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Christian Living

  • Manifesto : Christian America’s Contract With Minorities (Audio CD)


    More than in any time in our nation’s history, there’s a greater opportunity now for minority populations to let their voices be heard, influence society, and reshape the role of government in their lives.

    This is not the time for violence, nor is it the time to demand more handouts from governments that have failed to give minorities what they truly need and deserve: a better life so they can achieve their own destiny.

    A Manifesto: Christian America’s Contract with Minorities by Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr. sets the stage for a biblical agenda or manifesto to bring about social change in our nation. Christians of every denomination and ethnic stripe are welcome to join this coalition to contribute to our national vision and strategic direction.

    Rather than continuing to let government view minorities as precocious children too young to drive, A Manifesto offers an outline to strengthen people to work together to be empowered in key areas, from education and public policy reform to wealth creation and entrepreneurship.

    Christians everywhere are urged to join in and build a brighter tomorrow for all of us!

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  • Break Free : A 45-Day Encounter With God That Changes Everything


    This 45-day devotional is based on Don’t Quit in the Pit, Danette Crawford’s personal story of never quitting despite adverse circumstances of poverty, rejection, and betrayal. With each inspiring daily encounter with God, women who find themselves in any kind of dire circumstance will find the faith, courage, and positive outlook to turn their circumstances around. Danette Crawford has been there and knows exactly how painful these situations can be-and how God help us to move over and beyond any adversity. With a television audience of more than 165 million homes, Danette’s inspiring daily messages of hope and triumph are sure to resonate for women of all ages.

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  • Dont Quit In The Pit


    A televangelist to an audience of 165 million homes and president of Joy Ministries Evangelistic Association, Danette Crawford tells her personal story of never quitting despite adverse circumstances of poverty, rejection, and betrayal. She recalls her feeble first steps as a Christian believer who trusted God to overcome any and all odds in her life. After a brief marriage to a man addicted to pornography, Danette was pressed into single motherhood with no financial resources. Convinced that God had called her into full-time evangelistic ministry, she details account after account of how God met her every need in the years that followed. With each rousing and inspiring chapter, women who find themselves in any kind of dire circumstance can rest assured that Danette Crawford has been there and knows exactly how painful these situations can be-and how God can turn any situation around. This revised version contains new and updated material not included in the original version.

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  • Peacemaker Growing As An Enneagram 9

    Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $13.99.

    The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology using nine points within a circle to represent nine distinct personality types. This sixty-day devotional is for the Peacemaker, number 9 of the Enneagram personality types. This devotional will help Peacemakers, and those who love them, to better understand how God created them and how best to use their unique gifts to serve Him and love others. It features a full explanation of what the Enneagram is and how it benefits people, followed by a full description of what it means to be a 9, including their deadly sin, sloth, and their greatest strength, their gut feelings. Also covered are motivations, fears, childhood wounds, the lost message they long to hear, their deadly sin, and defense mechanisms, as well as common subtypes, wings, and where they are in the head/heart/gut triad. The sixty days are split into six 10-day topics that include uniqueness, weakness, strength, pain points, and how Peacemakers react in times of stress and growth.

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  • Individualist Growing As An Enneagram 4

    Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $12.99.

    The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology using nine points within a circle to represent nine distinct personality types. This sixty-day devotional is for the Individualist, number 4 on the Enneagram personality chart. This devotional will help Individualists, and those who love them, to better understand how God created them and how best to use their unique gifts to serve Him and love others. It features a full explanation of what the Enneagram is and how it benefits people, followed by a full description of what it means to be a 4, including their deadly sin, envy, and their greatest strength, including others. Also covered are motivations, fears, childhood wounds, the lost message they long to hear, and defense mechanisms, as well as common subtypes, wings, and where they are in the head/heart/gut triad. The sixty days are split into six 10-day topics that include uniqueness, weakness, strength, pain points, and where Individualists go in times of stress and growth.

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  • Helper Growing As An Enneagram 2

    Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $12.99.

    The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology using nine points within a circle to represent nine distinct personality types. This sixty-day devotional is for the Helper, number 2 on the Enneagram personality chart. This devotional will assist Helpers, and those who love them, to better understand how God created them and how best to use their unique gifts to serve Him and love others. It features a full explanation of what the Enneagram is and how it benefits people, followed by a full description of what it means to be a 2, including their deadly sin of pride and their greatest strength, boldness. Also covered are motivations, fears, childhood wounds, the lost message they long to hear, and defense mechanisms, as well as common subtypes, wings, and where they are in the head/heart/gut triad. The sixty days are split into six 10-day topics that include uniqueness, weakness, strength, pain points, and where Helpers go in times of stress and growth.

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  • Nasty Gets Us Nowhere


    Two women who forever changed the world followed a plan to better their lives. One chose God’s design for her. The other listened to a different voice that questioned God and rebelled against Him.

    Women and men today face the same decisions that confronted Mary and Eve. We can either seek the Tree of Life with God…or keep biting into the bitter fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

    Statistically, women today are less happy than at any time in measured history. This extolled knowledge of good and evil has had consequences. It’s not about equality in work, pay, or choices. It’s about women wanting to become “like men” instead of being women. It’s about women who aspire to be “nasty” and men who are confused about what it means to be a real man.

