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    John Eckhardt

    • 9781636410265 You Shall Recover All

      You Shall Recover All



      In the midst of difficulties and troubles, God is setting you up for the greatest breakthrough you’ve ever known!

      This book will teach you how to take hope in God because of how God restored, vindicated, and made His name great in the lives of people like Job, Joseph, and Abraham. It will give you the encouragement you need to believe that God can work the same power in your life.

      You have faced challenges–financial, emotional, physical, relational, ministerial, and business. It is often in the midst of these tests, trials, and difficulties that God prepares you to move into a new season of expansion. Even though the circumstances feel uncomfortable and victory may be hard to see, you will recuperate from devastation and not a moment of it will be wasted. Take comfort in knowing God will remember and vindicate every tear you’ve cried and will restore to you more than what the enemy stole and the locust ate.

      Breaking open fresh revelations from the Psalms and Proverbs and examining snapshots of the lives of Gideon, Joseph, Abraham, and Job, You Shall Recover All will encourage you to know that through the tests and trials you thought had come to diminish you, God is actually turning them around for your good and preparing you for greatness. It may be tempting to give up hope or throw in the towel, but do not give in to discouragement, hopelessness, depression, doubt, or defeat. Despite what you see, God is still on the throne.

      There is hope for you and your world. What the enemy means for bad, God turns around for your good. For all that you’ve pressed through and endured, let God put a new level of honor on your life. He will take you from least to greatest, and you shall recover all!

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    • 9781629998626 Activate Heaven : Use The Power Of Your Voice To Win Your Battles And Walk

      Activate Heaven : Use The Power Of Your Voice To Win Your Battles And Walk


      Some things will not happen until you open your mouth. Your voice has the power to bring heaven to earth.

      God has given believers the ability to speak as He spoke, causing things that were not to be. The believer’s voice pulls, roots out, throws down, destroys, and builds up and plants (Jeremiah 1:10). When we speak according to the Spirit of God, our voices bring heaven to earth. When we open our mouths, heaven is speaking. When we prophesy, heaven is speaking. When we speak by the Spirit of God, heaven is speaking. No matter how much it seems like hell is raging, when we open our mouths and speak God’s Word, heaven comes.

      In Activate Heaven, John Eckhardt shows you how to use your voice to advance God’s agenda in the earth and equips you to stand against everything the enemy uses to silence your voice, from depression and confusion to sickness, pain, and rejection. The enemy would like nothing more than to silence the church. But when we open our mouths, the sick get healed, demons flee, miracles and finances are released, resulting in situations turned around. Speaking the will of God-speaking forth that which is in heaven-is the essence of the prophetic. Therefore, it’s time to stop complaining and start prophesying. It’s time to stop talking about how bad things are and begin to open our mouths and declare that as we speak heaven comes.

      This book will teach you how to use the most powerful tool you possess: Your voice. You will be empowered to rip off the muzzle placed upon you by man, and you will exercise the supernatural power of your voice.

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    • 9781629996219 I Am Zion

      I Am Zion


      Zion is not just a place in Israel. It’s a spiritual reality in you.

      Best-selling author John Eckhardt gives a fresh revelation of our identity as “Zion,” the place in which God dwells. In applying the characteristics and blessings in Isaiah 60, this book will teach readers how to do the following:
      *Access the hidden benefits of Zion, the dwelling place of God
      *Understand the glory of God and unlock its benefits
      *Expand to new levels of faith that release blessing, healing, deliverance, promotion, and increase
      *Enter into the glory of God through the gateway of worship
      *Get deliverance from all that hinders you from entering into the glory realm

      If we don’t understand the benefits that are available to us, we won’t seek after them. Harness the reality that we are the dwelling place of God and experience the amazing blessings that are waiting for us. This book will show you who you are in Christ so that you can experience blessing, healing, deliverance, wealth, and promotion in your life.

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    • 9781629996882 Good Land : Grow And Flourish In God's Presence

      Good Land : Grow And Flourish In God’s Presence


      God’s country isn’t found on a map. It’s found in His presence.

      From Best-Selling Author John Eckhardt…When God delivered the people of Israel, He brought them into a good land, flowing with milk and honey. The good land is a picture of kingdom living. As the people of God, we enter the good land through Jesus Christ and possess it by faith.

