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  • Engage 365 Beginning And Endings


    A year’s worth of Bible-reading notes for older teenagers, covering the Bible’s overarching storyline.

    This one-year edition of Engage Bible-reading notes takes older teens and young adults through the overarching storyline of the Bible, from beginning to end.

    Engage365 explores the beginning of the world (Genesis 1-11), of God’s chosen people (Genesis 12-50; Exodus 1-20), of God’s song book (Psalms 1-23), of the church (Acts), and of life as a Christian (Colossians); plus the life and ministry of Jesus (Luke), and the end of everything (Revelation).

    A fun, engaging way for young people to dig deep into some key books of the Bible and learn how to handle, question and explore God’s word.

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  • David The King


    Teen, Magazines, Art Ayris

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    After his great triumph over the Philistine giant, Saul brings David into his house and into his service. The people find a national hero in David but as the people praise him it inspires jealousy in King Saul. David marries one of the king’s daughters but still finds himself an object of King Saul’s temper and jealousy outbursts. David begins to gather a ragtag army around him and this group of adventurers follows him as he flees from place to place from the clutches of Kings Saul.

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  • Daily Wisdom For Teen Girls


    Start your day off right-every day of the year!

    With an engaging devotion and related scripture selection for every day of the year, Daily Wisdom for Teen Girls is designed to draw you closer to your heavenly Father. Spend daily quiet time with Him and experience encouragement and faith-building inspiration as you come to know and understand God loves and cares about you-no matter what!

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  • David Mighty Men


    Teen, Magazines, Art Ayris

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    King David makes a fatal mistake when he commits adultery with the wife of one of his loyal soldiers and then sets up to have the loyal soldier killed in battle. One of the results of this sin is that the civil war that ensues in the country and against him is led by his own son Absalom. David survives the revolt against his kingship but his own son is killed in the process. Later, when David compels his army leaders to do a census of the fighting men God punishes the land with destruction, but then God hears David’s cry for mercy. David also has a group of outstanding warriors around him called the Mighty Men.

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  • David Civil War


    Teen, Magazines, Art Ayris

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    The prophet Samuel dies and King Saul continues to hunt David. As David is hiding from the king he takes another wife, Abigail. When the city where David and his men are staying is burned, the men are ready to kill David but he finds strength in the Lord. Saul continues his slide into disobedience and asks a medium to bring up the Prophet Samuel. The message of the prophet Samuel comes true and Saul is killed in battle. Civil war ensues between the House of Saul and the House of David, but David is soon made king of all Israel. This comic book covers I Samuel 25:1 – II Samuel 12:31 in the Bible.

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  • Wilderness


    Teen, Magazines, Art Ayris

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    After refusing to go up and take the land as God has instructed, the Israelites wander in the desert for another 40 years, until all of the unbelieving generation have died. During this time, King Balak of Moab recognizes that God is with the Hebrews, and hires the prophet Balaam to curse the people, but God turns his curses into blessings. After 40 years of wanderings, a new generation of Israelites arrives on the borders of the Promised Land, ready to enter by faith.

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  • Moses


    Teen, Magazines, Art Ayris

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    Moses is one of the leading figures in the entire Old Testament and the man chosen to bring the Hebrew people out of the bondage of slavery and into the land God had promised Abraham and his offspring. The descendants of Abraham lived in peace for several generations until a pharaoh arose who enslaved the Hebrew people and used them as slaves for his massive building projects. God blessed the Hebrew people with rapid numeric growth and as they grew in numbers the Egyptians began to be afraid. When Pharaoh ordered the death of all male children born to Hebrew women the mother of Moses attempted to save her child by placing him in a basket and putting it into the Nile. As a part of God’s divine plan, the basket was found by Pharaoh’s daughter who adopted him as her own and raised him in the palace of the pharaoh himself. But as Moses became an adult he saw the suffering of his people and took matters into his own hand by killing an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave. To escape punishment for this murder Moses fled into the wilderness for 40 years but encountered God at a burning bush. Returning to Egyptian at God’s command, Moses and his brother Aaron, go to Pharaoh in God’s name and demand that he let the people go to worship their God. Pharaoh stubbornly refuses, which begins the ten plagues of God’s judgment on Egypt, with the final plague being the slaying of the firstborn. Before this final and great plague, God gives Moses the Passover to commemorate God’s saving act in redeeming His people from bondage in Egypt.

