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Tracts and Booklets

  • Que Dice La Biblia Sobre El Pe – (Spanish)


    Este folleto responde preguntas como que es el perdon, por que necesitamos perdon, por que necesitamos perdonar a otros, por que el perdonar a nuestros enemigos va de la mano con el perdon que Dios nos da. El folleto consta de 14 paneles, cabe en la mayoria de las Biblias, 8.5 x 8.5 pulgadas, y al desdoblarlo mide 38 plugadas (casi un metro).

    Answers questions including: What is forgiveness? Why do we need forgiveness? Why do we need to forgive others? Why is forgiving enemies tied to whether God will forgive us? Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches. Unfolds to 38 inches long. Fits in a Bible. Full color, 14 panels, glossy coating for durability.

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  • Dones Espirituales Folleto – (Spanish)


    The Spiritual Gifts pamphlet explains the spiritual gifts in the Bible and includes a Spiritual Gifts Quiz to help people know their gifts. Full color pamphlet explains each of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and what they mean. When you became a Christian, the Holy Spirit gave you spiritual gifts to build up fellow believers both in your own church and worldwide. This pamphlet describes the different biblical gifts, explains what they are for, and the Spiritual Gifts Test helps you determine which of them you may have. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

    Dones Espirituales explica este tema de la Biblia e incluye un test para que los cristianos descubran que dones tienen. Este folleto a todo color explica cada uno de los dones que da el Espíritu Santo y señala que significan. Cuando una persona se convierte, el Espíritu Santo le otorga dones para edificar a los creyentes, tanto en la iglesia local como en la iglesia universal. Este folleto describe los distintos dones espirituales, explica cómo usarlos, y ayuda a determinar que dones tienen los cristianos. El folleto consta de 14 paneles, cabe en la mayoría de las Biblias, su tamaño es 8.5 x 8.5 pulgadas, y al desdoblarlo mide 38 pulgadas (casi un metro).

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  • Consuelo En Las Perdidas Folle – (Spanish)


    Obsequie Consuelo ante las Perdidas a alguien que este atravesando perdidas. Palabras de consuelo y ejemplos biblicos de muchos casos de perdidas ofrecen perspectiva, significado y esperanza ante perdidas devastadoras por muerte, divorcio, y perdida de amistades importantes. El folleto consta de 14 paneles, cabe en la mayoria de las Biblias, 8.5 x 8.5 pulgadas, y al desdoblarlo mide 38 plugadas (casi un metro).

    Put Comfort for Loss in the hands of a grieving friend to ease the journey through the grieving process. Words of comfort and biblical examples of grief for losses of many kinds help to give perspective, meaning, and hope to the devastation of loss through death, divorce, and the ending of significant relationships. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

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  • Atributos De Dios Folleto – (Spanish)


    People always wonder, “Who is God?” Is He an old confused grandfather sitting in the clouds? Or is he a loving father, a righteous judge, and a merciful king? What we believe about God makes a difference in how we worship and behave. Attributes of God gives 20 key traits of God: loving, just, kind, all-knowing, all-present, all-powerful, eternal, faithful, and more. Each attribute of God comes with explanation, application, Bible references, and questions for reflection and study. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long

    La gente siempre se pregunta quien es Dios. ¿Es acaso un abuelo confundido sentado en su trono allá en las nubes? ¿O es tal vez un padre amoroso, un juez justo y un rey misericordioso? Que creemos sobre Dios incluye en cómo lo adoramos y cómo nos comportamos. Este folleto describe 20 cualidades fundamentales de Dios: es amor, justo, bondadoso, todo lo sabe, está en todos lados, lo puede todo, es eterno, fiel, y mucho más. Para cada atributo de Dios se incluye explicación, aplicación, referencias bíblicas, y preguntas para estudio y reflexión. El folleto consta de 14 paneles, cabe en la mayoría de las Biblias, 8.5 x 8.5 pulgadas, y al desdoblarlo mide 38 plugadas (casi un metro). .   

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  • Christ Is Alive ATS


    Billy Graham prepares the readers of this tract for the inevitability of the human experience of physical death, but also of the reality of eternal life through belief in Christ.

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  • Amazing Love


    Joni Eareckson Tada’s moving account of Christ’s crucifixion brings to mind the realities of our Savior’s suffering as he bore the sins of humanity.