      The good land is a place of blessing, redemption, and restoration. It is a land of goodness, abundance, prosperity, excellence, refreshing, beauty, nourishment, blessing, satisfaction, plenty, and glory. In it, we inherit and enjoy the promises of God. The good land is God’s country. The good land is the kingdom.Using biblical and prophetic teaching, this book will give you a revelation of the peace, joy, and righteousness you can dwell in when you understand that you dwell in the good land.God promised the land to Abraham and his seed, and now through Christ, everyone can dwell in the land God has given-the land where all of the promises of God are yes and amen (2 Cor. 1:20).

      The good land is God’s country. The good land is the kingdom. Get the revelation of what it means to dwell in the land God has ordained for your life, and endless peace, joy, goodness, refreshing, and satisfaction will be yours for the rest of your days.

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    • 9781629996615 Chayil : Release The Power Of A Virtuous Woman

      Chayil : Release The Power Of A Virtuous Woman



      Influence and power are not just for men.

      The fight was never intended to be man vs. woman. Both men and women are strong and mighty in the Lord. Chayil is a Hebrew word that is connected to strength, wealth, power, influence, wisdom, and military might, and it happens to be the word translated “virtuous” in Proverbs 31. Since the beginning of time chayil, or “virtuous,” women have been created to fight for and defend their homes, families, and other kingdom entities against evil influences. Chayil women have been empowered to organize and activate those under their authority so that everything to which they are assigned runs smoothly and with excellence.
      A chayil woman is strong, mighty, and efficient; valiant, virtuous, and victorious. We were created to war together, man and woman, side by side, tearing down demonic strongholds of wickedness and advancing the territory of the kingdom of God. If you want to be empowered to accomplish your kingdom destiny and purpose in Christ, this book is for you! Using numerous examples from Scripture, this book shows women how to tap into the essence of the chayil anointing so they will be:
      *endued with power to defend and take back what is theirs;
      *strengthened and motivated to tap into their God-given abilities and power to build and influence the areas they occupy;
      *activated with supernatural wisdom and power to get wealth and to overtake the thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy;
      *able to take authority and defend their families, possessions, destinies, property, and dignity;
      *encouraged to have an edge against the forces that try to destroy their vision and success in business or ministry.

      The chayil anointing manifests in the woman who is anointed for ministry, business, and marketplace influence.

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    • 9781629994741 Psalm 112 Promise

      Psalm 112 Promise


      Best-selling author John Eckhardt reveals the truth of Psalm 112 that the man who fears the Lord is gracious, full of compassion, and generous. His heart is fixed and established. He cannot be moved. He is uncompromisingly and consistently righteous. His righteousness endures forever.

      This psalm paints the picture of the life of the balanced, stable, steadfast, immovable believer, and Eckhardt’s teaching reveals how all of us can get there.

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    • 9781629991368 Scriptures For Faith Deliverance And Healing

      Scriptures For Faith Deliverance And Healing


      Hitting right in the center of every Spirit-filled believer’s interests, this book by best-selling author John Eckhardt is a handy reference tool for those who want to have a greater understanding of healing and deliverance to incorporate God’s Word into their prayers.

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    • 9781629117904 Demon Hit List

      Demon Hit List


      Identifying the enemy is the key to casting him out!

      John Eckhardt has created the ultimate deliverance thesaurus to help believers know the specific names and attributes of demons so they can become more successful in casting them out.

      We fear the unknown, but there is power in identification. The demons unmasked in this thesaurus are well aware that they are subject to the name of Jesus, the name above every name! By identifying demons, the believer strips them of their power and exhibits Christ’s authority over every demon name.

      Don’t run from the devil; begin casting out the enemy and stand victorious with Jesus Christ!

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    • 9781629986463 Fasting For Breakthrough And Deliverance

      Fasting For Breakthrough And Deliverance


      Matthew 17:21 tells us that there are some spirits in a person, region, or nation that cannot be overcome without fasting. Many believers struggle with certain limitations that they cannot seem to break through. A revelation of the power of fasting will result in victories that would not be ordinarily obtained. A life of consistent fasting will cause many victories to manifest. God’s will is for every believer to live a life of victory with nothing being impossible.

      There is freedom from the torment of the enemy!

      Best-selling author and trusted teacher on deliverance, John Eckhardt reveals strongholds that can be broken including poverty, sickness, witchcraft, sexual impurity, pride, fear, confusion, and marital problems. Fasting will help readers to overcome these manifestations of oppression and break free from their limitations.

