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    Youth Ministry

    • 9781540903518 Faith Beyond Youth Group

      Faith Beyond Youth Group


      Most typical youth ministries today produce nice, obedient kids who behave themselves–and then leave the church and the faith. Even those who remain struggle to extend their own faith beyond youth group. They seem like “good kids,” but their lives and decisions outside youth group aren’t oriented towards Jesus. Clearly that is not our goal. So what are we doing wrong? And how can we better serve the unique needs of the most anxious, adaptive, and diverse generation in history?

      If you’re tired of youth ministry that fails to change lives, it’s time to change youth ministry. Building on two decades of the Fuller Youth Institute’s work and incorporating extensive new research and interviews, Faith Beyond Youth Group identifies the reasons youth ministry often fails both short-term and long-term, and offers five ways adult youth leaders can cultivate character for a lifetime of growing closer to Jesus rather than drifting away. It shows leaders how to cultivate trust, model growth, teach for transformation, practice together, and make meaning so that the teenagers can become adults who hold fast to the truth 24/7 and boldly live out a robust faith in a watching world.

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    • 9781641239226 Next Gen Faith

      Next Gen Faith


      When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? (Luke 18:8)

      Jesus’s question is one that should bother all Christians. Increasing numbers of people don’t go to church. Only 4 percent of those born between 1998 and 2013 have a biblical worldview. The rest don’t believe in the Bible, absolute moral truth, or a loving, all-powerful Creator. They don’t even believe in the concept of sin.

      We have failed. We have not taken to heart the biblical admonishment to pass on our faith from one generation to the next.

      Yet youth pastor Jeff Grenell believes that once American teens and young adults discover that God is even more amazing than Stranger Things, “they will be hooked.”

      He notes, “Our world is familiar with the supernatural, but the church is foreign to it. If this changes in the church today, we may have one of the best apologetic tools to reach this generation because the supernatural is in the DNA of the church and its message. Most American teenagers and youth culture are drawn to the spectacular and the spiritual.”

      Jeff has written Next Gen Faith: 12 Spiritual Practices for Youth in an effort to reverse the godless trend among the next generations. Written in the vein of the classic Christian book The Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster, Next Gen Faith is designed to provide key steps for spiritual formation for both Christian adults who work with youth as well as teens and young adults themselves.

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    • 9781087762449 Everyday Theology Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)

      Everyday Theology Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      Theology is the study of God, what He has done, is doing, and will do in the world. And it’s not just for those with formal education or those who work at your church. It’s for you in your everyday moments, questions, and decisions. It’s for the big and little, the exciting and mundane. Our theology is the basis of our faith and touches every part of our existence.

      In this 8-session study, teen girls will explore the essential doctrines of Scripture, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, and the end times to know God more deeply through these foundational truths.

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    • 9780825447297 Youth Ministry As Mission

      Youth Ministry As Mission


      Equipping youth ministers with the tools of a crosscultural missionary

      The parallels between ministry within youth culture and global missions have long been touted by youth ministry experts, yet few resources exist to help youth workers benefit apply the insights of missiologists. In Youth Ministry as Mission, Brian Hull and Patrick Mays fill this gap with an introduction to missiology, missions practice, and missionary witness tailored especially for a youth ministry context.

      Youth ministers will discover missiological language that not only describes realities they face regularly, but also provides practical cross-cultural activities that translate well to youth ministries. Hull and Mays address issues such as these:

      *Avoiding ethical relativism while understanding historical and methodological changes in missions

      *Translating stories and practicing storytelling as preparation for witnessing

      *Training for witness in a multi-religious context

      Youth Ministry as Mission will be a valuable guide for college and seminary students but will also be a breath of fresh air to those already working as youth directors and youth ministers.

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    • 9780817018344 Pressing Forward : Faith

      Pressing Forward : Faith, Culture, And African American Youth


      Carmichael Crutchfield and Denise Janssen have written a critical analysis of the significance of topics like self-identity, worship, pedagogy, music, and listening among African American youth, and they provide a dynamic guide for applying practical tools to foster a faith development that goes beyond memorizing Scripture for rewards. The authors utilize responses from adolescent focus groups to advocate for healthy internal and external faith formation. This book is a must-read for anyone wanting to better understand and assist in maturing the faith of African American youth.