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  • Creator Father King


    Creator, Father, King is a One Year devotional written to help teens learn more about God and see His love, His perfect character, and His eternal plan of redemption to reconcile lost sinners to Himself. Josh Cooley uses verses from all 66 books of the Bible to show how God can be found throughout Scripture.

    Each of the 365 devotions includes a “what does it mean” section, a “now what” section, and a “did you know” section. It gives practical ideas for spiritual growth, additional perspectives and background for each devotion, and a summary of how each devotion describes God.

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  • Revelation Volume 4 The Return


    Teen, Magazines, Art Ayris

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    As dark forces attack God’s people and seek to destroy planet Earth, the story of mankind seems to be futile and hopeless. But God is only setting up the climax for the visible return of Jesus Christ to destroy all those opposed to God and establishing the visible, physical kingdom of Jesus Christ on the Earth.

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  • Revelation Volume 3 The Antichrist


    Teen, Magazines, Art Ayris

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    The Bible foretells of the rise of the man of sin, the Antichrist. A world leader arises who seems to offer peace but in reality, he unleashes hellish forces of darkness on the earth.

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  • Revelation Volume 2 Tribulation


    Teen, Magazines, Art Ayris

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    While on earth, Jesus Christ foretold a time that would be like the “birth pangs” of a woman. Cataclysmic events begin happening where sin seems to run amok but God continues to direct people to His salvation through Jesus Christ in the midst of this great Tribulation.

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  • Revelation Volume 1 The Vision


    Teen, Magazines, Art Ayris

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    While exiled to the island of Patmos, the Apostle John is given a revelation of end time world events.

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  • Acts Volume 4 The Martyr


    Teen, Magazines, Randy Alcorn

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    Paul is arrested in Jerusalem under charges of sedition and made to appear before Roman judges. Though they can find no fault in him, Paul is sent to Rome because he has appealed to the higher authority. On the way he is shipwrecked on the island of Malta, where he is bitten by a snake but survives.

    In his first Roman imprisonment, Paul is under house arrest, and able to see people, but after Nero comes to the throne, Paul is arrested again and beheaded. Paul’s life of service and sacrifice, like that of Jesus, is a powerful message that continues to influence individuals around the world.

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  • Acts Volume 3 The Apostle


    Teen, Magazines, Randy Alcorn

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    The Apostle Paul travels all over the Roman Empire to make Christ known to both Jews and Gentiles. He is stoned and he is beaten but he continues. After seeing a man in a dream asking for help, he and his team go to Macedonia to make the gospel known in Corinth and the surrounding areas. After casting a demon out of a slave girl, he and his partner Silas are beaten and thrown into jail, only to be delivered by a great earthquake. In spite of difficulty after difficulty, Paul continues to spread the gospel throughout the known world.

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  • Acts Volume 2 The Misssionary


    Teen, Magazines, Randy Alcorn

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    The great story of the building of the early church continues. False witnesses and testimony result in Stephen being stoned to death and becoming the first martyr of the church, with Saul standing there approving of his death. As persecution breaks out and the disciples are spread out Philip encounters an Ethiopian who is seeking God and baptizes him. But God is not finished with Saul who encounters the risen Christ on the road to Damascus and loses his eyesight. Saul, the hater of the church is converted and becomes a missionary for Jesus. Peter is shown by the Lord through a vision of animals that the gospel is for Gentiles as well as Jews.

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  • Acts Volume 1 The Awakening


    Teen, Magazines, Randy Alcorn

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    Jesus Christ ascends into Heaven, having instructed his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Peter and others begin preaching the resurrection to great effect and great persecution, and thousands believe. Peter heals a crippled person and is brought before the Sanhedrin (the Jewish ruling council.) After being jailed, an angel of God releases the disciples so they can continue to proclaim the Good News. The deacon Stephen is also arrested, and brought before the Sanhedrin under false charges, leading to the first biblical appearance of the man who will become Paul.

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  • Fall


    Teen, Magazines, Art Ayris

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    Through His prophets, God sent many warnings of what would happen to His chosen people if they neglected His law and His many warnings. Though there were periodic revivals under God-fearing kings such as Asa, Jehoshaphat and Hezekiah, many of the kings of both Israel and Judah abandoned the worship of Yahweh and chose to follow the false gods of the nation around them and of the lands they conquered. As a result, God allowed the Assyrians and the Babylonians to conquer the people of Israel.

