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  • Miracles Of The Eucharist With Carlo Acutis


    A collaboration between Sacrata Dei Press & Voyage Comics!

    Discover the legendary stories of three extraordinary Eucharistic miracles, narrated by the Digital Disciple, Bl. Carlo Acutis, and his friends.

    Encounter vivid illustrations of the Eucharistic miracles of Lanciano, Siena, and Santarem in an entertaining comic book format, suitable for all ages.

    This comic is the first in a series exploring the many fascinating Eucharistic miracles of the world.

    Printed in a saddle-stitch paperback comic book.

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  • Easter Ideals 2024


    Find hope in the pages of this family-favorite, time-honored Easter tradition.

    Loyal readers are drawn to Ideals for its celebration of life’s most treasured moments. This year’s compilation of prose and poetry continues Ideals’ legacy of providing inspiration and comfort for readers. The Easter issue, always a reminder of the true heart of Easter, includes heartwarming text selected with care, alongside beautiful, full-color photographs and fine art reproductions. Beloved writer Pamela Kennedy shares holiday memories and family traditions; poet Eileen Spinelli taps into the charm of the season; and the original Easter story is told through Bible passages accompanied by fine art. The Family Recipes feature, a reader favorite, offers Easter-appropriate recipes to prepare and share.

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  • 101 Questions Volume 11


    Our latest “101 Questions” volume is all about the Ten Commandments. It explains what each one is in detail and also how it applies to living in today’s world.

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  • 101 Questions Volume 14


    Volume 14 in our “101 Questions about the Bible and Christianity” series deals with and answers the following questions:

    *How can we believe the virgin birth?
    *If Christianity is so good why will so few people go to Heaven?
    *Is Islam compatible with Christianity?
    *Is the Quran or the Bible the Word of God?
    *What is the difference between sovereignty and free will?
    *If God made me like this, isn’t it His fault?

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  • Eternals


    After the Millennial reign of Christ the next event in history is the eternal state – or Eternity. Who will live there? How will we live? What activities will we do? The Bible has a lot to say about wonder, expectations, and promises of Eternity.

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  • 101 Questions Volume 13


    Volume 13 in our “101 Questions about the Bible and Christianity” series deals with and answers the following questions:

    *Where did all the water go after the Great Flood?
    *How can you believe the Bible’s story of a talking snake?
    *Don’t different Bible versions prove the Bible has mistakes?
    *Hasn’t religion caused more wars in history than anything else?
    *Why does God test us if He already knows what we will do?
    *Did Balaam’s donkey really talk?
    *Was Adam a real person?
    *Why do people believe in God?
    *Isn’t the church just full of hypocrites?
    *How can I grow in prayer?

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  • Kingdom


    Jesus Christ will return to earth in the same manner in which he left but this time he will reign on earth for 1,000 years in a time known as the Millennial Kingdom. But when does that happen and where does it take place? This comic book is packed full of Biblical information and illustrations about that future time period.

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  • 101 Questions Volume 10


    Our latest “101 Questions” volume deals with a new list of questions, including one that people ask us about Kingstone! There are some very unique questions and answers in this issue.

    This volume provides Biblical, historical, and logical answers to:

    *Why did people in the Old Testament live so long?
    *How was there light on Day 1 if the sun was not created until Day 4?
    *How can we believe that all creation took place in six literal days?
    *What happened to Enoch?
    *What is the age of accountability?
    *Does the Bible mention giants?

    And one that people ask us on occasion, whether the creation of Christian art, movies, and pictures of Jesus are a violation of God’s ban against creating graven images.

    “101 Questions, Volume 10” contains more simplified apologetics to help all ages formulate reasonable answers to challenging questions.

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  • 101 Questions Volume 9


    “101 Questions About the Bible and Christianity, Volume 9” is literally the most important comic book Kingstone Comics has released this year.

    The belief that all paths lead to God and the question of absolute truth are issues regularly raised by young and old alike. Our publishing team felt these issues merited a very thorough response for the benefit of the next generation, so we have dedicated this entire comic book to that end.

