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    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

    • 9780802433763 Revive My Heart

      Revive My Heart


      Receive a fresh infusion of grace and perspective each day.

      In this 366-day devotional, beloved Bible teacher Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth invites you to linger for a few meaningful moments in the presence of God. Curated from Nancy’s best-selling books, Revive My Heart provides fresh opportunities to savor the Scripture and soak in the beauty and life-giving truth of Christ. As you seek Him, you’ll be able to face whatever your day may bring, with a revived heart.

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    • 9780825450716 Escoge Agradecer - (Spanish)

      Escoge Agradecer – (Spanish)


      Es hora de recuperar el gozo

      La gratitud es una eleccion. Pero si no la escogemos, por defecto hemos escogido la ingratitud. Y una vez admitida en el corazon, la ingratitud no viene sola, sino que trae consigo un monton de compaeros indeseables que nos quitaran el gozo. Sin embargo, cuando escogemos un estilo de vida de humilde gratitud, somos conscientes de los beneficios que recibimos cada dia de nuestro amable Salvador y de las personas que El ha puesto a nuestro alrededor, y nuestro gozo se vuelve pleno. Al ser agradecidas a Dios y a los demas, la amargura y el egoismo son reemplazados por la alegria y la humilde comprension de lo poco que merecemos en realidad.

      Al ser agradecidas a Dios y a los demas, la amargura y el egoismo son reemplazados por la alegria y la humilde comprension de lo poco que merecemos en realidad. –Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

      En las paginas de este libro, Nancy nos motiva a ser agradecidas; primero y principalmente, porque es la respuesta adecuada a un Dios bueno y misericordioso que nos ha hecho libres de nuestra culpa. Pero, aunque sea desde el punto de vista del interes personal, ser agradecido parece logico.

      En gran medida, nuestro bienestar emocional, mental, fisico y espiritual, asi como la solidez y estabilidad de nuestras relaciones con los demas, se determinara por el grado de nuestra gratitud. Cultivar un corazon agradecido es un bastion contra la amargura, la irritabilidad y la antipatia. Una hija de Dios que es agradecida no puede dejar de ser una persona gozosa, apacible y animada.

      Nancy nos ensea que la gratitud no es simplemente una virtud secundaria en la vida cristiana; es algo vital. Y es transformacional. Ella reafirma que un espiritu agradecido, enraizado en el fundamento de la bondad y la gracia de Dios, causara un efecto radical en la manera de ver y responder ante todo en la vida.

      If we fail to choose it, by default we choose ingratitude.

      Once allowed into the heart, ingratitude does not come by itself, but with other seedy companions that only succeed in stealing joy.

      Derived from a popular Revive Our Hearts radio series, Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy challenges and equips the reader to live a life of intention, a life based on thankfulness for the freedom Christ has provided and for the blessings of others.

      By intentionally thanking God and others, bitterness and entitlement are replaced with joy and the humble realization of just how undeserving we really are. To not cho

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    • 9780825450730 Atrevete A Ser Una Mujer Verda - (Spanish)

      Atrevete A Ser Una Mujer Verda – (Spanish)


      !Un llamado a las mujeres de hoy a recuperar lo que la revolucion feminista les ha arrebatado!

      Se suponia que la revolucion feminista traeria a las mujeres una mayor realizacion y libertad. Sin embargo, las mujeres de hoy se sienten menos realizadas y libres porque han perdido la distincion y riqueza de su llamado como mujeres. Se estan dando cuenta de que lo que debia ennoblecerles ha destruido todo lo que atesoran, incluso sus propias familias.

      El llamado a volver a la feminidad piadosa esta resonando en el corazon de mujeres en todas partes del mundo a traves de las poderosas voces de mentoras como Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Mary A. Kassian, Carolyn Mahaney, Susan Hunt y Barbara Hughes, entre otras.
      Aunque cada autora aborda el tema de la feminidad piadosa de manera diferente, un hilo conductor lo atraviesa todo, infundiendo alegria y deleite por la grandeza del orden creado por Dios y el papel que El quiere que las mujeres desempeen en su grandioso plan redentor.

      Incluye una guia de estudio.

      Las consecuencias de no ser mujeres sabias son mortales. Cuando somos tentadas por el placer inmediato de hablar sin inhibiciones, dejar que nuestras emociones y nuestra lengua se desenfrenen o actuar con imprudencia y descontrol, necesitamos considerar las consecuencias a largo plazo de nuestras decisiones.–Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

      Y mucho mas.

      A charge to women to recover what the feminist revolution has robbed them of: the God-given beauty, wonder, and treasure of their distinctive calling and mission.

      The feminist revolution was supposed to bring women greater fulfillment and freedom. Yet women today feel anything but fulfilled and free because they have lost the distinctiveness and richness of their calling as women.

      Now a movement is spreading seeds of hope, humility, obedience, and prayer-a call to return to godly womanhood-and its truth will resound in the hearts of readers through the powerful messages of Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Susan Hunt, Mary Kassian, Carolyn Mahaney, Barbara Hughes, P. Bunny Wilson, and Dorothy Patterson. Though each author approaches the subject of godly womanhood differently, a thread runs throughout that will instill joy and delight at the greatness of God’s created order and the part he wants women to play in his grand, redemptive plan. Includes a study guide.