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  • Elijah


    Teen, Magazines, Art Ayris

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    After the prophet Elijah leaves in a fiery chariot, his appointed prophet successor Elisha comes to the forefront of spiritual service to the nation of Israel. Like Elijah, his ministry is marked with great miracles. Ax-heads float, people are healed, mockers are hunted down by bears and many other events mark the ministry of Elisha. God also reveals future political leaders to Elisha and the damage they will do to the nation of Israel.

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  • Gods And Kings


    Teen, Magazines, Art Ayris

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    When they did not seek the Living God, the people of Israel began turning to various gods. Civil war ensued and the nation of Israel was broken into two entities – the norther tribes of Israel and Judah in the southern part. Jeroboam and Rehoboam were the first of many kings of these new national entities. A beginning chronology of both the good and wicked kings of Judah and Israel.

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  • Solomon


    After the death of King David, a struggle ensues for the throne of Israel. Adonijah, one of the sons of David and backed by General Joab, declares himself the new king of Israel. But on his death bed, David declares that Solomon is to be the new king. Endowed by God with great wisdom, Solomon leads Israel to some of its strongest growth as a nation but over time his many wives and concubines lead his heart astray after many other gods.

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  • Girls Guide To Best Friends And Mean Girls


    Help Your Daughter Develop Healthy Friendships Friends can make or break the life of a tween girl (ages 8-12). That’s why bestselling author Dannah Gresh, popular speaker and creator of the True Girl live events, and youth educator Suzy Weibel have developed this resource that targets the hearts of tweens as they pursue friendships and grow toward young adulthood. Equal parts self-help manual and interactive Bible study, A Girl’s Guide to Best Friends and Mean Girls will teach your daughter what true friendship is and how to make wise choices, overcome hurts and jealousy, ask for and extend forgiveness, and strengthen her relationship with Jesus.

    This honest and biblically sound guide will encourage your daughter to form friendships that help her flourish emotionally, developmentally, and spiritually.

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  • Girls Guide To Understanding Boys


    Help Your Girl Get to Know Boys from God’s Perspective

    When it comes to boys, tween girls (ages 8 to 12) may become obsessed with them or avoid them entirely. Neither of these extremes promote healthy social development or reflect God’s plan for how the two sexes should interact.

    Equal parts self-help manual and interactive Bible study, A Girl’s Guide to Understanding Boys will help your daughter cultivate a positive, age-appropriate view of her male counterparts, one that honors God, her parents, and herself.

    In kid-friendly language, your daughter will learn what dating is, including its purpose and potential pitfalls, how to act around boys, and what God wants her to do as she grows toward young adulthood.

    Let this honest and biblically sound resource help your daughter gain greater insight into how God created boys and how she should relate to them.

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  • Grace Not Perfection For Young Readers


    As she grows up in a generation that is busier and more distracted than ever, your tween girl will love the fun vibe and practical ideas in Grace, Not Perfection for Young Readers by bestselling author, creator of the Simplified Planner, and organizational expert Emily Ley.

    Today’s fast-paced, technology-driven society affects all ages, but it’s taking its biggest toll on our kids. Does your middle grader feel compelled to participate in a ton of activities, be an excellent student, take a perfect photo for every occasion, and be friends with as many people as possible–only to end up exhausted and anxious? Help her adopt a new, life-giving perspective in Grace, Not Perfection for Young Readers.

    With a colorful interior, plenty of photos, and actionable tips and lists, this young readers’ edition of Emily Ley’s popular book reminds you and your daughter that God offers abundant grace every day. Emily’s ideas include how to . . .
    *Create significant moments rather than orchestrating a picture-perfect life.
    *Pare down activities to what matters most–without FOMO.
    *Simplify life by simplifying three major areas: your space, your time, and your mind.
    *Create effective to-do lists and get through them one step at a time.

    Perfect for back-to-school, Christmas, birthdays, and coming-of-age celebrations, Grace, Not Perfection for Young Readers is completely reimagined for a younger audience but still includes Emily’s signature aesthetic and message. It’s a great book to enjoy with your daughter as you find your own new freedom in the adult edition.

    Timely and engaging, Grace, Not Perfection for Young Readers helps tween girls embrace the most important elements of life, trim off the superficial and superfluous, let go of unrealistic standards, and journey toward adulthood with the right outlook and tools to have a simpler, grace-filled, and happy life.

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  • My Work In Progress


    Creative writing inspiration. Artistic adventures. Calming meditations. Let your imagination run wild as you journey through this pretty and interactive journal that will kickstart your imagination and get your creative juices flowing!