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    • 9781629986388 Prophet Arise : Your Call To Boldly Speak The Word Of The Lord

      Prophet Arise : Your Call To Boldly Speak The Word Of The Lord


      Something is stirring inside of you, but it has been silenced, gravely undermined, and misunderstood. You must believe that God has not forgotten you. He has not sidelined you. You are not crazy. Prophet, arise! Come out of your cave and be encouraged to speak forth the word of the Lord. God is calling you to be His Trumpet and to sound the alarm. The body of Christ desperately needs prophets to awaken and go forth. Whether you have never spoken a prophetic word or you actively engage your gift, best-selling author John Eckhardt provides an unparalleled, inspiring teaching for you. He boldly reveals the characteristics of a prophet that may lie dormant in your life so God can launch you into your calling.

      You will learn:
      *Unique characteristics of a prophet
      *The details of a prophet’s call
      *What moves a prophet’s heart and stirs the anointing
      *The rewards a prophet brings to those who receive them
      *How to find healing and deliverance for the prophet who has been hurt
      *And much more!

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    • 9781621366256 Deliverance And Spiritual Warfare Manual

      Deliverance And Spiritual Warfare Manual


      Everything you need to know about deliverance and spiritual warfare in one complete manual.

      This powerful guide gives readers the tools they need to pinpoint the issues they are facing so they can confront the enemy head-on. They will in turn be able to see their loved ones and families set free as they go to war of their behalf. An invaluable resource for anyone who wants to destroy the works of the enemy, this book gives information on spiritual warfare basics and strategies, including:
      *Fasting, prayer and intercession
      *The ministry of deliverance
      *Prayers for self-deliverance
      *Destroying stubborn demons and strongholds

      Bringing much needed light to expose the works of darkness, this book also provides specific prayers and names of demons, spirits, strongholds, and manifestations, and it provides biblical tactics for defeating them so readers can see their lives return to the place that God designed.

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    • 9781603747073 Tesauro De Liberacion - (Spanish)

      Tesauro De Liberacion – (Spanish)


      !Otro golpe a nuestro enemigo derrotado!

      El autor John Eckhardt ha ido un paso mas alla en equipar a los santos para derrotar a las potestades de las tinieblas en su nuevo Tesauro de Liberacion: Lista de Objetivos Demoniacos. Ya que identificar y dejar al descubierto a los demonios por nombre es tan importante en la liberacion, la idea de escribir un tesauro era muy necesaria. Algunos argumentan que no necesitamos conocer los nombres especificos de los demonios. Despues de todo, que importancia tiene un nombre?

      Utilizamos los nombres para identificar. Hay poder en la identificacion. Identificar al enemigo es clave para expulsarle. Cuantos mas creyentes puedan identificar al enemigo por nombre, mas exitosos seran en echar fuera al enemigo.

      Los nombres que se encuentran en este tesauro estan todos ellos sujetos al nombre de Jesus. !El nombre de Jesus es el nombre dado sobre todo nombre! Su nombre, por tanto, nos da autoridad sobre todo nombre de demonio. Gracias a Dios por el nombre de Jesus, !el nombre sobre todo nombre!

      Another Blow to Our Defeated Foe!

      Author John Eckhardt has gone yet another step further in equipping the saints to defeat the powers of darkness in his all-new Deliverance Thesaurus: Demon Hit List. Since identifying and uncovering demons by name is so important in deliverance, the idea to write a thesaurus is well overdue. Some argue that we don’t need to know the specific names of demons. After all, what’s in a name?

      Names are what we use to identify. There is power in identification. Identifying the enemy is a key to casting him out. The more believers can identify the enemy by name, the more successful they will be in driving the enemy out.

      The names found in this thesaurus are all subject to the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus is the name given above every name! His name, therefore, gives us authority over every demon name. Thank God for the name of Jesus, the name above every name!

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    • 9781603746922 Identificar Y Romper Maldicion - (Spanish)

      Identificar Y Romper Maldicion – (Spanish)


      Redemption from Curses

      Perhaps you are plagued by family disputes and bickering. Your marriage is crumbling, and you just can’t seem to connect with your kids. Maybe you’re sick of living paycheck to paycheck. You’ve prayed and fasted and prayed some more, but nothing has seemed to work.