    Nasty Gets Us Nowhere reveals the powerful truth behind learning to do relationships like Christ, particularly relationships between men and women. Our culture often incites rebellion, but God calls us to work together. As Galatians 5:15 says, “If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other” (niv).

    In an age saturated with feminism and gender wars, ex-feminist Drenda Keesee combines her wit, humor, and life experience to unpack a powerful, timely message that sets the record straight. She reveals why men and women have conflict, what God’s plan for unity is, and how men and women can unite to create an unstoppable force. Drenda believes the pendulum is swinging and there are many conservative women and men who want to make amends and discover how to have relationships that work. There’s also a younger generation searching for keys to live a different life than what they’ve seen modeled.

    Drenda says we can see eye to eye when we first see heart to heart and spirit to spirit, coming from a place of cooperation instead of conflict. God’s Spirit coupled with His plan is the only answer to the separation and relationally destructive forces at work in the gender wars. It’s time for restoration and healing, to bring men and women side by side, hand in hand. There’s much at stake. We must understand our uniqueness, our vulnerabilities, and Christ’s unalterable principles for successful working and loving relationships to experience fulfillment and lasting peace.

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  • Jesus Regresa Pronto – (Spanish)


    Sacudimientos, seales y el regreso de Cristo

    Usted es mencionado en la profecia biblica. Pueda que no se mencione su nombre, pero usted esta incluido ahi. Las profecias de los ultimos tiempos hablan de los fieles seguidores de Jesus -conocidos como el “remanente”-, quienes estan listos para los ultimos dias y Su retorno, pero tambien hablan de quienes no estan preparados o abandonan antes que El regrese.

    Que profecia usted cumplira?

    Jesus regresa pronto le ayudara a estar seguro de que usted forma parte del remanente de Dios. Las seales del fin de esta era y la aparicion de Jesus son evidentes en el mundo fisico y espiritual. Pero la mayoria de la gente, incluyendo los cristianos, no las han reconocido. Que seales ha dado Dios para anunciar la culminacion de Sus propositos para el mundo? Como podemos discernirlas? Como podemos prepararnos? Este libro le revelara:

    *La razon de los sacudimientos naturales y espirituales sin precedentes en el mundo

    *Lo que nos dicen las seales, incluyendo aquellas seales inusuales como las lunas de sangre

    *Como trabaja Dios segun las temporadas, las eras y la plenitud de los tiempos

    *Como las fiestas judias apuntan a las edades del hombre, mostrandonos con precision el reloj del tiempo de Dios

    *Que las inminentes seales y promesas biblicas aun no se han cumplido

    *Los juicios que Dios esta trayendo a la tierra

    Dios ha dado profecias sobre Israel, la iglesia y el mundo. Y Su Espiritu esta revelando en este momento Sus propositos para los ultimos dias. Necesitamos saber como recibir la revelacion vital y el conocimiento profetico que El quiere compartir con Su pueblo. Cuando tenemos ese conocimiento previo, podemos entender los tiempos y prepararnos para sus planes finales para la tierra.

    Dios quiere que la iglesia sea una comunidad de esperanza, avivamiento y poder sobrenatural en medio de los tiempos tenebrosos. Hay un espiritu de confusion en el mundo de hoy. La gente debe acudir a Dios por las respuestas que solo El nos puede dar, y la iglesia debe estar preparada para proporcionar esas respuestas.

    En estos tiempos finales, no necesita tener miedo, desanimarse o distraerse. Al contrario, usted puede conocer su verdadera posicion en Dios antes del regreso de Cristo. Puede estar gozosamente preparado, vigilando y esperando con expectativa, con sus ojos espirituales abiertos. Viva en la perfecta voluntad de Dios para su vida y participe en sus propositos sobrenaturales de los ultimos dias!

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  • Jesus Is Coming Soon


    Shakings, Signs, and the Return of Christ

    You are mentioned in biblical prophecy. You may not be mentioned by name, but you are included there. End-times prophecies speak of faithful followers of Jesus-called the “remnant”-who are ready for the last days and His return, but they also speak of those who are unprepared or fall away before His appearing. Which prophecy will you fulfill?

    On the Verge of Jesus’s Return will help you be certain you are part of God’s remnant. The signs of the end of the age and Jesus’s appearing are evident in the physical and spiritual worlds. But most people, including Christians, have not recognized them. What signs has God given to announce the culmination of His purposes for the world? How can we discern them? How can we prepare? This book will unfold:

    *The reason for the unprecedented natural and spiritual shakings in our world

    *What the signs tell us, including unusual signs such as blood moons

    *How God works according to seasons, eras, and the fullness of time

    *How Jewish feasts point to the ages of man, accurately showing us God’s time clock

    *Which imminent biblical signs and promises have yet to be fulfilled

    *The judgments God is bringing to the earth

    God has given prophecies concerning Israel, the church, and the world. And His Spirit is disclosing His last-days purposes right now. We need to know how to receive the vital revelation and prophetic knowledge He wants to share with His people. When we have this foreknowledge, we can understand the times and prepare for His final plans for the earth.

    God intends the church to be a community of hope, revival, and supernatural power in the midst of dark times. There is a spirit of confusion in the world today. People must turn to God for the answers only He can give, and the church needs to be ready to provide those answers.