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    • 9780802429377 Parents Guide To Lies Boys Believe

      Parents Guide To Lies Boys Believe


      Lies are powerful. Your son has a persistent enemy who seeks to deceive and rob him of the confidence and strength he has in Jesus. But you can help him fill his heart with God’s Truth so that he can stand strong.

      A Parent’s Guide to Lies Boys Believe, a companion book to Lies Boys Believe, is your tool to come alongside your son in the fight against lies. This unique and Bible-centered resource teaches your son the Truth he will need to navigate the challenges he is facing. Join the fight against lies using this guide, packed with encouragement and biblical insight. Written by two experienced parents with a house full of boys and a heart to raise up a generation of Truth-seekers, you’ll be empowered to talk with your son and push back against the Deceiver.

      Together, these books give you the tools you need to start important conversations. A Parent’s Guide to Lies Boys Believe will help you:

      *Develop and communicate a right theology of lies and Truth to your son

      *Initiate meaningful ongoing conversations about the topics like: the gospel, God’s Word, entertainment choices, self-control, and more.

      *Build a Word-centered home

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    • 9780802429520 Heaven Rules : Take Courage. Take Comfort. Our God Is In Control.

      Heaven Rules : Take Courage. Take Comfort. Our God Is In Control.


      Two words are sometimes all it takes to upset and overwhelm us.

      Treatment options, work layoffs, election season, pandemic spikes, family trouble, car repairs. They take up so little room, just two little words, and yet they can fill the whole day, the whole house, our whole lives with anxiety and fear.

      Heaven Rules is the two-word answer for every two-word worry. The promise we need for every wave of trouble, every assault on our peace of mind. Heaven’s rule is God’s rule: His rule over nations and nature. His rule over renegade viruses, cancer, and concerns about your marriage, your kids, your job, and everything else. The Bible says God is personally, purposefully involved in all that’s taking place here on earth. He’s reigning over each tear and scar and crisis and conflict. Heaven is ruling, always ruling. That doesn’t mean we won’t experience distress, but it does mean we can find a refuge by looking upward and letting His peace rule in our hearts.

      Using the timeless book and example of Daniel as a guide, author Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reveals how seeing our lives and world through the lens of Heaven’s rule can shield us from panic and give us renewed hope and perspective.

      Job worries. Deadline pressures. Deep regrets. Culture wars. There will always be alarms screeching. But two simple words can quiet them, calm our fears, comfort our hearts, and give us courage to press on: Heaven Rules!

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    • 9780802425270 1st Songs Of Christmas

      1st Songs Of Christmas


      Let the songs of the first Christmas turn your heart toward God’s glory.

      During the holidays, the songs of the season are everywhere. Their nostalgic melodies warm our hearts. But the original Christmas songs are different; they lift our hearts to a holy God. They reveal the greatness, glory, and goodness of our Savior. Taking us beyond quaint imagery and feel-good lyrics, the Advent songs of the Bible unfold God’s redemptive plan for the world and His eternal purpose for the ages.

      In The First Songs of Christmas, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth offers meditations from Luke’s gospel. This 31-day Advent devotional shines light on the ancient yet inspiring songs of Elizabeth, Mary, Zechariah, the angels, and Simeon.

      These readings will lead you to the essence of Christmas. Let holy music be your companion as you approach Christmas the way these men, women, and angels did: gazing upon our God and Savior.

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    • 9780802415288 Lies Young Women Believe

      Lies Young Women Believe


      You have been lied to! Have you been deceived? Through a nationwide survey and in-depth discussion groups, Nancy and Dannah have listened carefully to the heart of your generation. And here are some things they’ve heard:

      “I know God should be the only thing that satisfies, but if it could be Him and my friends, then I could be happy.”

      “It seems like I have been struggling with depression forever. I always feel like I am not good enough.”

      “I tell myself that I don’t really listen to the song lyrics, but once I hear a song a few times and start thinking about what they’re saying I realize that it’s too late. It’s already stuck in my head.”

      “For me, the whole wife and mom thing is overrated. It isn’t cool to want a husband and a family.”

      Maybe you can identify. Trying to listen to the right voices can be difficult. This book has been written by friends who will help you find the Truth. Maybe your heart is telling you that some things in your life are way off course. Certain habits and relationships have left you confused and lonely. This is not the way it’s supposed to be.

      In this book, Nancy and Dannah expose 25 of the lies most commonly believed by your generation. They share real-life accounts from some of the young women they interviewed, along with honest stories about how they’ve overcome lies they believed themselves. They get down in the trenches of the battle with you. Best of all, they’ll show you how to be set free by the Truth.

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    • 9780825457562 Adornadas - (Spanish)

      Adornadas – (Spanish)


      Tito 2: una poderosa vision para las mujeres

      El modelo de Tito 2 de que las mujeres mayores vivan el evangelio junto a las mas jovenes es vital para que todas podamos crecer. Es de fortaleza mutua, glorifica a Dios y hace que Su verdad sea creible para nuestro mundo. Esto es comunidad cristiana como Dios la diseo. Tu vida encontrara su significado mas pleno al adornar el evangelio de Cristo.

      Titus 2: a powerful vision for women

      The Titus 2 model of older women living out the gospel alongside younger women is vital for us all to thrive. It is mutually strengthening, glorifies God, and makes His truth believable to our world. This is Christian community as God designed it. Your life will find its fullest meaning as you adorn the gospel of Christ.

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