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  • Samson Pamphlet : Life Of Samson


    Samson was a supernaturally strong man chosen by God to free the nation of Israel. A hero of the Old Testament, he was also plagued by personal failures and weaknesses that led to his demise. But did you know that this incredible story is really about a gracious God that sent a flawed man to save an ever-disloyal Israel? Enjoy digging deeper and learning how God sent Samson as a type of “savior” to save Israel from the Philistines, foreshadowing the true Savior to come: Jesus Christ. Enrich your study with handy visuals and real-life application from the Life of Samson pamphlet!

    Packed with a full-color map, stunning time line and 4 clear reference charts, this Life of Samson pamphlet will give biblical and cultural insight into Samson’s story and suggestions on how we can still apply lessons from his life today. Great for personal or group Bible study!

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  • What The Bible Says About Fasting Pamphlet


    See key information on fasting at a glance! From Jesus’ 40 day fast in the wilderness to the “Daniel” fast, What the Bible Says About Fasting covers dozens of Bible verses on fasting and features over 20 practical tips for how to fast and pray!

    Have you ever wondered why fasting is important? Do you want to fast, but not sure if you are doing it “right?” Have you fasted before, and nothing happened? Fasting is a key spiritual discipline that will grow your spiritual intimacy with the Lord and refresh your prayer life. Deepen your understanding of fasting and see key information at a glance with this quick-reference pamphlet packed with charts, dozens of fasting verses, and practical tips!

    Enjoy getting solid answer to key questions on fasting:
    *What is fasting? Why should I fast?
    *Does Jesus say we are required to fast?
    *What’s the “Daniel fast?”
    *Will fasting help me get closer to God?
    *How can I fast and what is the right way to fast?

    Find out 4 different types of fasts; discover 8 tips on how to start fasting, and explore the connection between prayer and fasting as you dive into 17 stories of fasting from the Bible, including Daniel, Esther, Nehemiah, and Jesus. Great for personal or group Bible study!

    14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

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  • Major Prophets Pamphlet


    This overview of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel covers the ministries of these major prophets who encouraged, warned, and exhorted the people of Israel. Pamphlet includes a map, time line, historical context of each prophet, a chart of the major themes and key verses, and a chart showing the date, audience, and events of the time. Explains why these are called the “major” prophets, how prophecy is used in the Bible, and give fascinating facts about the prophets.

    Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches, full color, glossy coating. Folds out to 38 inches. Fits in a Bible cover.

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  • Basic Church History Time Line Pamphlet


    This visual Church History Time Line includes a Denominations Chart so you can see when various Christian churches started. This horizontal time line starts from the time of Jesus and continues to modern day. Packed with hundreds of events and people, this time line makes it easy to see:
    *Church growth
    *Christian expansion in other countries
    *History of Bible Translation
    *Martyrs, monks, and missionaries
    *Gutenberg Bible, King James Bible, and rise of modern translations.

    Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches, full color, glossy coating. Folds out to 38 inches. Fits in a Bible cover.

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  • Promesas Biblicas De Esperanza – (Spanish)


    En este folleto a todo color, de facil manejo, se han reunido los versiculos mas consoladores y alentadores de las Escrituras para la vida diaria. Presenta cien de los versiculos biblicos favoritos para quienes estan experimentando tristeza, temor y desesperacion. Cada pasaje de promesa se ha escogido para reflejar el cuidado de Dios por su pueblo, y para inculcar esperanza, valor y consuelo. En los momentos dificiles, la mayor sabiduria y el consuelo se hallan en la Palabra de Dios. Reune cien de los versiculos mas consoladores y alentadores de las Escrituras para los momentos mas complicados de la vida. El formato desplegable de 14 paneles proporciona gran riqueza de informacion en una presentacion atractiva.

    Este folleto facilita versiculos que tratan los desafios y las necesidades personales, y estimulan a quienes precisan: escoger confiar en Dios en todos sus desafios, resistir a la tentacion de adorar el problema, recuperar su gozo y su paz, y orar y dejar que Dios se ocupe de todo. Los temas abordados incluyen la soledad y la depresion, la inquietud, la impaciencia, la inseguridad, la fuerza y el valor, el consuelo, la seguridad de la salvacion, la confusion, la ayuda a la hora de tomar decisiones dificiles, y mas.