    In these end times, you do not need to be fearful, discouraged, or distracted. Instead, you can know your true position in God before Christ’s appearing. You can be joyfully prepared, watching and waiting in expectation, with your spiritual eyes open. Live in God’s perfect will for your life and participate in His supernatural, last-days purposes!

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  • How To Overcome Lifes Endless Trials


    Diamonds, gold, and precious pearls don’t lie on the earth’s surface. We have to search for them. And so it is with the precious gems of the Bible. We have to dig for them. They have been hidden from the eyes those who fail to “search the Scriptures.” The life of Joseph in particular is filled with enigmatic meaning and biblical types that are easily missed by a superficial reading of the wonderful story. From his initial strange dreams, to the continual attempts to seduce him by Potiphar’s unfaithful wife, to being thrown in jail as an accused sexual predator, to his divinely assisted interpretations of the bizarre dreams of the butler, the baker, and Pharaoh-all carry amazing truths that will comfort, encourage, and thrill the godly soul.

    And how we need comfort, because almost every day has a fresh curveball-the unexpected job loss, bills that come from nowhere, sickness, the neighbor’s barking dog, and the car that breaks down. It seems that the whole world has conspired to make our short life miserable. And it certainly would be, if we missed the great lessons from a young man whose life was as colorful as his famous coat.

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  • Pawverbs For A Dog Lovers Heart


    A dog’s love is one of life’s greatest blessings.Your dog doesn’t ask you to be anyone other than yourself. When you’re with your dog, you don’t have to worry about what you say or what you look like; all your canine friend wants is you (and food, and belly rubs, and treats).

    But dogs are even more than our best friends-they can be our wise teachers, sharing lessons that stay in our hearts forever. Every day, they show us the value of listening and loyalty; what it means to trust and obey; and the importance of just sitting with someone and being a friend. God has given us animals, ultimately, to point us to Himself-to the One who is always there and who loves unconditionally.

    Pawverbs for a Dog Lover’s Heart is a collection of stories with beautiful photographs, each featuring a real-life animal and sharing a principle from the book of Proverbs. You’ll not only find inspiring and heartwarming tales, but spiritual truths to touch your heart and remind you of God’s unfailing love, wisdom, and grace.

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  • Made To Flourish


    God likes watching things grow.On each beautiful page of Made to Flourish, bestselling author and Bible teacher Beth Moore invites you to explore the fruitful life through the language of the garden-and the words of the Master Gardener Himself. The metaphor of God as Gardener plays out in Scripture as He tends His people with care, skill, and intention. When Jesus began His ministry on earth, He took this idea to whole new level, revealing that He Himself is the Vine. He invites us to the sacred ground of abiding, calling us to flourish in the abundant life He offers.

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  • Warring With Wisdom


    Spiritual warfare impacts more than just your spirit.

    Spiritual warfare is not limited to the spiritual realm, but affects the entirety of your life-your spirit, your soul, and even your body. Satan and his demons are launching a full-on assault against you, attacking every part of your being.

    Author, speaker and co-founder of the Bethel SOZO movement, Dawna De Silva believes that understanding the scope of the enemy’s attacks – and countering with a holistic warfare strategy – is key to experiencing total victory and wholeness. In Warring with Wisdom, she offers a complete battle plan to help you wage warfare on every front.

    You will be equipped with powerful warfare secrets. Discover…
    *The warfare strategies for attaining physical, mental, and spiritual wholeness.
    *The power that forgiving your body can have in bringing healing.
    *How to stay one step ahead of the enemy’s multi-faceted attacks.

    Leave no front opened to the enemy. Discover the power and freedom that comes with spirit, soul and body spiritual warfare!

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  • Scribe : Receiving And Retaining Revelation Through Journaling


    An interactive guide to hearing from God.

    After centuries of neglect, the Church is re-awakening to the fact that God desires to communicate with His people through prophets and the prophetic voice. These supernatural encounters are available for every believer!

    In this bible-based, interactive journal, James Goll writes with clarity and authority. The Scribe is an interactive, step-by-step process designed to help you record, interpret, and understand the purpose and meaning of the prophetic words from the Holy Spirit.

    Learn how to:
    *Discern what God is communicating through supernatural experiences
    *Document Holy Spirit’s revelations through journaling
    *Unlock the meaning of your personal revelatory language
    *Experience the Holy Spirit in your everyday life

    If you long to hear from God, this interactive manual is a powerful resource to equip you in your pursuit of Him. Start encountering God in exciting new ways today!

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  • Amazing Grace Devotional


    Nothing is better than spending time with a loved one-chatting, laughing, listening, crying, sharing, praying . . . together-simply enjoying each other.

    The One who loves you dearly is near, waiting just to be with you. He created you, knows you, and wants the very best for you. So use this resource to connect with the Father.

    Carve out time with God. Hear his voice. Share your praise and petitions, ideas, emotions, struggles, desires, dreams-yourself-with him.

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  • Prayers And Promises For A Hurting World


    We live in a hurting world-full of corruption, hate, failing relationships, injustice, despair, grief, anger, anxiety, depression, fear, suffering, sickness, murder, terrorism, natural disasters, poverty, war, evil. . .the list goes on.

