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    Thom Kolesa

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    • 9781480920224 Word : A Presentation By St. Matthew St. Mark St. Luke And St. John

      Word : A Presentation By St. Matthew St. Mark St. Luke And St. John


      Thom Kolesa imagined what it would be like to learn more about the Gospels by reading it as a “Play” format, during which an imagined meeting of the four Evangelists verbalized events they were most familiar with. Such an imagined meeting could have been possible, as they were all reportedly alive at the same time. The meeting most likely would have taken place between the years A.D. 50 and 60. It would have been very interesting and exciting to watch and listen as they unraveled their common objective of proclaiming ..”.the WORD.”

      Although their ages, backgrounds and styles of expression probably varied greatly, as did the audience to whom their remarks were directed, they all shared an experience with Jesus, either directly or with those who knew him.

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