    Ademas del uso personal, es un recurso superventas perfecto para el cuidado pastoral, los ministerios de oracion, el asesoramiento laico, los devocionales personales, la labor de alcance, asi como otras muchas situaciones del ministerio.

    The most comforting and encouraging Scripture verses are brought together in this full- color, easy-to-use pamphlet for everyday life. The Bible Promises for Hope and Courage pamphlet presents 100 of the best-loved Bible verses for those experiencing sorrow, fear, and despair. Each promise passage has been chosen to reflect God’s care for His people and to instill hope, courage, and comfort. The greatest wisdom and comfort during troubled times is found in God’s Word.Bible Promises for Hope and Courage brings together 100 of the most comforting and encouraging verses of Scripture to address life’s most difficult times. The 14-panel fold-out format presents a wealth of information in an attractive manner.

    Bible Promises for Hope and Courage provides Scriptures that address personal challenges and needs, and encourages those in need to: Choose to trust God with their challenges, resist the temptation to worship the problem, regain their joy and peace, and pray and let God take care of

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  • Halloween Quiz


    SKU (ISBN): 9781682160947UPC: 663575739814Binding: OtherPublished: August 2015Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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  • Gospel Story : Connecting Christ Throughout Gods Story


    Give readers the big picture of God’s story with this innovative, interactive booklet that’s perfect for outreach. The 32-page paperback takes more than 30 carefully chosen stories from The Big Picture Interactive Bible Storybook and combines them to tell the Gospel story simply and clearly. The “Christ Connection” feature reveals how Jesus is a part of each Bible story, and the “God’s Plan for Me” feature leads the reader to the plan of salvation which is included in the end of the book.

    Each spread offers a vivid four-color illustration, and you can download a free Augmented Reality app that brings the art and stories remarkably to life both visually (in 3D) and audibly. The audio is available in both English and Spanish.

    What better way to experience the most exciting story ever told?

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  • Abraham Journey Of Faith Pamphlet


    Abraham is mentioned over 300 times throughout the Bible and is considered one of the most important people to know from the Old Testament. Easily cover 20 key events from his life at a glance with Rose’s Life of Abraham pamphlet. Packed with simple summaries, quick-reference charts, a timeline, a map, and more-this incredible pamphlet is perfect for personal or small group use. Use it as a stand-alone Abraham Bible study or to add depth to any Old Testament study.

    Understanding the relationship between Abraham and God is key to understanding the Old and New Testament-and this pamphlet makes it easier than ever before. Enjoy having these features at your fingertips:
    *Easy-to-follow timeline covering 20 key events from Abraham’s life
    *Family Tree of Abraham (Starts with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob)
    *Quick-Reference Charts on key topics, including the 2 major types of covenants
    *Full-Color map showing Abraham’s journey from Haran
    *Relevant insights, reflection questions, and more!

    What happened from the time Abraham was called to leave Haran to the time he was willing to sacrifice his son? How did God use Abraham to point to the coming of Christ? Why does God refer to himself as the “God of Abraham?” The answers to these questions and many others are found in The Life of Abraham pamphlet. Discover the significance of God calling Abraham “his friend” and deepen your understanding of what it means to serve a Covenant God. Covers key relationships, including Abraham and Sarah, Abraham and Hagar, and even Abraham and Isaac.

    Perfect for personal use, small groups, Adult Sunday School, pastors, church leaders, Bible studies, and homeschool curriculum.

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  • Plan Of Salvation Pamphlet


    Packed with simple summaries, witnessing tips, and helpful illustrations, such as Romans Road, this easy-to-understand pamphlet shows how to present the Gospel in a simple yet effective way. It answers key question, including: What is the good news? How can I explain the gospel? and How can I share my faith?

    Enjoy having word pictures, simple explanations, and key Bible verses at your fingertips while covering these important topics:
    *4 keys to understanding the good news of the Gospel
    *5 insights into what it means to be a disciple of Christ
    *6 ways God promises to help us when sharing the gospel
    *Over 10 helpful witnessing tips and evangelism tools (Includes helpful illustrations, quick-reference charts, and Romans Road)

    Perfect for individual use, Bible studies, discipleship classes, evangelism training, new believer’s classes, church giveaways, or to keep in your Bible to reference when someone has a question. Fits inside most Bibles covers.