    Many feel hopeless. Overcome by fear.

    This comforting book, overflowing with dozens of devotional-like prayers and promises from God’s Word, will nourish your world-weary soul with refreshing inspiration and encouragement. Each reading can be used as devotional quiet time or simply a prayer starter to enrich a deeper prayer time with the heavenly Father. Prayers and Promises for a Hurting World offers peace, comfort, and hope for the future.

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  • Bible Promise Book For Hope And Healing


    Promises You Can Count On!

    Barbour’s Bible Promise Books are perennial bestsellers, with millions of copies in print. Now, The Bible Promise Book is available in a brand-new hope and healing edition. Featuring dozens of timely topics-including Addiction, Rest, Peace, Forgiveness, Eternity, God’s Love, Salvation, God’s Power, Prayer, Comfort, and Perseverance-you will find hundreds of verses from God’s Word that will speak to your daily needs.

    The Bible Promise Book for Hope and Healing is ideal for personal use and for ministries.

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  • Prayers For Difficult Times For Men


    You can pray confidently during difficult times–here’s how!

    Here’s a practical guide of short prayer starters that will help you pray when difficult times come. From illness and relationship issues to struggles with self-worth and daily life stresses, dozens of topics are covered. Each section opens with a short devotional thought and applicable scripture. Great as a ministry resource or for your own personal library, Prayers for Difficult Times Men’s Edition is a must-have tool if you desire a powerful prayer life.

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  • Daily Encouragement 3 Minute Devotions For Women


    3 Minutes to an Encouraged Heart-Every Day of the Year!

    Got 3 minutes to spare? Here you’ll find the spiritual pick-me-up you need in Everyday Encouragement: 3-Minute Devotions for Women.

    This delightful daily devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and joy into just-right-sized readings.

    *Minute 1: scripture to meditate on;
    *Minute 2: a short devotional reading;
    *Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God.

    Each day’s reading will help you celebrate God’s best blessings in their lives-including joy, grace, and hope-and is the ideal way to begin or end your day.

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  • Grace Not Perfection For Young Readers


    As she grows up in a generation that is busier and more distracted than ever, your tween girl will love the fun vibe and practical ideas in Grace, Not Perfection for Young Readers by bestselling author, creator of the Simplified Planner, and organizational expert Emily Ley.

    Today’s fast-paced, technology-driven society affects all ages, but it’s taking its biggest toll on our kids. Does your middle grader feel compelled to participate in a ton of activities, be an excellent student, take a perfect photo for every occasion, and be friends with as many people as possible–only to end up exhausted and anxious? Help her adopt a new, life-giving perspective in Grace, Not Perfection for Young Readers.

    With a colorful interior, plenty of photos, and actionable tips and lists, this young readers’ edition of Emily Ley’s popular book reminds you and your daughter that God offers abundant grace every day. Emily’s ideas include how to . . .
    *Create significant moments rather than orchestrating a picture-perfect life.
    *Pare down activities to what matters most–without FOMO.
    *Simplify life by simplifying three major areas: your space, your time, and your mind.
    *Create effective to-do lists and get through them one step at a time.

    Perfect for back-to-school, Christmas, birthdays, and coming-of-age celebrations, Grace, Not Perfection for Young Readers is completely reimagined for a younger audience but still includes Emily’s signature aesthetic and message. It’s a great book to enjoy with your daughter as you find your own new freedom in the adult edition.

    Timely and engaging, Grace, Not Perfection for Young Readers helps tween girls embrace the most important elements of life, trim off the superficial and superfluous, let go of unrealistic standards, and journey toward adulthood with the right outlook and tools to have a simpler, grace-filled, and happy life.

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  • Life In His Presence


    Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling has drawn millions of people around the world closer to Jesus. Now Life in His Presence calls us to a new experience reflecting on the truths of Jesus Calling as we take another step on our spiritual journey.

    Each entry in Life in His Presence includes an excerpted devotion from Jesus Calling alongside a key Scripture verse, as well as thoughtful journaling prompts and memorable quotes. Beautifully designed callouts accentuate the reading and journaling experience. Although suited for individual use, Life in His Presence also lends itself to prayer partners and intimate small groups.

    Combining biblical wisdom, beautiful design, and the encouraging words of a beloved author, Life in His Presence is a wonderful reminder to each of us that God loves for His children to draw near.

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  • Seen Known Loved


    Could Your Love Language Guide You to a Meaningful Life?

    In a world of varying beliefs and endless opportunities, determining how to spend our lives can seem impossible. And even more difficult than finding direction can be finding meaning. Perhaps we know what we’re most interested in, but how do we know if it has purpose?

    These longings our rooted in our desire to feel God’s presence in our lives, which begins when we know how He communicates with us. Seen. Known. Loved. examines how God-the Creator of the universe-intimately communicates with each of His people. Relationships expert Gary Chapman and coauthor R. York Moore offer practical insights for how to know your own love language and how God uses it to communicate with you. When we come to understand our own unique love language, we discover how God both speaks and listens. And, therefore, how He is intimately involved in our lives in ways we have never before identified. The first step to living with meaning is living in union with our God-the source of meaning.

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  • Discover Your True Self

    Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $15.99.