    Besides addressing (from several different angles of logical consistency) the question, “Don’t all paths lead to God?” we have also included an important addendum. 101 Questions, Vol. 9 concludes with a seven-page survey of religious systems and their core tenets and beliefs.

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  • 101 Questions Volume 8


    101 Questions about the Bible and Christianity is a series of simplified apologetics designed to help young adults grasp and understand Biblical answers to some of the more challenging and intriguing questions about the Bible and the Christian faith. Volume 8 in the series deals with the following questions and provides equally intriguing Biblical answers:

    #33 How can we believe the Jonah and the whale story?
    #34 What is the difference between body, soul, and spirit?
    #35 What does the Bible mean when it says we are not to judge people?
    #36 What are the different judgments of God in the Bible?
    #37 Why does a good God allow evil?
    #38 What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
    #39 What are vain repetitions?

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  • Antichrist


    The Bible describes the eventual rise of a leader so wicked that he can only be called the Antichrist. He comes to power in the last years of planet earth and he opposes God and Christ and even sets up an image of himself in the Jewish temple. But the return of Christ to earth removes this wicked leader and assigns him to the place God has prepared for he and his followers.

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  • 101 Questions Volume 12


    Our latest “101 Questions” volume answers these questions:

    *When is civil disobedience allowed?
    *Is lying ever acceptable?
    *How can you believe in the Bible when it condones slavery?
    *What is relativism?
    *Is Christianity a crutch?
    *What happened to the Ark of the Covenant?
    *God or the Tooth Fairy?
    *What about unanswered prayer?

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  • Rapture


    The return of Christ, the rapture, how does all of this fit in? This comic book looks at what the Bible says about the the taking away of the church and the true followers of Christ. This comics reviews and looks at the three most prominent viewpoints and the scriptural basis for each.

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  • Prophets 5


    Comic book compilation of the minor prophets Zechariah, Malachi and the time period in world history between the Old Testament and the New Testament.

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  • Prophets 1


    The Prophets 1 covers the major prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, both who were called to prophesy to the nation of Judah. Judah was threatened by both Assyria and Egypt; Isaiah proclaimed to Judah a message of repentance from sin and hopeful expectation of God’s deliverance in the future. Jeremiah contains the final prophecies to Judah, warning of oncoming destruction if the nation does not repent. As a result of Judah’s continued and unrepentant idolatry, God allowed the Babylonians to destroy both the city of Jerusalem Solomon’s Temple. The Book of Lamentations is a lament for what occurred to Judah and Jerusalem.

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  • Ezra


    Ezra recounts God’s marvelous work in bringing many Israelites back to Jerusalem after 70 years of exile in Babylon. The Israelites struggled to rebuild the Temple and to deal with sin in the lives of those who chose to follow the world’s values rather than God’s.

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  • Prophets 4


    Nahum was written to between 663 and 612 B.C. to tell the people of Judah to not despair because the brutal Assyrians would soon be getting their just punishment from God. The prophet Habakkuk cries out against the sins of Judah but grapples with the fact that they will suffer at the hands of enemies even more wicked than themselves, but that they can trust God’s wisdom and plan of salvation. Zephaniah’s message is that God is sovereign over the nations, the wicked will be punished, the righteous vindicated and that God blesses all those who repent and trust in Him. When the people of Judah returned after the Babylonian Exile, Haggai called them to glorify God by rebuilding the temple in spite of opposition and to not to be discouraged because the temple would not be as elaborate as the temple of Solomon.

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  • Babylon Kingdom


    The book of Daniel can be very confusing to readers because of all its symbols and imagery. But within this book is a very clear understanding of what will happen in the world in future events. The prophecies of Daniel had their fulfillment in both near events and also in future world events. This comic book dives into these prophecies and also explains the Seventieth Week of Daniel.

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  • Babylon Conquest


    The Persian army conquers Babylon and the Jews soon find themselves under a new ruler. But the new Persian rulers have heard about Daniel and also include him in their leadership of governing Babylon. But when jealous administrators set a trap with the Persian ruler, Daniel is thrown into a den of hungry lions. But it is just one more opportunity for God to demonstrate His power in the life of Daniel and on behalf of the Hebrews.

