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Crisis Of Civil Law
How should Christians think about law?
In every age, this is one of the most difficult questions faced by followers of Christ. Within the modern church, there is little unity on how Scripture addresses issues like gun control, abortion, and disobedience of an unjust law. In The Crisis of Civil Law, legal scholar Benjamin B. Saunders draws from Scripture and Christian tradition to provide valuable guidance on contemporary legal questions and the role of civil government. We can gain greater clarity by wisely applying the moral law found in Scripture–as well as the universal standards of the natural law–to the changing circumstances of human societies.
The Crisis of Civil Law includes detailed discussion of the biblical material on law as well as practical case studies that contextualize scriptural principles in modern Western society.
in stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
SKU (ISBN): 9781683597568
ISBN10: 1683597567
Benjamin Saunders
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: June 2024
Publisher: Lexham Press/Kirkdale Press
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