    Some Find Your Voice writing, art, meditation, and interactive prompts include:

    *Create an abstract art image. Grab 3 different colors and just go to town! Color outside the lines. Don’t have a plan. Change things halfway through. Mess up. Life is messy, and the lines we choose to take often go awry!

    *Make a page of 5 positive things you like about yourself. Write 5 positive things that happened to you this week. Keep track of and record 1 good thing that happens every day of the month.

    *Go outside and choose one object (like a tree or blade of grass) and then write about it as much as you could. Be descriptive. Be flowery. Get creative.

    *Create an A-Z reading list and pick a book for each letter of the alphabet. Include books you’ve wanted to read but haven’t gotten to, books you own but haven’t touched, and books you’ve never heard of. Expand your mind with the thoughts and experiences of others!

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  • Little God Time For Teens 365 Daily Devotions


    Teenage girls today are constantly bombarded with ideas, images, and information. There is an endless supply of advice waiting at their fingertips or flowing from those around them. But how can they know what is really true? What is lasting and real?

    Be encouraged with truth as you spend time with God, reflecting on these devotions, scriptures, and prayers. Let him show you that you are beautiful, you are loved, and you were created with a purpose. There is no one quite like you, and he is delighted to call you his.

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  • Fleeing Darkness


    As the threat of war arises, an established American community in the capital of North Korea is forced to evacuate. But in the turmoil of impending war, all of their Korean-born friends are left to endure the brutal Communist takeover and find their newfound faith put to the most brutal of tests.

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  • Judges Volume 4


    Teen, Magazines, Kingstone Comics

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    The days of the judges were termed the days when “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” As the people of Israel began following the customs and gods of the nations around them God began delivering them into the hands of their oppressors. Judges 4 covers the stories of Ruth and of Samuel, the last judge of Israel.

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  • Judges Volume 3


    Teen, Magazines, Art Ayris

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    The days of the judges were termed the days when “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” As the people of Israel began following the customs and gods of the nations around them God began delivering them into the hands of their oppressors. Judges 3 covers the time of Samson leading the people of Israel and the days after Samson, when the people again turned away from God to do whatever they saw fit.

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  • Judges Volume 2


    Teen, Magazines, Kingstone Comics

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    The days of the judges were termed the days when “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” The people of Israel began following the customs and gods of the nations around them. So God began sending judges to deliver His people. Judges 2 covers the time of the judges Gideon, Abimelech and Jephthah.

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  • Judges Volume 1


    Teen, Magazines, Kingstone Comics

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    The days of the judges were termed the days when “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” The people of Israel began following the customs and gods of the nations around them. So God began sending judges to deliver His people. Judges 1 covers the early judges Othniel, Ehud and Deborah.

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  • Joseph : The Patriarchs


    Joseph was the next youngest son of the patriarch Jacob and his name is synonymous with all the tribes that made up the northern kingdom of Israel. Being betrayed and sold by his brothers is an example of God s ultimate plan to bring purpose out of great suffering. Through divine circumstances, Joseph becomes Pharaoh s chief of staff over all Egypt and is used to preserve and bring the nation of Israel to Egypt.

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  • Isaac And Jacob


    Isaac was the second of the patriarchs of Israel, the only son of Abraham and Sarah, as well as the father of Esau and Jacob. In the Old and New Testaments, God is called the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, because with them God’s relationship of promise and purpose was fixed for all those who descended from them. Jacob, also called Israel, was a Hebrew patriarch as the grandson of Abraham, the son of Isaac and Rebekah, and also viewed as the traditional ancestor of the people of Israel as he fathered twelve sons, the twelve tribes of Israel.

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  • 5 Minute Prayer Plan For Teen Girls


    SKU (ISBN): 9781643522531ISBN10: 1643522531MariLee ParrishBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2019Publisher: Barbour Publishing Inc.

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  • On The Go Devotional


    SKU (ISBN): 9781535972550ISBN10: 1535972556Binding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2019Publisher: B and H Publishing Group

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  • Choose Kindness 3 Minute Devotions For Teen Girls


    Got 3 minutes? . . .

    This delightful devotional that encourages teen girls, ages 13-18, to take a few moments of your day to quiet your spirit, think on God’s amazing love for you, and to choose kindness in your thoughts, words, and actions. Dozens of just-right-sized readings pack a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration and are designed to meet teens right where you are in life. In only 3 short minutes, your heart will be on its way to showing others–and the bigger world around you–kindness!

