Ministry


      Discover practical guidelines given for the effective operation of the prophetic ministry in the context of the local church. This book also helps you understand the difference between the office of a prophet and the gift of prophecy, how to test a prophecy, and what role it plays in a believer’s life.

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    • 9780884192268 Holy Spirit My Senior Partner

      Holy Spirit My Senior Partner


      1. Communion With The Holy Spirit-Why?
      2. Who Is The Holy Spirit? Spirit
      4. Unbelievers And The Holy Spirit
      5. Believers And The Holy Spirit
      3. Names And Symbols Of The Holy
      6. The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
      7. Receiving The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
      8. Discerning Evil Spirits In A Person
      9. Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
      10. The Gifts Of Revelation
      11. The Vocal Gifts
      12. The Gifts Of Power
      175 Pages

      Additional Info
      Every morning when I awake I greet the Holy Spirit and invite Him to go with me through the day and take the lead in all my afairs, and He does. I say. “Good morning, Holy Spirit. Let’s work together today and I will be Your vessel. Every evening before retiring I say again, “It’s been a wonderful day working with You, Holy Spirit.”

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    • 9780883683323 Gods Medicine Bottle

      Gods Medicine Bottle


      The Great Physician has provided all believers with the ultimate prescription for excellent health. In God’s Medicine Bottle you will discover how to… Find God’s prescription for you, listen for His directions, read the instructions carefully, follow His guidelines exactly. As you take the medicine as directed, you will find that God is true to His Word – He will restore your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

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    • 9780881148268 Gods Will Is The Holy Spirit

      Gods Will Is The Holy Spirit


      Are you one of the many believers who have been taught that the infilling of the Holy Spirit was for a selected few on the Day of Pentecost? Or that you received all of the Holy Spirit when you received salvation? If so, you are being robbed of something very valuable and don’t even know it! The traditions of men have been holding you back from receiving one of God’s most precious promises.

      Through this enlightening study by Gloria Copeland, find out what the Scriptures have to say about the Holy Spirit and the power that is available to you today. Then reach out and discover for yourself that God’s Will Is the Holy Spirit!

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    • 9780883682791 Divine Revelation Of Hell

      Divine Revelation Of Hell


      Heaven or hell? Over a period of forty days, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell all to choose life. Here is an account of the place and beings of hell contrasted with the glories of heaven. It is a reminder of the need each of us has for the miracle of salvation.

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    • 9780892762576 I Went To Hell

      I Went To Hell


      Read Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin’s stirring testimony of dying, going to hell, and being brought back to life to fulfill God’s plan for his life.

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    • 9780882706566 Nothing Is Impossible With God

      Nothing Is Impossible With God


      20 Chapters

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      Through this book, you will experience the explosive power and excitement of the miracle services, and you will find hope to meet your needs. God is a specialist when it comes to the impossible, and He is able to do anything but fail!

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    • 9780882706573 I Believe In Miracles

      I Believe In Miracles


      Through incredible testimonies, Kathryn Kuhlman continues to demonstrate God’s compassion and awesome power, as she did throughout her life. Discover for yourself the keys to New Life and Victory through the miracle-working ministry of one of God’s great servants.

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    • 9780881149692 No Deposit No Return

      No Deposit No Return


      You would never assume that you have more in your bank account than what you put in it, right? So why do so many people try to withdraw faith from their “spiritual account” when it’s empty? In No Deposit-No Return, Gloria Copeland explains the way to increase the faith in your spiritual account so you can enjoy God’s provision of wealth, health, good relationships, peace and success. Find out the answers to questions such as:
      Where does faith come from?
      Where is faith stored?
      How do you withdraw faith when you need it?
      How do you increase your faith?
      Make sure you have the faith you need to receive God’s provision before a crisis hits…discover No Deposit-No Return today!

