Tweet (XL T-Shirt)


Wear and share the biblical wisdom of the Golden Rule in this Tweet Kerusso T-Shirt in Pacific Blue. How we treat others matters, and every day is a new opportunity to show kindness, respect, and ultimately God s love to those around us. When the world turns to insults and ugly words, we can look up to Jesus, and choose a different path for our own words and actions.

Luke 6:31 says, Do to others as you would have them do to you. There is no guarantee that kindness on our part will result in a return of kindness from others; God asks us to be kind, anyway! We can t control how our classmates, colleagues, neighbors, friends, or family behave, or what they choose to say to (or about) others. What we can control is our response, and the impression we leave on those around us.

You can throw kindness around like confetti when you tweet others how you want to be tweeted. Ugly words, thoughts, and deeds can snowball…so can loving words, thoughts, and deeds! The good news is you can choose to be thoughtful, and to uplift others with the words you speak and the attitude you seek.

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SKU (UPC): 612978526446

Color: Blue
Apparel class: Adult
Manufacturer: Kerusso


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