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  • Babylon Exile


    The city of Jerusalem falls to the Babylonian army and their indomitable king Nebuchadnezzar. After conquering the city, the Babylonian king deports its inhabitants, including members of the royal family, to Babylon. Among these exiles is a young man named Daniel who, even as a young man, showed that he would not compromise his beliefs. In situation after situation, even when his life was at stake, he demonstrated iron-clad trust in God. When King Nebuchadnezzar has a disturbing dream, Daniel is the only one gifted by God to be able to state what the dream was and its meaning. This event propels Daniel into leadership in service to their conquerors.

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  • Letters 3


    The letter to the Hebrews as well as the pastoral epistles and letters written by the apostles James, Peter, John and Jude.

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  • Letters 2


    The instructional epistles of Paul to the churches in Philippi, Colossae, Thessalonika and his personal pastoral letters to Timothy, Titus and Philemon.

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  • Letters 1


    Paul’s pastoral and instructional letters to the churches in Rome, Corinth, Galatia and Ephesus.

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  • Prophets 3


    Through an invasion of locusts, the prophet Joel speaks to the people of Judah. Amos is a simple shepherd and fruit picker who brings a message of impending doom and captivity for the nation of Israel because of her sins. Obadiah is a prophet of God who condemn Edom for the sin of pride against both God and Israel. Micah announces judgment upon Israel for social evils, corrupt leadership and idolatry but also tells what God will do when He restores the nation.

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  • Prophets 2


    The Book of Ezekiel was written during the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. He sought to bring his fellow Jews to repentance and to give them hope for the future. Ezekiel sought to remind the Jews that God was sovereign even in defeat and despair and they must obey to receive God’s blessings. Through the illustration of a wayward wife, the prophet Hosea reminded Israel that His love for Israel is long-suffering and unwavering.

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  • Exodus


    In one of the greatest miracles of deliverance ever seen, God opens the Red Sea so that Moses and the Israelites can pass through, and then brings the waters back over the Egyptians when they try to overtake them. As the people travel towards the Promised Land, God begins training Moses to teach the people what He requires.

    On Mount Sinai, God inscribes on tablets of stone the Ten Commandments. In the Exodus, God gives Moses detailed instructions for building a traveling tent of worship, as well as the ark of the covenant (a symbol of God’s presence among His people.) Moses receives explicit instructions on how God is to be worshipped, and guidelines for maintaining purity and holiness among the people.

    Through miraculous provisions of water and the miraculous feeding of the people with both manna and quail, God proves He is the God of the Hebrews and prepares them to go into the Promised Land.

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  • David The King


    After his great triumph over the Philistine giant, Saul brings David into his house and into his service. The people find a national hero in David but as the people praise him it inspires jealousy in King Saul. David marries one of the king’s daughters but still finds himself an object of King Saul’s temper and jealousy outbursts. David begins to gather a ragtag army around him and this group of adventurers follows him as he flees from place to place from the clutches of Kings Saul.

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  • David Mighty Men


    King David makes a fatal mistake when he commits adultery with the wife of one of his loyal soldiers and then sets up to have the loyal soldier killed in battle. One of the results of this sin is that the civil war that ensues in the country and against him is led by his own son Absalom. David survives the revolt against his kingship but his own son is killed in the process. Later, when David compels his army leaders to do a census of the fighting men God punishes the land with destruction, but then God hears David’s cry for mercy. David also has a group of outstanding warriors around him called the Mighty Men.

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  • David Civil War


    The prophet Samuel dies and King Saul continues to hunt David. As David is hiding from the king he takes another wife, Abigail. When the city where David and his men are staying is burned, the men are ready to kill David but he finds strength in the Lord. Saul continues his slide into disobedience and asks a medium to bring up the Prophet Samuel. The message of the prophet Samuel comes true and Saul is killed in battle. Civil war ensues between the House of Saul and the House of David, but David is soon made king of all Israel. This comic book covers I Samuel 25:1 – II Samuel 12:31 in the Bible.