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  • Perfectly Unique Updated Edition


    In Perfectly Unique, bestselling author and sought-after speaker Annie F. Downs shares her humor and her wisdom to help pre-teen and young adult women understand how, from head to foot, the way you view your body is directly connected to how you serve God.

    From the thoughts you think to the steps you take, every part of you is part of your spiritual journey.

    Your body is a sacred treasure, a worshipful instrument, a unique masterpiece! But sometimes it feels confusing, awkward, or flawed. The truth is you and your body, all of it, are important and beautiful, designed especially by God with a specific plan and purpose! That’s a pretty big deal.

    Whether you are looking for new ways to love God more fully and understand his love and purpose for you or trying to figure out why God made you as you are, Perfectly Unique will take you on a thoughtful, funny, and spirit-filled exploration of the way you were designed and will help you better honor the creator by learning to value his perfectly unique creation–you!

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  • Radiant : His Light, Your Life For Teen Girls And Young Women


    Did you know that God’s light can shine through every facet of your identity? Radiant is an invitation for teen girls and young women to enjoy a candid conversation on identity with bestselling author Priscilla Shirer. You’ll hear reflections on life lessons she’s gathered from her teen years until now. She’ll show you how the light of God’s Word shaped her identity, and she’ll teach you how it can change and shape your life as well.

    The culture will try to define you, but this world is starving for something different that comes only from the creative genius of your God. You were created to reflect His light. . . . You were created to be radiant.

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  • My Faith Journal


    The My Faith Journal is a creatively crafted prompted journal with fun line-art illustrations that will inspire teen girls on their journey of faith, encouraging a deeper relationship with God. Size: 8.3 x 5.5

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  • Every Scripture Tells A Story Devotional Thought Journal For Teen Girls


    SKU (ISBN): 9781683228608ISBN10: 168322860XJoAnne SimmonsBinding: Cloth TextPublished: March 2019Publisher: Barbour Publishing Inc.

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  • Everyday Grace For Teens


    Being a teen is tough. Making friends, fitting in, planning your future, dating, dealing with parents–it can be overwhelming. These warm, light devotions, quotes, and Scripture passages are the perfect combination to encourage a teen’s hearts and remind the younger generation that God is bigger than any frustration.

    Sixty devotions interspersed with Scripture
    Beautiful full-color interior design
    Presentation page for personalization
    Ribbon marker
    Great gift for graduation!

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  • Lies Girls Believe


    You can’t change the world, but you can prepare her for it.

    Today’s girls face a number of challenges we never dealt with at their age. From skyrocketing anxiety rates to bullying on social media, the Enemy’s lies are everywhere. How do you help the girl you love walk in freedom?

    Equip her with Truth. Dannah Gresh, author of Secret Keeper Girl and Lies Young Women Believe (coauthored with Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth) brings you Lies Girls Believe. This fun, easy-to-read book engages your daughter in the twenty most important truths she needs. She’ll help solve problems using fun sidebars and it’s packed with wisdom, quizzes, games, exploded quotes, and graphics to help her absorb the message. Prepare your daughter for the difficult challenges she’ll face in the world today with sections addressing:
    *Lies about God
    *Lies about Friendship
    *Lies about the Future
    *Lies about Myself
    *Lies about Boys
    *And more!

    Lies Girls Believe is designed to help your daughter fully understand the Truth so she can live the way God meant for her to live-free!

    For the best results, use the accompanying Mom’s Guide to Lies Girls Believe which invites you to critically examine the lies girls believe and discover how to set your daughter free. It also helps facilitate discussion between you and your daughter.

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  • Life Of Lovely


    Find beauty. Find hope. Find your life of lovely.

    Annie F. Downs wants you to take each next step of life with excitement, heading forward with beauty and confidence. ?But what if the enemy is whispering lies that ?you are not smart enough, pretty enough, or rich enough? Or that ?you are too loud, too quiet, too thin, too fat, too much? What if you feel you don’t have what it takes to be who you really want to be?

    Personal yet powerful, A Life of Lovely offers young women honest stories, biblical truth, and courageous examples–all to encourage readers to persevere their way to hope. You will walk away excited about who you are becoming and challenged to look for lovely, fight to finish, and find the beautiful in your every day!

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  • Doodle Devotions For Girls


    The best devotionals for youth are the ones that encourage them to engage with God s Word and spend time meditating on what they ve read. Doodling, coloring, and journaling are some great ways to do that, and Doodle Devotions for Girls by Nancy Taylor fits the bill. Sixty devotions designed especially for teen girls will help your daughter, niece, or Sunday School student get deeper into her Bible in a way that s fun and creative!