    Seeing yourself as God sees you is essential to overcoming your deepest struggles, having healthy relationships, living in freedom, and fulfilling your life purpose. Yet most of us look at ourselves with warped mirrors, believing lies that lead to shame, guilt, fear, insecurity, and spiritual stagnation. The lies of our past keep us stuck, struggling with the same issues and habits for years. But according to the first three chapters of Ephesians, that’s not how God sees us at all.

    Pastor and author Chip Ingram wants to open your eyes to your true self, the “new you” that God sees, the person who is immeasurably valuable and beautiful. In this Scripture-soaked book, he shows you how getting God’s perspective:
    – satisfies your search for significance
    – undoes your shame
    – makes you secure
    – frees you from comparing yourself with others
    – helps you discover your calling
    – and more

    Are you ready to see yourself as God sees you? Then let Chip Ingram show you how to silence the lies of your past and experience your true identity.

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  • Prophetic Secrets : Learning The Language Of Heaven


    In her powerful, prophetic teaching style, bestselling author Jennifer Eivaz helps readers to continually sharpen their gifting in order to minister healing, breakthrough, and a supernatural display of God’s glory.

    Helping those with this unique and powerful anointing, she teaches
    how to:
    * learn the value of spending time in the secret place with God
    * distinguish the extraordinary voice of God
    * grow in knowledge of signs and dreams
    * avoid pet doctrines, fads, and heresies
    * understand when to keep a prophetic word, and when to let it go

    The world is desperate to hear the voice of God clearly–it is vital that his prophets give true expression to all that is on his heart. Are you prepared to become all God has created you to be?

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  • Your Hospitality Personality


    Does the thought of hosting a dinner send you into spasms of delight or spirals of dismay? Do you love opening your home to others? Or do you dread even the planning it takes to get a group of friends to arrive at the same restaurant at the same time?

    We each have our own unique hospitality personality. And when you tap into yours, you’ll find a lot more blessing with a lot less stressing.

    With personal assessments, encouraging stories, and plenty of practical ideas, Morgan Tyree shows you how to identify and embrace your hospitality personality so you can stop worrying and start enjoying yourself and your guests. She helps you understand your hospitality habits, hurdles, and hang-ups, then offers real-life solutions that fit you.

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  • I Choose Brave


    What if fear is the new brave?

    That’s the question that you need answered if you are living afraid. Finding courage begins with fear itself–fear of the Lord.

    I Choose Brave reveals a countercultural plan to help you where you are–knee-deep in fears of parenting, the future, your marriage, and a world that feels unstable. When you’re feeling fearful, the last thing you need is a social-media meme telling you to simply “power through” your fears.

    In I Choose Brave, Katie Westenberg digs deep into Scripture and shows that finding the courage to overcome our fears must start with fear of the Lord. Hundreds of passages speak to this foundational truth, yet we have somehow relegated them to antiquity. In sharing her own compelling story of facing her worst fear, Katie serves up theological truth with relatable application. In this book, you will:
    * discover a fresh take on an old truth that displaces fear once and for all
    * understand why the culture’s idea of “fearlessness” is a farce
    * access the holy courage you were made for

    With this new knowledge comes tremendous freedom. Hidden in the cleft of the Rock, the One truly worthy of our fear, you will begin to understand the only path to real courage.

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  • God Has Never Failed Me


    Wit and Wisdom with a 100% Guarantee

    You might be anxiously awaiting help from above, wondering when God will show up to rescue you from your circumstance. Well, you can stop checking the clock, because the Lord is always on time! And He will never let you down.

    Bestselling author Stan Toler delivers this collection of heartwarming and humorous tales highlighting the never-failing faithfulness of God. Drawing from history, personal experience, and the Bible, Stan will encourage you to go beyond merely hoping to absolutely believing your heavenly Father knows what you are going through and stands ready to help you anytime you need Him.

    Whether you feel frazzled, stressed, hurt, angry, undone, or just plain confused, you will be inspired and uplifted as you read about God’s timely interventions in the lives of His people. Rest assured that He can–and will–do the same for you.

    God is good…well, you know the rest.

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  • Power Of Knowing God


    When God calls you and me to know Him and experience Him, He wants more than a fan club. He wants an intimate relationship.

    You go to church, read your Bible, and participate in Bible study groups–yet you still feel something is missing in your relationship with God. You want more.

    Dr. Tony Evans believes knowing God fully should be everyone’s life ambition. He has developed a strategy for living victoriously as a child of God and he wants to equip you with the right tools for success in pursuing a personal and authentic relationship with the Savior.

    Develop the kind of relationship that goes beyond intellectual knowledge, emotions, and actions as you…
    *cultivate a more heartfelt closeness to God
    *experience the power of His presence
    *connect in an abiding relationship with Jesus

    As you become more intimately bonded in love with God, you will come to know Him as He really is.

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  • Pastors Kid : What It’s Like And How To Help (Revised)


    Advice on how to care for pastors’ kids and allow them to find their own faith and identity.

    Pastors’ kids are often burdened by others’ expectations, but there is a wonderful solution, both at home and in the church: grace.

    In this revised, refreshed version of Barnabas Piper’s best-known book, the author candidly shares his own experiences as son of pastor and bestselling author John Piper, offering a challenge to our churches and to the families at their very heart: how to care for pastors’ kids and allow them to find their own faith and identity.