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    • 9781462773367 Navigating Student Ministry

      Navigating Student Ministry


      Navigating Student Ministry is a multi-contributor introductory textbook designed to help those who are discerning a call to student ministry, new to serving in this area of the church, or training others as they minister to students.

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    • 9781540960603 Worship With Teenagers

      Worship With Teenagers


      Addresses the vital role of public Christian worship in adolescent spiritual formation and shows how important youth ministry and worship ministry are to each other.

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    • 9780801093388 3 Big Questions That Change Every Teenager

      3 Big Questions That Change Every Teenager


      Today’s teenagers are the most anxious, creative, and diverse generation in history–which can make it hard for us to relate. And while every teenager is a walking bundle of questions, three rise above the rest:
      – Who am I?
      – Where do I fit?
      – What difference can I make?

      Young people struggle to find satisfying and life-giving answers to these questions on their own. They need caring adults willing to lean in with empathy, practice listening, and gently point them in the direction of better answers: they are enough because of Jesus, they belong with God’s people, and they are invited into God’s greater story.

      In this book, which is based on new landmark research from the Fuller Youth Institute and combines in-depth interviews with data from 1,200 diverse teenagers, Kara Powell and Brad M. Griffin offer pastors, youth leaders, mentors, and parents practical and proven conversations and connections that help teenagers answer their three biggest questions and reach their full potential.

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    • 9781496420107 Manga Majesty : The Revelation Of The End Times!

      Manga Majesty : The Revelation Of The End Times!


      Manga Majesty: The Revelation of the End Times! is a biblically accurate retelling of the book of Revelation presented in authentic Japanese Manga style. This last book in the six-volume series from NEXTmanga combines cutting-edge illustration with fast-paced storytelling to deliver biblical truth to an ever-changing, postmodern culture. More than 10 million books in over 40 different languages have been distributed worldwide in the series. Manga is the visual language of the world’s largest unreached people group: the worldwide youth culture. NEXTmanga brings the story of the Bible into the heart language of young people everywhere using this innovative graphic novel format.

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    • Sale! 9781535951449 Jude Teen Girls Bible Study Book

      Jude Teen Girls Bible Study Book

      Original price was: $22.25.Current price is: $9.99.

      Called. Loved. Kept.

      God has commanded His beloved church to contend for the faith in a world of unbelief, and as we do, He will keep us from falling into the same deception.

      Dive into themes of being called, loved, and kept, and learn how to point others to Jesus in grace and truth. We serve others well when we share the whole gospel with them, not just the parts our culture finds attractive.

      Jude Teen Girls’ Bible Study Book includes content for seven sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use this Study,” and a leader guide.

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    • Sale! 9781535945479 Finding God Faithful Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Teacher's Guide)

      Finding God Faithful Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Teacher’s Guide)

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $10.99.

      The Lord was With Joseph.

      No doubt there have been, or will be, times in your life when your circumstances lead you to wonder if God is there, if He cares, and if things are slipping out of His control. Surely similar thoughts ran through Joseph’s mind as he suffered through betrayal, false accusations, and imprisonment. But throughout his story, we are constantly reminded of God’s faithfulness. No matter what we walk through, God’s presence is constant, His provision is enough, and His purposes are unstoppable.

      In this 8-session video-based Bible study from Kelly Minter, girls will:
      * encounter the trustworthy sovereignty of God.
      * learn to trust God’s purposes when life doesn’t make sense.
      * recognize how God is working in your waiting.
      * rest in the sufficiency of God’s presence in every circumstance.

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    • 9781535925341 Show Her The Way

      Show Her The Way


      Where you lead, she will follow.

      Today’s teen girls are facing more pressure than any generation before. We want so much to help them navigate the barrage of cultural messages coming at them every day and show them how to filter what they hear, see, and experience through the truth of God’s Word. But where do we start?

      Perhaps you’ve felt God tugging at your heart to disciple teen girls, either one-on-one or in the context of a group in your church or community, but all you see are barriers: How can I disciple someone else if I’ve never been discipled? How do I know where to start? What do we do when we meet together? Or if you’ve been discipling girls for a while, you may be asking how you can take it to the next level.

      Show Her the Way will guide you along a journey that may have simply begun with good intentions and a heart to serve but has the potential to lead girls into a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ and a future of ministering to others.