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  • 7 Churches Of Revelation Pamphlet


    Enjoy having an easy-to-understand overview on the seven churches in Revelation!

    Packed with quick-reference charts, simple summaries, and a full-color map, this quick-reference pamphlet explains Jesus’ message to each of the seven churches and shows key information at a glance! Perfect for personal use, small groups, or to add depth to any Revelation Bible study.

    The book of Revelation contains seven letters from Jesus to 7 churches in Asia Minor. In these letters, Jesus addresses the spiritual health of each church-He praised, encouraged, challenged, and warned each church so that they may be faithful to the end. As Christians today, it is important that we too check the spiritual health of our walk with God as we continue to wait for the coming of our Lord Jesus.

    From the faithful church of Philadelphia to the lukewarm congregation of Laodicea, enjoy having a solid overview at your fingertips that covers the cultural background and the relevant application of this key part of the Book of Revelation.

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  • 100 Things To Know When Dating Pamphlet


    Unfolds To 33″ Long
    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

    Additional Info
    PAMPHLET:100 Things to Know
    Here are 100 fantastic topics to consider when you are interested in someone. Questions cover topics such as character, responsibility, Christian faith, honesty, motivation, habits, addictions, and danger areas.
    * Does this person get along with other people in his or her family?
    * Does this person seem to have a vital relationship with God or does
    he or she just say religious things? (1 John 2:3-6)
    * Does he or she joke or brag about doing wrong things? (Proverbs 10:23)
    * Does this person flirt with others or treat you with respect? (1 Cor. 13)
    * Is he or she irritable, unforgiving, stubborn or looking for an
    opportunity to take revenge? (Matt. 5:38-39)
    * Does he or she talk about past relationships often?
    * Is their anything about him or her you would not want your parents or
    friends to know?

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  • Esperanza En Tiempos Dificiles – (Spanish)


    In hard times, it is easy to feel as if there is no hope. But Christ’s work on the cross gives reason for hope even in the darkest of times. Now available in Spanish.

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  • Parable Of The Prodigal Son Pamphlet


    Discover new insights into the Prodigal Son parable and be amazed at the depth of God’s love with Rose’ Publishing Parable of the Prodigal Son pamphlet. Features section-by-section commentary, simple summaries, and reflection question.
    We know Parable of the Prodigal Son Bible studies usually highlight the loving father’s forgiveness of his wayward son, but this Bible study also shows you how to extend compassion, grace, and forgiveness to your own prodigals. Discover original ways of how the parable applies to your life with this 14-page Bible study resource. Gain fresh insight with practical application steps and original reflection questions. Perfect for individual use or small group Bible studies.

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  • He Arose


    This timeless tract explains the glory of Christ’s death and resurrection! The attractive, large print font makes this a great Easter tract for all generations.

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  • Jerusalen Lineas De Tiempo Fol – (Spanish)


    Tiene dificultad para distinguir correctamente todos esos personajes y eventos biblicos?Hasta el presidente de una editorial cristiana puede regresar confundido de una visita a Jerusalen. Es dificil imaginar que aspecto tenia Jerusalen en los tiempos del rey David… o los tiempos de Jesus. Y no es facil mantener personajes y eventos de la Biblia en orden cronologico.

    Con esta linea de tiempo podra descubrir:
    * Personajes y eventos destacados en tiempos biblicos: el rey David y el rey Salomon
    * Como se construyo y fue destruido el templo, y como se reconstruyo y fue destruido nuevamente
    * Que aspecto tenia el templo en el tiempo de Cristo

    Tambien comprendera mejor las noticias de hoy dia
    * Comprendera por que Jerusalen es una de las ciudades mas disputadas de todos los tiempos
    * Aprendera la fascinante historia del moderno Estado de Israel
    * Conocera la historia de los cruzados y los sultanes islamicos

    Do you have trouble keeping all of those Bible people and events straight?

    Even the president of a Christian publishing company can visit Jerusalem and walk away confused. It’s hard to imagine what Jerusalem was like during King David’s time…or during Jesus’ time, and it’s tough to keep Bible people and events in chronological order.

    Here’s what you’ll discover by using this time line:
    * The key people and events during biblical times: King David and Solomon.
    * How the Temple was built and destroyed, and rebuilt and destroyed.
    * How the Temple looked at the time of Christ.