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  • Manifesto : The Minority Contract With America


    More than in any time in our nation’s history, there’s a greater opportunity now for minority populations to let their voices be heard, influence society, and reshape the role of government in their lives.

    This is not the time for violence, nor is it the time to demand more handouts from governments that have failed to give minorities what they truly need and deserve: a better life so they can achieve their own destiny.

    A Manifesto: Christian America’s Contract with Minorities by Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr. sets the stage for a biblical agenda or manifesto to bring about social change in our nation. Christians of every denomination and ethnic stripe are welcome to join this coalition to contribute to our national vision and strategic direction.

    Rather than continuing to let government view minorities as precocious children too young to drive, A Manifesto offers an outline to strengthen people to work together to be empowered in key areas, from education and public policy reform to wealth creation and entrepreneurship.

    Christians everywhere are urged to join in and build a brighter tomorrow for all of us!

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  • Santos – (Spanish)


    La Biblia usa la palabra “cristiano” un total de tres veces para describir a los seguidores de Jesus. Pero hay otro identificador que llena las paginas del Nuevo Testamento, una palabra que erroneamente reservamos para la elite que usa halo y pierde algo profundo en el proceso: “santos”.

    Dentro de esta antigua palabra hay una invitacion divina para descubrir quien Dios te creo para ser y despertar a la vida que debes conocer. Con la base de las Escrituras y las historias de su propia experiencia, Addison Bevere presenta un argumento convincente de que la vida que deseas se encuentra en el misterio de esta identidad sagrada.

    Si quieres cambiar la religion sin vida por la maravilla de seguir a Jesus, este libro te impulsara en tu viaje.

    The Bible uses the word Christian to describe followers of Jesus a grand total of three times. But there’s another identifier that fills the pages of the New Testament–a word mistakenly reserved for the halo-wearing elite that has lost some profound meaning in the process: “Saints.”

    Wrapped up in this ancient word is a divine invitation to discover who God created you to be and to awaken to the life you were meant to live. Using Scripture and stories from his own experience, Addison Bevere makes a compelling case that the life you desire is found in the mystery of this sacred identity.

    If you want to exchange lifeless religion for the wonder of following Jesus, this book will spur you onward in your journey.

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  • If My People Booklet


    Perfectly timed and updated for release early in the 2020 election season, If My People provides us with 40 days of prayers and reflections in the spirit of 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If My people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

    If My People also stirs our hearts and minds with prayers from past presidents who were inspired during some of our country’s darkest days. This is an ideal book to share with entire church congregations or Sunday school classes, or for small groups or prayer partners to pray through together. With biblical and historical reminders of the power of prayer, If My People will inspire anyone who feels uncertain about how to make a difference as the country heads into another election season.

    With more than 941,000 copies of the previous If My People editions sold, this revised edition equips and encourages us to pray daily for the United States. This prayer guide not only reminds us that “in God we still trust,” but it also brings a greater sense of pride in and hope for our country, just when we need it most.

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  • Mornings And Evenings In His Presence


    Spend your morning and evening encountering God’s powerful Presence!

    In our busy lives, it can be easy to forget to listen for God’s ever-present whisper. But if you choose to turn towards Him, a life-changing encounter is only a moment away.

    Pastors Bill and Beni Johnson, bestselling authors and senior leaders of the Bethel movement, deliver inspiring morning and evening devotionals for every day of the year that will help you enjoy a more intimate walk with the Holy Spirit and a more victorious life empowered by the presence of God.

    You will learn how to: bring Heaven to earth, live a miraculous lifestyle, host Holy Spirit’s presence, dream with God, experience the supernatural power of communion, renew your mind, strengthen yourself in the Lord, walk in divine health, discover the joy of intercession, and much more!

    In your mornings and evenings, choose to spend a moment with the Lord. One encounter in His presence can set the course of your day and change your world!

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  • Walking In Truth In A World Of Lies


    You and I are being lied to on a regular basis. In fact, our entire culture is riddled with duplicity.

    Scripture warns repeatedly of deception on a massive scale in the Last Days, so why are Christians seemingly so unconcerned? Has their access to theological information and their acceptance of orthodox doctrine caused them to believe they are impervious to being deceived?

    There is only one way to stay safe from the deceiver’s powerful lies: We must allow the “love of the truth” to hold sway in our innermost being. Only then will we be capable of Walking in Truth in a World of Lies.

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  • Prayers And Promises For Times Of Loss


    When Times of Grief Come, We Often Don’t Know What or Even How to Pray

    Prayers and Promises for Times of Loss will draws you gently back to your loving heavenly Father. Each page offers a scriptural promise and a beautifully written, heartfelt prayer to help you hold on to your faith. Topics include:
    *God’s Mercy
    *and many more

    Through the doubt, despair, and loneliness of loss, these honest and hopeful devotions guide the way to resting in God’s never-failing presence. This comforting book ensures it will be treasured for years to come.

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  • 365 Days To Know Your Bible


    This Multi-Million Bestseller Will Help You Know Your Bible Better!