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  • Wilderness


    After refusing to go up and take the land as God has instructed, the Israelites wander in the desert for another 40 years, until all of the unbelieving generation have died. During this time, King Balak of Moab recognizes that God is with the Hebrews, and hires the prophet Balaam to curse the people, but God turns his curses into blessings. After 40 years of wanderings, a new generation of Israelites arrives on the borders of the Promised Land, ready to enter by faith.

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  • Moses


    Moses is one of the leading figures in the entire Old Testament and the man chosen to bring the Hebrew people out of the bondage of slavery and into the land God had promised Abraham and his offspring. The descendants of Abraham lived in peace for several generations until a pharaoh arose who enslaved the Hebrew people and used them as slaves for his massive building projects. God blessed the Hebrew people with rapid numeric growth and as they grew in numbers the Egyptians began to be afraid. When Pharaoh ordered the death of all male children born to Hebrew women the mother of Moses attempted to save her child by placing him in a basket and putting it into the Nile. As a part of God’s divine plan, the basket was found by Pharaoh’s daughter who adopted him as her own and raised him in the palace of the pharaoh himself. But as Moses became an adult he saw the suffering of his people and took matters into his own hand by killing an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave. To escape punishment for this murder Moses fled into the wilderness for 40 years but encountered God at a burning bush. Returning to Egyptian at God’s command, Moses and his brother Aaron, go to Pharaoh in God’s name and demand that he let the people go to worship their God. Pharaoh stubbornly refuses, which begins the ten plagues of God’s judgment on Egypt, with the final plague being the slaying of the firstborn. Before this final and great plague, God gives Moses the Passover to commemorate God’s saving act in redeeming His people from bondage in Egypt.

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  • Revelation Volume 4 The Return


    As dark forces attack God’s people and seek to destroy planet Earth, the story of mankind seems to be futile and hopeless. But God is only setting up the climax for the visible return of Jesus Christ to destroy all those opposed to God and establishing the visible, physical kingdom of Jesus Christ on the Earth.

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  • Revelation Volume 3 The Antichrist


    The Bible foretells of the rise of the man of sin, the Antichrist. A world leader arises who seems to offer peace but in reality, he unleashes hellish forces of darkness on the earth.

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  • Revelation Volume 2 Tribulation


    While on earth, Jesus Christ foretold a time that would be like the “birth pangs” of a woman. Cataclysmic events begin happening where sin seems to run amok but God continues to direct people to His salvation through Jesus Christ in the midst of this great Tribulation.

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  • Revelation Volume 1 The Vision


    While exiled to the island of Patmos, the Apostle John is given a revelation of end time world events.

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  • Acts Volume 4 The Martyr


    Paul is arrested in Jerusalem under charges of sedition and made to appear before Roman judges. Though they can find no fault in him, Paul is sent to Rome because he has appealed to the higher authority. On the way he is shipwrecked on the island of Malta, where he is bitten by a snake but survives.

    In his first Roman imprisonment, Paul is under house arrest, and able to see people, but after Nero comes to the throne, Paul is arrested again and beheaded. Paul’s life of service and sacrifice, like that of Jesus, is a powerful message that continues to influence individuals around the world.

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  • Acts Volume 3 The Apostle


    The Apostle Paul travels all over the Roman Empire to make Christ known to both Jews and Gentiles. He is stoned and he is beaten but he continues. After seeing a man in a dream asking for help, he and his team go to Macedonia to make the gospel known in Corinth and the surrounding areas. After casting a demon out of a slave girl, he and his partner Silas are beaten and thrown into jail, only to be delivered by a great earthquake. In spite of difficulty after difficulty, Paul continues to spread the gospel throughout the known world.

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  • Acts Volume 2 The Misssionary


    The great story of the building of the early church continues. False witnesses and testimony result in Stephen being stoned to death and becoming the first martyr of the church, with Saul standing there approving of his death. As persecution breaks out and the disciples are spread out Philip encounters an Ethiopian who is seeking God and baptizes him. But God is not finished with Saul who encounters the risen Christ on the road to Damascus and loses his eyesight. Saul, the hater of the church is converted and becomes a missionary for Jesus. Peter is shown by the Lord through a vision of animals that the gospel is for Gentiles as well as Jews.