    You’ll also understand today’s news better. You will-
    * Understand why Jerusalem is one of the most fought-over cities of all time.
    * Learn the fascinating history of the modern State of Israel.
    * Know the history of the Crusaders and the Islamic Sultans.

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  • Pumpkin Maze


    SKU (ISBN): 9781682161937UPC: 663575739036Produced by: American Tract SocietyBinding: OtherPublished: August 2014Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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  • 12 Tribes Of Israel Pamphlet


    Enjoy having a simple overview on the 12 Tribes of Israel at your fingertips. See each tribe’s symbol, meaning, history, and other fascinating facts at a glance. Includes incredible visual aids, such as a full-color map, family tree, Tabernacle diagram, and more.

    Almost every person in the Bible belonged to one of the 12 Tribes of Israel based on their ancestry: From Moses who was a Levite to the Apostle Paul who was Benjaminite. Each tribe had its own history, land, and heritage. Now you can easily grasp the “backstory” of each tribe and see key information at a glance! For example, find out the significance of Jesus being called the “Lion of Judah.” For each of the 12 Tribes of Israel, you will get-
    *A quick overview of its meaning, size, family history, location, and more.
    *A picture of the tribe’s symbol (such as the lion from the Tribe of Judah)
    *Simple summary of Jacob’s blessing, Moses’ blessing, and other key events related to each tribe. (Find out the major battles, controversies, and scandals that impacted each tribe. Plus, see which important Bible people came from each tribe of Israel.)

    Perfect for individual or group use. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

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  • Hebrews Pamphlet : A Study In The Book Of Hebrews


    Find out how to persevere, remain faithful, and live a life that glorifies God with this incredible in-depth Bible study on Hebrews. See how the early church withstood intense persecution and experience the peace that comes from recognizing Christ as our perfect High Priest. Includes section-by-section commentary, quick-reference charts, and simple summaries!

    Hebrews was written during a time of intense persecution against Christians in the Roman Empire. During that time, believers needed encouragement to follow Christ- just as we do today. By showing Jesus’ superiority to the Old Covenant, the letter encourages believers (then and now) to be faithful to Jesus even during the toughest of times! Enjoy having a fantastic overview on the entire book of Hebrews at your fingertips-get incredible insight into Jesus’ superiority to the old covenant and be encouraged by 15 heroes of our faith who resisted the urge to give up and stood firmly in their faith!

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  • Historia De Navidad Folleto – (Spanish)


    La Coleccion Temas de Fe pone al alcance de la mano informacion sencillay facil de usar sobre diversos temas. !El tamao es perfecto para insertarlo en la parte posterior de una Biblia o un cuaderno de apuntes!

    Este folleto de catorce paginas a todo color tiene abundantes ilustraciones, incluye un titulo explicativo y sirve como herramienta de referencia practica para uso personal o en el campo misionero.

    Este folleto presenta con las escrituras del Evangelio y los profetas, la historia del nacimiento de Jesus y el cumplimiento de las profecias que encontramos en el Antiguo Testamento.

    The Themes of Faith Collection provides simple, easy-to-use and accessible information on a variety of topics right at your fingertips. This pamphlet is sized to fit perfectly in the back of a Bible or study notebook!

    Each fourteen-page, full-color booklet is richly illustrated, carries a self-explanatory title and serves as an always-ready reference tool for personal use or in the mission field.

    With Scripture from the Gospel and the prophets, the pamphlet presents the story of Jesus’ birth and the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies.

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  • Es Bueno Dios – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781682161395UPC: 663575738848Language: SpanishMax LucadoBinding: OtherPublished: March 2014Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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  • Is God Good


    SKU (ISBN): 9781682161388UPC: 663575738862Max LucadoBinding: OtherPublished: March 2014Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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  • Youll Get Through This


    Based on the newest title by NY Times Best-selling author Max Lucado, You’ll Get Through This. This tract offers hope that God will help us through even the most difficult trials of life.

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  • Love Is


    SKU (ISBN): 9781682161630UPC: 663575738626Binding: OtherPublished: January 2014Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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  • Book Of Acts Pamphlet


    The Book of Acts Pamphlet is not simply ancient history. It is our story, the story that informs who Christians are. It’s the story of the early church, early missionary work, and the initial move of the Holy Spirit. It covers the lives of Peter, Paul, Barnabas, Silas and the other Christians who took the Gospel far beyond Jerusalem.