    Since 2008, Know Your Bible has sold 3.2 million copies-now it’s available in a great daily edition! Still concise and easy to understand, it provides clear, memorable overviews of all 66 books, plus:
    *data on authors and time frames
    *ten-word synopses
    *longer (50-100 word) summaries
    *unique or unusual aspects
    *listings of key verses
    *”So, What?” sections of practical application

    You’ll love it for yourself, or to give away in ministry.

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  • 2021 Planner Daily Inspiration From The Word


    SKU (ISBN): 9781643524900ISBN10: 1643524909Compiled by: Barbour StaffBinding: Imitation LeatherPublished: July 2020Publisher: Barbour Publishing Inc.

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  • 2021 Creative Planner The Prayer Map


    Barbour’s bestselling The Prayer Map journal has encouraged women of all ages to spend purposeful one-on-one time with their heavenly Father. And now The Prayer Map forms the basis for this lovely 17-month creative planner. Ideal for personal, home, business, or school use, this delightful 2021 planner includes a practical and inspiring blend of creative monthly prayer maps (guides that encourage thoughtful, meaningful conversation with God), plus weekly heartfelt prayers and scripture selections. Featuring monthly and weekly calendars, a year-at-a-glance section, pages for frequent contacts, and more, this planner offers an important reminder as you organize the details of every day: God hears and cares about your every prayer!

    *17-Month Planner Spans August 2020 through December 2120!
    *Monthly & Weekly Calendars, “To Do” Lists & Goal-Setting Sections
    *Delightful, Two-Color Interior Design
    *Monthly, Inspiring & Creative Prayer Map Pages
    *Encouraging Prayers & Scripture Selections on Every Spread
    *Generous Space for Recording Appointments and Events
    *Size Is Ideal for Tossing in a Purse or Backpack

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  • 2021 Planner Inspiration For A Less Stressed Life


    SKU (ISBN): 9781643524887ISBN10: 1643524887Barbour StaffBinding: Cloth TextPublished: July 2020Publisher: Barbour Publishing Inc.

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  • 2021 Planner You Matter


    You’ll be reminded of your purpose. . .your worth. . .your place in the world every day of the year with this stylish 17-month planner. Ideal for personal, home, business, or school use, the You Matter planner includes monthly readings plus thought-provoking weekly bullet points. Featuring monthly and weekly calendars, a year-at-a-glance section, pages for frequent contacts, and more, this planner offers an important reminder as you organize the details of your busy life: each new day is an opportunity to encounter the bountiful love and grace of your Creator!

    *17-Month Planner Spans August 2019 through December 2020!
    *Monthly & Weekly Calendars & Goal-Setting Sections
    *Delightful, Two-Color Interior Design
    *Monthly, Inspiring Devotional Readings
    *Encouraging Thoughts & Scripture Selections on Every Spread
    *Generous Space for Recording Appointments and Events
    *Size Is Ideal for Tossing in a Purse or Backpack

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  • Love Like You Mean It


    Every year, millions of men and women stand before friends and family to pledge their lifelong love to each other. Do they know what they’re getting into?

    Unfortunately, many people have a shallow, superficial idea of what marriage is. As a result, many marriages don’t last, and many more married couples are trudging along looking for something more.

    Love Like You Mean It gives husbands and wives a biblical understanding of what real love looks like in marriage by unpacking the ten attributes of genuine love listed in 1 Corinthians 13. Bob Lepine, marriage and family expert and host of the nationally syndicated radio program FamilyLife Today, helps husbands and wives discover that it’s not primarily emotions that define marital love, but actions and decisions that fuel emotions and cause marital love to grow.

    Every person who is married, would like to be married one day, or wants to understand more about the biblical vision of marriage will find what they’re looking for as they dive deep into Love Like You Mean It.

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  • Fear Not : Prayers And Promises For Difficult Times


    Everyone experiences difficult seasons in life. Loss, pain, anxiety, and frustration can lead to discouragement and sometimes a feeling of hopelessness.

    Fear Not: Prayers & Promises for Difficult Times incorporates more than 70 themes to help you find the assurance you need in the promises of God’s Word. Uplifting prayers offer an opportunity for deeper reflection and connection with your heavenly Father.

    By staying connected to God, and believing the promises of his Word, you can live a fulfilling, blessed life in spite of your challenging circumstances.

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  • Shift Your Thinking For A Deeper Faith


    With hard-hitting truths, memorable quotes, and powerful perspective shifts, Dean Del Sesto helps you connect (or reconnect) at a deeper level to the power, potential, and purpose you already have so that you can live your life with greater freedom, resilience, and wisdom. Perfect for business professionals on the go, the busy student, the active parent, and anyone who needs a boost of spiritual strength at any time, this book promises to help you live your life from an internal resolve rather than in reaction to your external circumstances.

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  • Grace For The Good Girl


    Many of us believe we are saved by grace–but for too many, that’s the last time grace defines our life. Instead of walking in grace every day, we strive to be good, believing that the Christian life means hard work with an unshakable good mood.

    When we fail to measure up to our own impossible standards, we hide behind our good-girl masks, determined to keep our weakness a secret.

    In Grace for the Good Girl, Emily P. Freeman invites women to let go of the try-hard life and realize that in Christ we are free to receive from him rather than constantly try to achieve for him.

    With an open hand and a whimsical style, Emily encourages women to move from hiding behind masks and do-good performances to the freedom of a life hidden with Christ in God.

