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    Thomas Anderson

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    • 9781606833506 Will The Real America Please Stand Up

      Will The Real America Please Stand Up


      America has never really been about Americans. It has always been about the rest of the world who yearn to be free. For four centuries, people have moved here to escape oppressive tyranny, to worship without compulsion, and to flee the bondage of poverty. America is about those people-the refugees from every culture and nation on earth. It is about the world and it is about freedom. But with these rights come responsibility:
      The right to choose implies the responsibility to choose wisely.
      The right to an education implies the responsibility to think.
      The right to religious freedom implies the responsibility to pray.
      The right to life implies the responsibility to value life.
      The right to liberty implies the responsibility of tolerance.
      The right to pursue happiness implies the responsibility to work.

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