      You are called to disciple the next generation of young women. Whether you’re a girls’ minister, a volunteer leader in your church, a mom, or simply someone who cares and wants to make a difference, let this book serve as a trusted guide to discipling the teen girls in your life.

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    • 9780801098925 Adoptive Church : Creating An Environment Where Emerging Generations Belong

      Adoptive Church : Creating An Environment Where Emerging Generations Belong


      Teens and emerging adults don’t feel at home in the church because they are not fully included in the church body. How can congregations nurture young adults, welcome them as siblings into God’s household, and empower them to become fully embedded contributors within and to their faith community?

      Integrating the latest research on adolescent faith and young adult ministry for the local church, this book presents a new way of thinking about youth ministry. Chap Clark makes the principles found in Sticky Faith, Growing Young, and Hurt 2.0 highly practical for today’s youth leaders, showing how they can implement a sustainable youth ministry program in a local church akin to Purpose-Driven Youth Ministry. Clark presents the adoptive youth ministry model as a way to help congregations see youth ministry as a bridge to inclusion, participation, and contribution in the body of Christ. His comprehensive plan for designing and implementing youth ministry shows churches how to intentionally welcome young people and create an environment where they belong.

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    • 9780764231353 Find Your Fit (Revised)

      Find Your Fit (Revised)


      God made you unique and valuable, and he invites you into an incredible future. But it can be hard to think through what that means and what it should look like. How can you figure it all out in the middle of your responsibilities, expectations, and pressures?

      Find Your Fit is an incredible resource to help you discover who you are. It assesses your interests, abilities, spiritual gifts, values, and personality so you can understand what makes you tick and how you can become all God designed you to be. But it’s not just a powerful tool–it’s also fun to understand yourself better than you ever have before.

      The Find Your Fit Discovery Workbook is also available, and it includes self-assessments, questions for digging deeper, and group exercises. Set yourself free to dream big dreams about what your life can be. God loves you so much and wants you to join him to change the world!

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    • 9781486616947 Dating For Life (DVD)

      Dating For Life (DVD)


      In this new update of my dating for life talk I have gone back to the basics. In this new talk I answer 8 questions on dating:

      – What is dating?
      – When should I start dating?
      – Am I ready to start dating?
      – How do I start dating?
      – What are Red Flags in my dating relationships?
      – How do I find out if they are the “One”?
      – How do I break up?
      – What if they are the right person for me?

      Simple and practical conversations on dating for High School and Young Adults.

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    • 9781434712554 13 Very Surprising Sayings And Why Jesus Said Them

      13 Very Surprising Sayings And Why Jesus Said Them


      Help kids discover the faith-building, life-changing truths tucked into 13 of Jesus’ surprising sayings. They will begin to understand what it means to start fishing for people, love the meanies they know, why they would want to be last, and others. And along the way, kids will see that Jesus changes everything–for those who choose to follow Him.

      If you want kids to do God’s Word and not just hear it-you’re in exactly the right place.   Each session focuses on one key Bible truth-kids will discover it, think about it, talk about it, pray about it, and apply what they learn. You’ll drive that point home through Bible exploration, fun discussions, giggle-worthy games, and oh-wow activities that engage kids in multiple ways.   Just add an adult or teenage leader to these easy-to-lead sessions to keep kids engaged, entertained, and growing in their faith! Each session isFlexible-sessions work for 1 or 2 kids, 12 kids, or moreMulti-aged-suitable for all elementary kidsLow-prep-using easy-to-find supplies45 minutes of fun-with time stretchers to fill an hourRelational-children grow close to Jesus and each otherPerfect for any children’s ministry program-Sunday school, children’s church, and more! Help kids discover the faith-building, life-changing truths tucked into 13 of Jesus’ surprising sayings. They will begin to understand what it means to start fishing for people, love the meanies they know, why they would want to be last, and others. And along the way, kids will see that Jesus changes everything-for those who choose to follow Him.  

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    • 9781462777624 Rachel And Leah Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)

      Rachel And Leah Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      Why her?

      There is a quiet question that every girl asks in her heart at some point in her life. Comparison is a struggle that many girls constantly combat, and that was a challenge throughout the lives of Rachel and Leah in the Bible. Like us, Rachel and Leah experienced disappointment, heartache, brokenness, and emptiness. They had to learn that the success of others is not meant to discourage. And sometimes, through the most difficult times, we learn that God is for us much more than we ever dreamed.