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  • Releasing Prophetic Solutions


    Our utterance activates God’s promise!

    The mystery of the Kingdom is that, through our prophetic prayers and decrees, we can partner with God to change our world.

    Seasoned prophetic intercessor, Christy Johnston shares the revelation she received when God intervened through her prophetic declarations, releasing supernatural answers for herself, her family, and her nation.

    In this book you will find:
    *Revelation of the authority you carry
    *A renewed desire to seek the answers and solutions hidden in God’s heart
    *A new expectancy for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
    *A torch that ignites prophetic declarations

    Watch God transform your world as you partner with Him in prophetic prayer!

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  • Connected Parent : Real-Life Strategies For Building Trust And Attachment


    You Can Effectively Parent an Adopted or Foster Child

    Parenting under the best of circumstances is difficult, but because of their unique needs, raising children from hard places brings additional challenges. You might discover that traditional techniques that may have worked for you with your birth children are not working with your adopted or foster child.

    Renown child development expert Dr. Karyn Purvis will give you practical advice and powerful tools you can use to encourage secure attachment in your child, just as she did for coauthor Lisa Qualls. You will benefit from Karyn’s decades of research and understanding, plus Lisa’s hands-on experience and successful implementation of the strategies shared in this book.

    You will learn how to simplify your approach using scripts, nurture your child, combat chronic fear, teach respect, and develop other valuable skills to add to your parenting toolbox.

    The Connected Parent will help you lovingly guide your children and bring renewed hope and healing to your family.

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  • New Creation Realities (Audio CD)


    Christianity has revealed the secret that psychologists have long sought-the “inward soul,” the re-created spirit, the focus of God’s great redemptive work on earth.

    The four Gospels give us a wonderful picture of the lonely man of Galilee, the humble Messiah who ends His earthly walk on Calvary. But Paul’s Epistles give us the risen triumphant One, the conqueror of death, sin, and Satan. He provides the revelation of what happened on the cross and in the tomb, and how that affects who and what we are in Christ today.

    Legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon delves deeply into Paul’s teaching to give us a living picture of the entire substitutionary work of Christ, which made possible the new creation, a new race of men and women who can stand in God’s presence without a sense of guilt, condemnation, or inferiority.

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  • New Creation Realities


    Christianity has revealed the secret that psychologists have long sought–the “inward soul,” the re-created spirit, the focus of God’s great redemptive work on earth.

    The four Gospels give us a wonderful picture of the lonely man of Galilee, the humble Messiah who ends His earthly walk on Calvary. But Paul’s Epistles give us the risen triumphant One, the conqueror of death, sin, and Satan. He provides the revelation of what happened on the cross and in the tomb, and how that affects who and what we are in Christ today.

    Legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon delves deeply into Paul’s teaching to give us a living picture of the entire substitutionary work of Christ, which made possible the new creation, a new race of men and women who can stand in God’s presence without a sense of guilt, condemnation, or inferiority.

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  • Jesus The Healer


    For years, this book has challenged and inspired readers to step out in faith and receive the healing that Christ purchased for us. Many people have been healed while reading these pages! Legendary Bible teacher Dr. E. W. Kenyon has a rare gift for presenting the deep and profound truths of God’s Word in a simple and easily understood way. His teachings on expressing “positive confessions of faith” formed much of the foundation for Word of Faith Pentecostalism. In Jesus the Healer, Dr. Kenyon fully explores the powerful gift of healing that Jesus demonstrated throughout His ministry. Sickness and disease are not God’s will for believers. So Kenyon unpacks God’s methods of healing and how to live the abundant life that Jesus promised. God’s healing promises are no good unless you act on them. Believing is acting on God’s Word. Faith is the result of acting on God’s Word. Healing miracles are available today for those who believe and step out in faith!

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  • 6 Hidden Behaviors That Destroy Families


    Families are complicated. There is no such thing as a perfect family…or an easy family. We all make mistakes that hurt or disappoint our family members, and we’ve all been hurt or disappointed by those we love. Within our human makeup is a deep and basic need for healthy family relationships. Family was designed to provide us with love, a feeling of belonging, a shared history, traditions, comfort, affection, quality time, feedback, learning, and a safety net. When our family fails to provide for these needs, we feel a deep sense of loss. 6 Hidden Behaviors That Destroy Families by Dr. Magdalena Battles addresses the top conflicts in extended families that cause relationships to become strained, disjointed, or broken. These hidden behaviors are: criticism, gossip, lack of inclusion, deception, refusing to accept differences, and a failure to apologize and forgive. Dr. Battles provides practical tips and solutions based on research, biblical principles, and her own observations of what has worked in families. Most families have some dysfunction, causing pain, damage, and division. While every family has problems, what really matters is how we deal with those issues. Are we working in a way that heals and resolves problems, or are we allowing them to fester, divide, and explode, causing tremendous damage to our relationships? Families are always in a state of change, and they are a work in progress. But they can function in a way where love, support, belonging, and kindness are exemplified and practiced. Doing nothing about our family conflicts often contributes to the problems. The healing in your family can begin with you. To have a family that is loving and supportive, you need to be part of the solutions and healing. You just have to take those first steps! It is a process, but the result will be happier lives and more fulfilling relationships.

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