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  • Acts Volume 1 The Awakening


    Jesus Christ ascends into Heaven, having instructed his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Peter and others begin preaching the resurrection to great effect and great persecution, and thousands believe. Peter heals a crippled person and is brought before the Sanhedrin (the Jewish ruling council.) After being jailed, an angel of God releases the disciples so they can continue to proclaim the Good News. The deacon Stephen is also arrested, and brought before the Sanhedrin under false charges, leading to the first biblical appearance of the man who will become Paul.

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  • Fall


    Through His prophets, God sent many warnings of what would happen to His chosen people if they neglected His law and His many warnings. Though there were periodic revivals under God-fearing kings such as Asa, Jehoshaphat and Hezekiah, many of the kings of both Israel and Judah abandoned the worship of Yahweh and chose to follow the false gods of the nation around them and of the lands they conquered. As a result, God allowed the Assyrians and the Babylonians to conquer the people of Israel.

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  • Elijah


    After the prophet Elijah leaves in a fiery chariot, his appointed prophet successor Elisha comes to the forefront of spiritual service to the nation of Israel. Like Elijah, his ministry is marked with great miracles. Ax-heads float, people are healed, mockers are hunted down by bears and many other events mark the ministry of Elisha. God also reveals future political leaders to Elisha and the damage they will do to the nation of Israel.

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  • Gods And Kings


    When they did not seek the Living God, the people of Israel began turning to various gods. Civil war ensued and the nation of Israel was broken into two entities – the norther tribes of Israel and Judah in the southern part. Jeroboam and Rehoboam were the first of many kings of these new national entities. A beginning chronology of both the good and wicked kings of Judah and Israel.

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  • Solomon


    After the death of King David, a struggle ensues for the throne of Israel. Adonijah, one of the sons of David and backed by General Joab, declares himself the new king of Israel. But on his death bed, David declares that Solomon is to be the new king. Endowed by God with great wisdom, Solomon leads Israel to some of its strongest growth as a nation but over time his many wives and concubines lead his heart astray after many other gods.

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  • Fleeing Darkness


    As the threat of war arises, an established American community in the capital of North Korea is forced to evacuate. But in the turmoil of impending war, all of their Korean-born friends are left to endure the brutal Communist takeover and find their newfound faith put to the most brutal of tests.

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  • Judges Volume 4


    The days of the judges were termed the days when “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” As the people of Israel began following the customs and gods of the nations around them God began delivering them into the hands of their oppressors. Judges 4 covers the stories of Ruth and of Samuel, the last judge of Israel.

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  • Judges Volume 3


    The days of the judges were termed the days when “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” As the people of Israel began following the customs and gods of the nations around them God began delivering them into the hands of their oppressors. Judges 3 covers the time of Samson leading the people of Israel and the days after Samson, when the people again turned away from God to do whatever they saw fit.

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  • Judges Volume 2


    The days of the judges were termed the days when “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” The people of Israel began following the customs and gods of the nations around them. So God began sending judges to deliver His people. Judges 2 covers the time of the judges Gideon, Abimelech and Jephthah.

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  • Judges Volume 1


    The days of the judges were termed the days when “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” The people of Israel began following the customs and gods of the nations around them. So God began sending judges to deliver His people. Judges 1 covers the early judges Othniel, Ehud and Deborah.

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  • Joseph : The Patriarchs


    Joseph was the next youngest son of the patriarch Jacob and his name is synonymous with all the tribes that made up the northern kingdom of Israel. Being betrayed and sold by his brothers is an example of God s ultimate plan to bring purpose out of great suffering. Through divine circumstances, Joseph becomes Pharaoh s chief of staff over all Egypt and is used to preserve and bring the nation of Israel to Egypt.

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  • Isaac And Jacob


    Isaac was the second of the patriarchs of Israel, the only son of Abraham and Sarah, as well as the father of Esau and Jacob. In the Old and New Testaments, God is called the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, because with them God’s relationship of promise and purpose was fixed for all those who descended from them. Jacob, also called Israel, was a Hebrew patriarch as the grandson of Abraham, the son of Isaac and Rebekah, and also viewed as the traditional ancestor of the people of Israel as he fathered twelve sons, the twelve tribes of Israel.

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