      Over the course of six sessions, author Nicki Koziarz will help girls take an honest look at themselves and allow God’s truth to combat the comparison they struggle against. God calls girls to trust Him to lead their steps so that they might walk in the fullness of who He created them to be.

      NOTE: Optional digital downloads available separately.

      **There will also be a B&H book Why Her? (available separately)
      **There will also be a women’s version of the Bible study (available separately) with optional digital downloads

      -Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups
      -Personal study segments with homework to complete between 6 weeks of group sessions
      -A weekly Bible verse to help combat comparison
      -Optional six interactive teaching videos, approximately 5-10 minutes per session, available for purchase or rent

      -Discover what the Bible says about God, Rachel, Leah, and Jacob, and how He used flawed people for His kingdom.
      -Learn to define success through a biblical perspective.
      -Remember that someone else’s gain is not your loss.
      -Evaluate the impact of comparison in your life.

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    • 9781947297029 Because Of Gracia A Film And Faith Conversation Guide (Student/Study Guide)

      Because Of Gracia A Film And Faith Conversation Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      The Because of Gracia Film and Faith Conversation Guide is a different kind of resource from most movie discussion guides, and it’s different from most bible studies. It’s a 45-day experience to spark conversations on the challenges students face every day as Christians. Based on the themes of Because of Gracia, each week’s conversation has info on group activities and then follows up with five days of devotional reflections for a student and his or her conversation partner. Topics and conversations include Practicing Friendship (teen dating and relationships), Choosing Life (pro-life values and ministering to those facing teen pregnancy), and Voicing Faith (defense of one’s faith in public). These Because of Gracia conversations will help students know how to handle the life-altering choices they face everyday– friendships and relationships, dating and falling in love, how to choose life and support those facing teen pregnancy, and how to confidently voicing your faith and beliefs in public. So let this film and faith conversation be a part of their faith journey, and get real with these real-life questions on God, friendship, and love.

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    • 9781947297043 Because Of Gracia A Film And Faith Leaders Guide (Teacher's Guide)

      Because Of Gracia A Film And Faith Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Because of Gracia: A Film and Faith Leader’s Guide equips youth pastors and small group leaders to explore the key themes in this award-winning film through a life-changing discipleship curriculum. The nine-week guide contains three weeks of “Conversations” on three core topics from the film, Practicing Friendship (God’s Design for Relationships), Choosing Life (Teen Pregnancy and the Sanctity of Life), and Voicing Faith (Defending Christianity in Public). The Because of Gracia Leader’s Guide is designed for use with the related Because of Gracia Film and Faith Conversation Guide for students, a unique hybrid experience that offers complementary material for small group sessions, as well as daily reflections for students to use throughout the week in “conversation partner” pairs. The resulting 45-day experience allows young Christians to pursue discipleship with others, while helping them to wrestle with the difficult issues they’re facing today. The Because of Gracia curriculum was created to affirm that with God’s amazing and empowering grace, young people CAN live in a new way.

      Take your students on a spiritual journey alongside Gracia, Chase, and the rest of Eastglenn High as they face life-altering decisions, learning that grace is both the gift of mercy when we fail and our empowerment to live in truth and light.

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    • 9781430064008 We Saved You A Seat Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)

      We Saved You A Seat Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      Some of the best and most difficult work God calls us to do is to love other people.

      In a culture where friendship is measured in follows, likes, mentions, and snaps, and being “unfriended” is a very real worry, girls often think they need to have it all together-the pressure for perfection creates distance instead of real, authentic relationships.

      We Saved You A Seat takes girls deeper into Scripture to learn how to create, invest in, and keep up lifelong friendships. Jesus is the role model for our friendships and Scripture is the foundation. We don’t wait until we’re all put together to come to Jesus. Over the course of seven sessions, girls will learn that true friendship takes…

      Showing up and being willing to go first
      Being vulnerable and knowing that real friendship is messy
      Encouraging rather than competing
      The desire for connection over perfection
      Knowing when to walk away
      While girls may talk about the follows and likes and the perfect promposal, what they really want is true, lasting, unconditional friendship. They want connection. They want to know that someone saved them a seat.


