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Showing 17401–17450 of 18879 resultsSorted by latest
Glory To God In The Highest
$3.00Christmas tote bags adorned with inspirational sentiments celebrate the true meaning of the season. Stylish and on trend, each screen-printed design has the unique look of chalkboard and features a button snap closure. These recycled nylon totes are perfect for gift giving or for use as a gift bag for presents.
Add to cart2 in stock
Tri Fold
$18.99Fully-lined, durable canvas construction
Spine handle
Velcro flap reveals organizational features including mesh zipper pocket, notepad holder, slide pocket, velcro pocket, two pen holders, ID window, and credit card slots.
Front zippered pocket
Double zip closure
Silver engraved cross zipper pullAdd to cart1 in stock
Last Supper Clay Reproduction Communal Cup
$4.50Communal Cup: At special meals, like Jesus’ Last Supper or the communal meals at Qumran, a cup of wine would be shared among every ten to twenty participants. The sharing of wine from a single cup – a symbol of joy, unity, and the blessing of God – strengthened the group’s self-understanding as being recipients of God’s favor. 4 1/2″ x 4 1/2″.
Add to cart1 in stock
Frankincense And Myrrh Body Lotion With Pump
$10.00The amazing properties of therapeutic oils have been known and used since biblical times to anoint the body for healing, ceremony and beauty. This Aromatherapy lotion offers carefully selected plant-based ingredients with the luxurious feel of genuine essential oils. It spreads easily and absorbs fast, providing nourishment in abundance. A unique formulation of Jojoba, Sunflower, Aloe and Rice Bran extracts in combination with essential oils restores skin’s natural balance for radiant health.
* Softens, nourishes and restores balance to the skin
* Soothes dry skin, helps keep skin looking healthy & youthful
* 100% Pure Plant-Based Ingredients, Exceeds EU Cosmetic Directive Guidelines, No animal testing
* No Petroleum Products, Parabens, Artificial Colors, Formaldehyde or Sodium Lauryl SulfateAdd to cart5 in stock (additional units can be purchased)
Frankincense Body Wash With Pump
$10.99NEW! Frankincense Body Wash w/Pump, 8oz
Botanically Rich & Aromatically Divine! The amazing properties of therapeutic oils have been known and used since biblical times to anoint the body for healing, ceremony and beauty. Enjoy a new shower and bath experience with this Aromatherapy Body Wash invigorating the senses with pure essential oils. This soothing wash offers Coconut’s fine lather and long-lasting foam, and can be used as a shower gel, bubble bath or hand soap for gentle cleansing and care. It balances the oil production of the skin, benefiting both dry as well as oily skin, leaving it naturally beautiful and healthy.
o Gently cleanses and richly lathers
o Therapeutic and uplifting
o 100% Pure Plant-Based Ingredients, Exceeds EU Cosmetic Directive Guidelines, No animal testing
o No Petroleum Products, Parabens, Artificial Colors, Formaldehyde or Sodium Lauryl SulfateIn Temple days, sweet incense containing Frankincense was placed on the Inner Altar of the Tabernacle and burned morning and evening. Frankincense, one of the three gifts of the Magi, represents Messiah’s role as High Priest and spiritually represents healing and intercession, as prayers are described as a sweet smelling savor to the LORD.
Add to cart9 in stock
Pomegranate Hand And Body Lotion With Pump
$10.00New! Pomegranate Hand & Body Lotion w/Pump, 8oz
Botanically Rich & Aromatically Divine. The amazing properties of therapeutic oils have been known and used since biblical times to anoint the body for healing, ceremony and beauty. This Aromatherapy lotion offers carefully selected plant-based ingredients with the luxurious feel of genuine essential oils. It spreads easily and absorbs fast, providing nourishment in abundance. A unique formulation of Jojoba, Sunflower, Aloe and Rice Bran extracts in combination with essential oils restores skin’s natural balance for radiant health.
* Softens, nourishes and restores balance to the skin
* Soothes dry skin, helps keep skin looking healthy & youthful
* 100% Pure Plant-Based Ingredients, Exceeds EU Cosmetic Directive Guidelines, No animal testing
* No Petroleum Products, Parabens, Artificial Colors, Formaldehyde or Sodium Lauryl SulfateThe Pomegranate was cultivated in Egypt and was highly esteemed by the Israelites. Carved figures of the pomegranate adorned the tops of the pillars in Solomon’s temple, and worked representations of this fruit, in blue, purple and scarlet, ornamented the hem of the robe of the ephod. It speaks of God’s favor and blessings.
Add to cart1 in stock