      3 in stock

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    • 9780882706238 Holy Spirit And You

      Holy Spirit And You


      18 Chapters

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      Experience afresh the miraculous power and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. No other book has been more instrumental in helping countless individuals understand and live the Spirit-filled life than The Holy Spirit and You. Let Dennis and Rita Bennett guide you in your study of God’s supernatural gifts, and let the Holy Spirit bring renewal and deep restoration to your life.

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    • 9780892761517 Porque De Las Lenguas - (Spanish)

      Porque De Las Lenguas – (Spanish)


      Los beneficios de ser llenos del Espiritu Santo y de hablar en otras lenguas son discutidos en este importante mini-libro.

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    • 9781575621821 Giving And Receiving

      Giving And Receiving


      What can you do when money is in short supply? Keep casting your bread upon the waters-eventually it will return to you on every wave!

      Discover how to put this scripture system of prosperity to work for you. And reverse the ebbing tide of your life through…Giving and Receiving.

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    • 9780981957432 Seedtime And Harvest

      Seedtime And Harvest


      Seedtime and harvest is God’s method for bringing forth His Kingdom into our lives. Everything produces after its kind. If you give love, you will reap love.

      Plant Your Seed!

      This is something you can do. Jesus said that you are the one planting the seed. God’s Word is incorruptible seed, and God’s promises are seeds for harvest. In this book you will learn that as you speak God’s promises out of your mouth as a seed, it goes into your heart to grow and produce a harvest of blessing.

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    • 9780974751313 Kicking Over Sacred Cows

      Kicking Over Sacred Cows


      In this book you will see revealed how some believers have created sacred cow beliefs that actually bring bondage instead of producing life. Charles Capps wrote this book to help produce balance and clarity through rightly dividing God’s Word.

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    • 9780892767168 Unforgiveness



      Understanding and practicing forgiveness is vital to the operation of possibility faith.

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    • 9780892762538 5 Hindrances To Growth In Grace

      5 Hindrances To Growth In Grace


      This popular minibook challenges Christians to remove from their lives everything that hinders growth in grace.

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    • 9780892742486 Winning Over Weight

      Winning Over Weight


      Marilyn shares God’s Word about eating habits, how to “set your food apart” so it is health and strength to your body, and how to put resurrection power into your meals.

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    • 9780892765041 Growing Up Spiritually

      Growing Up Spiritually


      1. Locating Yourself
      2. Babyhood
      3. Childhood
      4. Manhood
      5. Walking With Your Father
      6. Walking In Love
      7. Receiving Knowledge
      8. What Manner Of Man Are You?
      9. The Natural Man
      10. The Carnal Man
      11. The Spiritual Man
      12. The Right Diet
      13. A Word Of Encouragement

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      The Body of Christ is in need of members who are spiritually mature. All of us begin at the New Birth as spiritual babes in Christ, but God doesn’t intend that we stay that way. His desires is for us to grow into Christian maturity.
      In his book Growing Up, Spiritually, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin compares stages of spiritual growth to those of physical growth. This book will help you locate where you are spiritually and then show you how to grow into the next stage of spiritual development.

      You won’t be the same after reading and receiving the message of Growing Up, Spiritually, and the Body of Christ will be strengthened as you grow and develop in God!

      By applying the principles outlined in this book, you will learn:

      *how to locate yourself in your spiritual walk.
      *how to walk in close fellowship with your Heavenly Father.
      * the difference between divine love and natural human love.
      * the biblical characteristics of the natural man, the carnal man, and the spiritual man.
      * the importance of the correct spiritual diet.

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    • 9780883680032 Handbook On Holy Spirit Baptism

      Handbook On Holy Spirit Baptism


      37 Chapters

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      What is the baptism in the Holy Spirit?
      What is speaking in tongue?
      Are miracles for today?
      How to receive the Holy Spirit
      Overcoming hindrances to receiving the Spirit
      How to tell a counterfeit experience
      Why should I speak in tongues?

      You will experience a new power to witness and more power in prayer as you find the Scriptures coming alive to you. Discover all of the life-changing benefits God wants to give you today!

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