      Leader helps in the back of the Bible study book so anyone can facilitate a group
      Personal Study to be completed between the 7 group sessions

      Debunk the myth that friendship is easy.
      Overcome the fear of knowing and being known.
      Quit running from friendship and find the courage to connect.

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    • 9781470714192 Jesus Centered Youth Ministry (Revised)

      Jesus Centered Youth Ministry (Revised)


      There’s a surging hunger among teenagers for Jesus. New research shows that they want a clearer understanding of what Jesus really said and did, and how faith in matters in their lives. In fact, that desire is so deep, it’s #1 on their “wish list” for what they’d like to talk about at church.But are we doing that? Even though we assume that everything we do in youth ministry is about Jesus, the evidence is clear:That’s not what our students say they’re experiencing. So what would a youth ministry look like if it shifted toward a passionate, persistent, and permeating focus on drawing students into a closer orbit around Jesus?Inside the pages of Jesus-Centered Youth Ministry, you’ll discover the foundation for a ministry that is Jesus-centered, along with the bricks for building it. You’ll discover that not only is it possible to create this kind of ministry, it’s also essential that you pursue this path.Eight years after his book was first published, introducing the language and structure of a new way of doing youth ministry, author and longtime Group Magazine editor Rick Lawrence has completely rewritten and revised Jesus-Centered Youth Ministry. It’s packed with new insight, new research, and dozens of field-tested ideas for planting and nurturing a ministry environment that is Jesus-magnetic.Help satisfy teenagers’ hunger for Jesus in richly nourishing and sustaining ways by shifting the orbit of your ministry.

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    • 9781486613717 Plan To Protect US Edition

      Plan To Protect US Edition


      A protection plan for children and youth;
      A protection plan for those who work with them.

      Plan to Protect (TM) is not about what we need to do to run programs and activities, and it is not about placing a hardship on your staff and volunteers. Abuse prevention and protection of children and young people is not something we have to do, but something we have the privilege of doing. It is a privilege to create a safe environment in order to have our communities trust us with their family members.
      As you implement Plan to Protect (TM) your efforts are a ministry in itself to:

      protect children

      protect young people

      demonstrate your care for your staff and volunteers

      demonstrate care to parents and family members

      empower and nurture the healing of victim-survivors

      demonstrate grace, restoration and welcome to the offender that comes into your church

      demonstrate accountability and integrity and

      bring Glory to God

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    • Sale! 9781430052531 Looking For Lovely Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)

      Looking For Lovely Teen Girls Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)

      Original price was: $22.25.Current price is: $9.99.

      Looking for Lovely: Collecting the Moments that Matter explores the ordinary people of the Bible to discover the beauty in each life. This seven-session study for girls examines people of various professions-fishermen, gardeners, women, soldiers, and ultimately Jesus to find the lovely in everyday life. Every moment matters. Every individual matters. We can’t put life on pause to avoid the difficulties, but we can be people of influence in and through all circumstances. There are moments of suffering, perseverance, character building, and hope in every life. In our everyday, normal lives, looking for lovely is discovering God and connecting with Him in the midst of the positive and negative circumstances we face. God asks that we trust His timing and lean in as He turns the soil in our lives to make everything beautiful in His time. In the end, it is not about outside circumstances but actually about our hearts.

      Seven sessions (Bible study book includes 6 weeks of homework, 4 days per week; 7 video sessions optional and available for purchase)
      Group material that guides questions and discussion with a small group
      Optional digital download bundle for group use optional and available for purchase
      Personal study segments for 6 weeks, 4 days per week to complete between group sessions
      Women’s version also available
      4 color cover / 2 color inside

      Girls will discover lovely in the mundane and difficult moments of life
      Engage in a more personal relationship with God as you discover scriptural truths
      Encourage spiritual growth in girls through the individual time in the homework and the group sessions
      Understand that God sometimes calls us to do hard things but they are worth finishing
      Laugh through times of perseverance and discover the beauty in the journey
      Trust God’s timing and lean in as He makes everything beautiful in His time

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    • 9781470722166 Best Ever Games For Youth Ministry (Revised)

      Best Ever Games For Youth Ministry (Revised)


      This amazing book is filled with classic fun! The Game Guy is geared up and ready to give you tons of great games-including some brand-new ones-that are easy to pull off and field-tested with teenagers in many settings.Here’s what you’ll get: – Classic games with new twists – Indoor and outdoor games – Games that teach – Games that build community in your groupThe book includes ideas on how to: – Lead games – Select games – Save games gone badYou also get: – Supply lists – Tips and bonus ideas – Notes on group sizes Plus, this legendary games expert exposes some of the worst games every played, and shares his philosophy of fun when working with teenagers. You’ll be equipped to lead young people with the best collection of games-ever!