    At just 152 pages, this book is easy for a young person to manage, and the illustrated black-and-white inside pages present the perfect canvas for the reader s own colorful doodles and notes. As the author says, Write all over this book! Ideal for preteen and teen girls.

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  • Jesus Calling 50 Devotions For Busy Days


    Before you charge into the busy day, take a few minutes to equip yourself. Jesus Calling : 50 Devotions for Busy Days brings the warmth and insight that more than 25 million people enjoyed through Jesus Calling and curates these devotions specifically to prepare you to handle busy days by setting aside your worries and enjoying God’s peace.

    Jesus Calling : 50 Devotions for Busy Days features 50 topical readings from Jesus Calling combined with relevant Scripture verses on the topics of peace, calm, and perspective.This book is part of a three-book series for teens, each focusing on a felt need. The other two books in the series focus on themes of thankfulness and growing in faith. These books are great for an individual study and make a great set for gift giving.

    Readers around the world already love how Sarah’s words help them connect with Jesus. Now the new Jesus Calling topical devotionals offer a way to focus even more deeply on the major felt needs in your life . . . and the lives of your friends, family, church, school, and friends.

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  • Jesus Calling 50 Devotions For A Thankful Heart


    A thankful heart opens the door to a vibrant relationship with Jesus. Jesus Calling : 50 Devotions for a Thankful Heart brings the warmth and insight that more than 25 million people have enjoyed through Jesus Calling in devotions curated specifically to help you see the blessings God has poured out on your life and help you develop a heart of gratitude.

    Jesus Calling : 50 Devotions for a Thankful Heart features 50 readings from Jesus Calling gathered together in a new way and combined with relevant Scripture verses on the topic of thankfulness.

    This book is part of a three-book series for teens, each focusing on a felt need. The other two books in the series focus on themes of growing your faith and dealing with busy days. These books are great for an individual study and make a great set for gift giving.

    Readers around the world already love how Sarah’s words connect with Jesus. Now the new Jesus Calling topical devotionals offer a way to focus even more deeply on the major felt needs in your life . . . and the lives of your friends, family, church, school, and friends.

    With a beautiful, classic cover and affordable price point, these topical devotionals are a natural addition to the Sarah Young brand-and the perfect way to pour into those you love.

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  • Warrior Within : Young Men Standing Strong In A Reckless World


    You have a voice in this culture…a culture that is literally spinning out of control.

    The Warrior Within will strengthen, encourage and challenge you to be the young man God has called you to be. Not a perfect man, but a man who trusts and believes his God.

    The Warrior Within addresses many topics: how the media is selling seduction to capture your mind and heart through pornography; wisdom in friendships; the girls in your life; the battle of sexting; becoming that warrior within. This book speaks candidly about sexual integrity. (I know you just rolled your eyes!) But the culture has thrown so many lies at you for years regarding this topic, and it is necessary to be up front and honest about it. To be a warrior within and a warrior for your generation, it is imperative that you understand the fight. You are the most influential player for your generation.

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  • Daily Wisdom For Teens


    Start your day off right-every day of the year-with Daily Wisdom for Teens, and spend time in the loving presence of your heavenly Creator.

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  • This Changes Everything


    “This Changes Everything” explains the gospel in a way that teenagers will understand, showing them how the truth about God changes everything-freeing them to live joyful, purposeful, and meaningful lives for Christ.

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  • Gods Grace For Teens


    SKU (ISBN): 9781535917643ISBN10: 1535917644B And H Editorial StaffBinding: Cloth TextPublished: June 2018Publisher: B and H Publishing Group

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  • Bible Promises For Life For Teens


    “The earth and sky will wear out and fade away before one word I speak loses its power or fails to accomplish its purpose.” Matthew 24:35 TPT

    What a wonderful promise-one of many that God has spoken over your life.

    Did you know there are hundreds of similar guarantees from God for every one of your needs? These promises don’t change; they are always true. They are for all people and for all time because they reflect the heart and character of God.

    Bible Promises for Life (for Teens) is a powerful resource that will guard and direct you. It is your complete handbook to everything God guarantees you in his Word. It will give you the confidence you need to face life’s troubles. It is the ideal gift to give to people who need to know God’s personal assurances for their every need. In this book, each of God’s promises is arranged by topic in alphabetical order, making it the perfect reference when you need God’s reassurance most.

    Keep a copy on your nightstand and give one to a friend. God’s promises will never lose their power or fail to accomplish their purpose in your life!

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