    This Book of Acts Bible Study Pamphlet shows that God is active. He was active in the book of Acts, and He is active in our lives today. Navigate deeper into the Acts of the apostles with Rose Publishing’s 14-page Bible study resource, The Book of Acts. This fantastic Bible study pamphlet provides loads of information at a glance. Enjoy simple summaries, Bible charts, biblical map, and other visual resources that make learning about the early church and early missions movement easier than ever before. It’s perfect for adult Bible studies, Sunday school lessons, and small group curriculum.

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  • Psalms Pamphlet : In Gods Presence


    Enrich Your Understanding of the Book of Psalms with Rose’s Psalms pamphlet. Explore this most beloved book, by learning the who, what, when and where about these favorite Bible passages. Discover the 10 different types of Psalms-from Psalms of Lament to Psalms of Thanksgiving, and learn how to effectively read these beautiful scriptures. This Psalms Bible study covers the basics everyone should know in order to fully unlock, appreciate, and learn from these heart-filled cries.

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  • Ruth Pamphlet : The Triumph Of Loyalty And Love – Loss, Love, And Redemptio


    The book of Ruth is a love story. It is a love story between Ruth and Boaz, one that illustrates the love and loyalty between God and his people. This Ruth Bible study emphasizes God’s unfailing love, loyalty, and faithfulness in all circumstances and it encourages the reader to have the kindness of Ruth and Boaz. This pamphlet includes a great overview of the book of Ruth, covering the lives of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz, as well as the historical and biblical background of Israel during that time. Gain fresh insights into this most beloved story and be amazed by God’s unfailing faithfulness once again.

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  • Halloween Tale


    SKU (ISBN): 9781682160954UPC: 663575738244Christin DitchfieldBinding: OtherPublished: August 2013Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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  • Abortion To Mercy


    You never thought you would be in the situation of having an abortion and once it’s over the pain is still there. The God-Crazy women show you that because of this one action God has not left you. This book is to help heal and move past the hurt.

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  • Abuse To Favor


    When abuse happens to women we tend to take on the pain alone, not wanting to let anyone in on our little secret. But the truth is you are not alone and you don’t have to endure it on your own. Abuse to Favor will help you realize that it’s not your fault and you don’t have to bear it alone.

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  • Book Of James Pamphlet


    The Book of James packs a punch! Fasten your seatbelt as this pamphlet explains key topics such as * “taming” the tongue * dealing with temptation * being “doers” not just “hearers” * backing up your faith with good works * humility vs. hypocrisy * and depending on the good gifts God has given each of us. Includes an overview, key verses, and study questions for person and group use. Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches. Unfolds to 38 inches long. Fits in a Bible. Full color, 14 panels

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  • How To Recognize The Messiah


    SKU (ISBN): 9781682161296UPC: 663575738121Binding: OtherPublished: May 2013Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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  • Christmas Story Pamphlet


    Here is the story of Jesus’ birth and the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies in a beautiful pamphlet that can be used as a handout at Christmas and as a Bible study to use during Advent. Using traditional wording from Matthew and Luke’s Gospels, and beautiful full-color art, this pamphlet starts with a angelic announcement of John the Baptist’s birth and the angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary. It continues with Mary and Joseph traveling to Nazareth, the birth of Jesus, and the visitation of the shepherds, and the Wise Men. It ends with the Gospel story and a forward look toward Christ’s second coming. This beautiful pamphlet will be treasured. Contains suggestions for Advent celebrations and traditional suggested readings; also includes suggestions for useing the pamphlet as a Christmas program script. Unfolds to 38 inches. 14 panels. Fits inside a Bible cover.

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  • No Greater Love


    There is no greater love in the world than Christ displayed by dying on the cross for our sins in our place.

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  • Majestic Meekness


    SKU (ISBN): 9781682161685UPC: 663575736219Charles SwindollBinding: OtherPublished: October 2012Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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  • God In A Manger


    SKU (ISBN): 9781682160725UPC: 663575736172Dan SchaefferBinding: OtherPublished: October 2012Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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  • Gaining A Hopeful Spirit Pamphlet


    Sometimes, finding hope in a tough situation is easier said than done. Gaining a Hopeful Spirit challenges us to receive hope from the Lord. When life leaves us desolate and foggy, the Lord wants to pick us back up and show us how hopeful we really can be. Joni has helped countless people pick their heads up when the road ahead seemed bleak. As a woman who has been through a tragic accident that left her quadriplegic, she can speak first-hand about Satan’s schemes that will keep you from living a life of worship.