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    • 9781470725433 Skinny On Communication

      Skinny On Communication


      Everything you do and say sends a message to the people around you. So what message are you sending to the teenagers in your youth group-and to their parents and to other people connected to your ministry? It’s impossible to meet teenagers’ foundational needs without effective communication. And the more effectively you communicate, the better you can give your students exactly what they’re seeking and needing.The Skinny on Communication isn’t about formulas or a five-step plan that will solve your communication problems as a youth worker. But it will guide you through specific principles that can move you closer toward mastering this vital skill. You’ll explore practical ideas for communicating effectively with teenagers, parents, and other partners in your ministry-and you’ll see how all of these practices can be rooted in Christ-like love. Prepare to be challenged, and allow yourself to be surprised. And along the way, re-examine your assumptions and seek a fresh perspective on communicating effectively as a youth worker.

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    • 9781470720902 Skinny On Service

      Skinny On Service


      Take a look around at the brokenness in this world and its spiritual poverty. Jesus wants to change all of that, and he’s looking for teenagers who want that change to start in them. Youth worker, that’s where you come in! When your students serve others, they’re serving Jesus. Serving helps teenagers draw closer to Jesus and become more like him. And serving creates opportunities to talk about Jesus and share his amazing good news. Ultimately, every act of genuine Christian service points to Jesus’ act of service on the cross.The Skinny on Service unpacks the powerful reasons why it’s important for you and your students to serve others, but you’ll also get page after page of practical ideas on how to serve. You’ll be equipped to help teenagers discover the joy of serving faithfully “before,” even if they don’t personally get to see the fruit “after.” Teenagers aren’t just looking for a great youth worker-they’re looking for a Christ-follower who is leaving footsteps they can step into. And when you lead the way by serving, that’s exactly what you’re doing.

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    • 9781470720889 Skinny On Outreach

      Skinny On Outreach


      Does the idea of outreach excite you? Does it intimidate you? Does it frustrate you? In the context of youth ministry, outreach is simply looking beyond yourself and equipping teenagers to do the same. It’s about a commitment to encouraging and equipping teenagers to engage in a lifestyle of sharing the world-altering message of Jesus. Jesus commands us to reach out, compassion compels us to reach out, and true discipleship calls us to reach out. The Skinny on Outreach delivers specific, tangible ideas for building a youth ministry where teenagers discover how every area of life offers ongoing opportunities for relational evangelism. This book will fuel your passion for reaching out and sharing the message of Jesus-and for inviting teenagers into this exciting adventure, too. When your teenagers are on a mission with Jesus and telling people about him, they’ll also grow deeply in him. Help your students become life-changing ambassadors for Jesus’ message of grace and hope. And join Jesus in the quest for the unreached teenagers in your community!

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    • 9781470720872 Skinny On Parents

      Skinny On Parents


      Parents are the biggest influence on the lives of teenagers-a fact that research has proved again and again. Yet interactions with parents can be one of the trickiest areas for a youth worker to navigate well. Great youth ministries are passionate about helping parents-the key influence on teenage faith-succeed in their God-given roles. That’s the foundational message of The Skinny on Parents, which will lead you toward a place where you focus more of your energy on resourcing, equipping, partnering with, and empowering parents. Parents are not the enemy. Ignoring them will diminish the impact of your ministry. Most parents struggle with fears but also want help. And you can come alongside them to partner in helping teenagers fully step into a life of faith. This book is filled with practical ideas that will energize your ministry to parents and families. And if you as a youth worker provide help in a way that allows parents to feel more equipped and confident, then everyone wins: families, teenagers, and your youth ministry!