      No matter what kind of problem you’re dealing with-financial, familial, or physical-you may be unknowingly living under a curse. Here is how to determine if you’re under a curse and, if so, how to break that curse.

      Redencion de las Maldiciones

      Quiza este usted inundando de disputas y peleas familiares. Su matrimonio se desmorona y parece que usted no puede conectar con sus hijos. Puede que este enfermo y se limite a vivir de salario en salario. Ha orado y ayunando, y ha vuelto a orar, pero nada parece funcionar.

      Sin importar cual sea su dolencia, sea economica, familiar o fisica, puede que inconscientemente este usted viviendo bajo una maldicion. Aqui tenemos como determinar si esta usted bajo una maldicion y, si es asi, como romper esa maldicio.

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    • 9781616386528 Prayers That Move Mountains

      Prayers That Move Mountains


      The definitive resource for praying when you need God’s attentionLearn how to activate the ultimate power source daily! Prayer and confession of Scripture are two of the most powerful weapons we have in life. They connect us to God and allow His power to flow to us in every situation.

      The sixth book in John Eckhardt’s Prayers for Spiritual Battle series, Prayers That Move Mountains is filled with prayers of repentance, confession, obedience, submission, praise, and worship. Based on 2 Chronicles 7:14-15, these are the prayers that will guarantee that you will have God’s ear, and if you know He hears you, then you will also know He will answer.

      Keep this invaluable tool with you wherever you go, and you will be prepared with powerful, declarative prayers for every circumstance. It is your reference handbook of prayers that God answers-every time.

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    • 9781616384432 Daily Declarations For Spiritual Warfare

      Daily Declarations For Spiritual Warfare


      Are you looking for a way to defeat the Enemy and his demonic forces? Here’s your battle plan! Written as if God himself were speaking to you, Eckhardt’s daily readings include reflections, prayer declarations, and Bible verses that equip you to recognize Satan’s weapons, destroy his warriors, break his curses, experience deliverance, and more.

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    • 9781616384685 Prayers That Bring Healing And Activate Blessings

      Prayers That Bring Healing And Activate Blessings


      Learn to live a disease-free life and attain supernatural favor with God with this 2-in-1 edition of Eckhardt’s best-selling books! Filled with powerful Scripture-based prayers and promises, this reference tool includes 12 scriptural ways healing takes place and 10 biblical blessings that are yours for the asking.

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    • 9781616383701 Prayers That Activate Blessings

      Prayers That Activate Blessings


      Are you frustrated with your life? Are you struggling to find breakthrough and feeling like you are just spinning your wheels? Well, struggle no more! In Prayers That Activate Blessing, John Eckhardt will teach you how to move from mediocrity into the supernatural favor of God and from curse to blessing. The key is asking. You can ask God to bless you just like Jabez did. God heard his prayer and granted his request. Filled with prayers for healing, deliverance, favor, and the blessing of God, this book is a resource for learning how to walk in covenant blessing and the blessing of obedience, how to hear the voice of God and be blessed, and the different ways to access His blessing.

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    • 9781616382155 Prayers That Rout Demons And Break Curses

      Prayers That Rout Demons And Break Curses


      This leather-bound volume combines the two best-selling books by John Eckhardt in the Spiritual Prayers series, Prayers That Rout Demons and Prayers That Break Curses. This compendium is a handy reference tool that enables the reader to access powerful, Scripture-based prayers and decrees to overcome demonic influence and opposition. This book includes warfare prayers for every circumstance, including avoiding Satan’s attack in the areas of finances, pride, rebellion, relationships, healing, and demonic bondages. With these resources, readers will break the powers of darkness and release the blessings and favor of God in their lives.

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    • 9781599792460 Prayers That Rout Demons

      Prayers That Rout Demons


      This easy-to-use guide to prayer will help readers overcome demonic influence and oppression in their lives. Readers will be inspired and empowered as they learn:
      *The basics of spiritual warfare
      *Biblical principles for praying
      *Powerful warfare prayers and decrees taken from Scripture
      *Specific declarative prayers for every circumstance

      John Edkhardt is gifted with a strong apostolic call and is world renown for his teaching on deliverance and spiritual warfare.

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    • 9780883686157 Identifying And Breaking Curses

      Identifying And Breaking Curses


      Freedom and liberty are increasingly yours as you read through and obtain an understanding of identifying and breaking curses, not only in your life, but in the lives of others, in our ongoing good fight of faith.

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