    How can you be a source of joy for someone else when you are going through a hard time? Joni draws you closer to God as you realize that the hope that can get you through even the toughest of times only comes from God our Father. After reading this pamphlet, you’ll be able to help pass on the hope to friends and family members experiencing hopeless times.

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  • Then What


    SKU (ISBN): 9781682162330UPC: 663575736516Produced by: American Tract SocietyBinding: OtherPublished: September 2012Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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  • Missing Heaven By 18 Inches


    SKU (ISBN): 9781682161722UPC: 663575737179Produced by: American Tract SocietyBinding: OtherPublished: September 2012Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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  • Light Up The Night


    Our most popular tract glows in the dark…and explains the gospel, too! Activate the special ink by exposing the tracts to light for several minutes before kids start arriving.

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  • Somethings Missing


    SKU (ISBN): 9781682162132UPC: 663575736097Doug SalserBinding: OtherPublished: August 2012Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

    15 in stock

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  • Hidden Halloween Words


    SKU (ISBN): 9781682161128UPC: 663575736158Binding: OtherPublished: August 2012Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

    33 in stock

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  • Facing The Death Of Someone You Love


    Elisabeth Elliot’s practical words of comfort will guide others through their sorrow at the time of loss and give them reassurance that their God will never abandon them.

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  • Wheres My Miracle Pamphlet


    Where’s My Miracle?
    What to do when God doesn’t heal you

    Nothing can describe the horror of hearing doctors say, “You will never walk or use your hands again.”

    Or – “You have cancer. I’m afraid it’s terminal.”

    Like many people, you look to the Lord and pray for healing. You have friends and the pastor pray for you, but nothing happens. You read Scripture and claim the promises. You even have someone anoint you with oil or go to a healing crusade. But God doesn’t give you your miracle.

    You confess every possible sin and search your heart for any unconfessed sin. Your faith is strong and you tell everyone you will be healed, yet nothing seems to happen.

    You feel that God is playing a cruel joke or start to blame yourself for a lack of faith.

    And that’s a shame when Christians feel that way…

    The truth is that God certainly can heal and sometimes does heal people in a miraculous way. But the Bible does not teach that he will always heal those who come to him in faith.

    The big question is:
    What does the Bible REALLY teach about healing?

    The key is to understand God’s ultimate goal for your life. You need to-
    *Find joy in knowing God’s priorities for your life.
    *Know the comfort of the biblical promises.
    *Enthusiastically embrace God’s will for your life.

    You can find the joy of serving God despite unanswered prayer in this 14-page pamphlet. In just 30 minutes or less, you will unlock the door to a new attitude toward life.
    The topic of unanswered prayer is an issue that author, Joni Eareckson Tada, can speak to personally: A diving accident in 1967, when she was 17, left her a quadriplegic. She has lived 45 years in a wheelchair and she has experienced her share of ups and downs. “But,” she says, “oh, the difference the grace of God has made in my life.”

    Let Joni tell you her secrets to peace and joy, despite her wheelchair. She has spent decades studying the Word of God. She knows that God does not enjoy seeing your pain and frustration. He has compassion for you and gives you many ways to deal with life so that you can have peace.

    She has taken her most important insights on turning unanswered prayer into a life of joy (not anxiety) and has encapsulated them into this 14-page pamphlet. Whether you or a loved one is suffering. This pamphlet will bring you some help to break free from the strangle hold of fear and worry when God doesn’t seem to answer.

    In this pamphlet, you will find hope. Joni tells her sto

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  • Jerusalem Time Line Pamphlet


    Jerusalem Time-Line – Key Events From Bible Times to Modern Israel
    Long before King David made Jerusalem the capital of Israel, it was a small city on the slopes of Mt. Moriah, the place where Abraham offered Isaac to the Lord. This fascinating city has been destroyed twice, and captured and recaptured dozens of times. Jerusalem Time-Line explains the major events and key people from the beginning of recorded history to today. A must-have for anyone who wants to understand the fascinating Holy City.

    14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long

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