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    • 9781470720858 Skinny On Volunteers

      Skinny On Volunteers


      A youth ministry needs a solid group of volunteers to be truly effective. We youth workers all know this-but how do we make it happen? Many of us don’t do much when it comes to mobilizing volunteers and equipping them for ministry. Our plate is already full, and building a great team sounds like yet another task to add to the list. But what if your efforts to mobilize and equip volunteers actually lightened your schedule? What if this investment of time actually paid back double, quadruple, or even tenfold?The Skinny on Volunteers will help you concentrate on three simple skills that will help you mobilize and equip leaders: recruiting, keeping, and training volunteers. Yes, volunteers take time. But you’ll discover the rewards of investing in a team of people who will love teenagers, connect with them, and disciple them.

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    • 9781433684357 40 Days Of Purity For Guys

      40 Days Of Purity For Guys


      SKU (ISBN): 9781433684357ISBN10: 1433684357Clayton KingBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 2014True Love ProjectPublisher: B and H Publishing Group

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    • 9781433684340 40 Days Of Purity For Girls

      40 Days Of Purity For Girls


      SKU (ISBN): 9781433684340ISBN10: 1433684349Sharie King | Clayton KingBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 2014True Love ProjectPublisher: B and H Publishing Group

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    • 9780941005685 Team Mate Teen Planner Youth Version

      Team Mate Teen Planner Youth Version


      The Right Tool for Implementing Youth TEAM Evangelism. This pocket-sized booklet offers teens a fun and convenient method of praying for and following up on the progress of friends and relatives they wish to see come to Christ. Your teens will enjoy learning the principles of team evangelism, the importance of faithful prayer, and the benefit of keeping a record of those for whom they are praying. This booklet will encourage teens to touch the lives of their prospects by spending time with them and helping meet their practical needs.

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    • 9781426700088 OMG : A Youth Ministry Handbook

      OMG : A Youth Ministry Handbook


      “Most contemporary young people operate far enough from Moses moral compass that it never occurs to them that OMG ( oh my God, in teenspeak) has anything to do with the Ten Commandments, much less that it breaks one of them.A After all, the phrase is a nearly ubiquitous adolescent throw-away line…Yet Christians should hear the phrase oh my God differently.A Youth ministers, parents, teachers anyone who has ever loved an adolescent know “OMG can be a prayer, a plea, a petition, a note of praise, or an unbidden entreaty that escapes our lips as we seek Christ for the young people we love.” Using six lensA the authors detail current practices and tease out underlying questions as youth ministry becomes more self-consciously aligned with practical theology. Contributors include: Kenda Creasy Dean, Mike Carotta, Roland Martinson, Rodger Nishioka, Don Richter, Dayle Gillespie Rounds, and Amy Scott Vaughn.

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    • 9781897186091 Cardboard Shack Beneath The Bridge

      Cardboard Shack Beneath The Bridge


      Provides a dialogue for helping children understand homelessness.

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    • 9780310266457 Connecting In Jesus (Student/Study Guide)

      Connecting In Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780310266457UPC: 025986266455Doug Fields | Brett EastmanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2006Experiencing Christ Together StudentPublisher: Zondervan

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    • 9780310266440 Beginning In Jesus (Student/Study Guide)

      Beginning In Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780310266440ISBN10: 0310266440Doug Fields | Brett EastmanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2005Experiencing Christ Together StudentPublisher: Zondervan

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    • 9780310258162 Living A Life That Matters

      Living A Life That Matters


      If It Makes You Happy … – If It Makes You Happy … It Could Be Very Bad – Who Knew Pleasure Would Be So Disappointing? – If It Feels Good, Do It? – What Does It Mean? Fill in the blank: My life would be meaningful if _________________. If you’re observant, you’ll see all kinds of ways people are trying to fill in that blank. Some want more money, more influence, more pleasure-MORE. So, does it work? Will devouring all that the world has to offer lead to satisfaction? The book of Ecclesiastes is about by someone who tried to answer that question. Whether it was sex, drugs, money, power, food, relationships, or knowledge, King Solomon tried it all and documented what he discovered as he searched for a purpose to his life. Look Around lets you gaze over Solomon’s shoulder as he indulges every pleasure, exercises every power, and emerges with a radical conclusion about how to live. You’ll find ways that his search for meaning connects with yours, and how your story can connect with your friends’ as they seek meaning in the world.

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    • 9781582291772 7 Checkpoints For Youth Leaders (Teacher's Guide)

      7 Checkpoints For Youth Leaders (Teacher’s Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781582291772ISBN10: 1582291772Andy Stanley | Stuart HallBinding: Cloth TextPublished: April 2001Publisher: Howard Books

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