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    Easter (DVD)


    The Easter Series is a collection of eight episodes from other Eyewitness series. These episodes are selected to be watched on each day of Holy Week, starting with Palm Sunday and ending on Easter Sunday.

    The Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem took place on Palm Sunday when people threw palm branches on his path. Fig Monday’s episode shows Lazarus telling his story of being resurrected. Holy Tuesday’s episode shows Andrew’s story. According to John 12:21-22, after the Triumphal Entry, a number of Greeks wanted to meet Jesus. Spy Wednesday is an episode told by Judas. This episode is set in a time period long before Holy Week, but it will give you some insight about how Judas came to betray Jesus. Maundy Thursday’s episode is an interpretation of the story of the vine and branches that Jesus taught on Thursday night before his crucifixion. Good Friday’s episode is told by two of the main characters of the trial of Jesus. Peter tells about how he denied Jesus, and Pilate tells how he condemned Jesus to death on a cross. Black Saturday’s episode is told by Joseph of Arimathea. Imagine how he must have felt on Saturday after burying the body of Jesus the day before. Easter Sunday’s episode is told by Mary Magdalene, the first person to see the resurrected Jesus.

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    SKU (UPC): 727985020105
    Produced by: Vision Video
    Binding: Video DVD
    Published: January 2022
    Eyewitness Bible #
    Publisher: Vision Video/Gateway Films

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