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Showing 17901–17950 of 18876 resultsSorted by latest
Still Waters
$24.99Kerusso Caps & Hats make a sporty, subtle statement of faith, whether you are teeing it up out on the golf course, serving it up on the tennis court, or joining a gathering at your office, school, or church.
Inspired from Psalm 23, this outdoorsy Still Waters baseball cap in tan, brown & blue with cool kayak and crossed paddles patch, will glide you through the cool waters of Christ s love whenever you wear it.
Front: Still Waters. He Leads Me Beside He Restores My Soul
Side: Kerusso
Back: Psalm 23
*Tan, brown, and blue with front patch
*55% Cotton/45% Polyester Mesh Back
*Top stitching and embroidery
*Adjustable velcro closure
*One size fits mostAdd to cart1 in stock
Cherished Girl Kidz Butterfly (2T (2 years) T-Shirt)
$16.99Raise kids who point to Jesus and help them share the Good News of God s love at school and at play. This charming Butterfly t-shirt from the Kerusso Cherished Girl Kidz collection is a fun way to get that conversation started.
Short sleeve toddler tee in pretty pink with colorful butterfly graphic and Scripture reference from 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Witness message: If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17
Add to cart1 in stock
Cherished Girl Kidz Joy Elephant (T-Shirt)
$16.99Raise kids who point to Jesus and help them share the Good News of God s love at school and at play. This charming Joy Elephant t-shirt from the Kerusso Cherished Girl Kidz collection is a fun way to get that conversation started.
Short sleeve toddler tee in daisy yellow with charming elephant spreading joyful hearts and flowers; Scripture reference from Nehemiah 8:10
Witness message: The Joy Of The Lord Is My Strength Nehemiah 8:10
*Classic fit
*Taped neck and shoulders
*Double-needle stitching at sleeve and bottom hem
*100% preshrunk cotton
*Machine washable
*Toddler sizesAdd to cart1 in stock
Shine Astronaut (3T (3 years) T-Shirt)
$16.99Shine a light in the darkness with this Shine Astronaut Kidz Tee in Black. The green neon look against the huge expanse of the universe is sure to stop people in their tracks, giving you a great moment to shine like a star and share the love of Christ.
Philippians 2:15 says, Shine among them like stars in the sky. Everyone is awed by the night sky with its countless stars twinkling against a black backdrop. In fact, the Book of Romans tells us that even nature tells us there is a Creator God. From ancient times, people have looked into the night sky, lit by stars, and pondered the great questions of life.
Stargazing is fun for the whole family in any setting, whether a backyard or a city park, providing limitless chances to point out the marvelous creation given us by God. This fun tee is the best for wearing in those places, as others are drawn to its message. Shine like Jesus for the sake of the world! #kerusso #KerussoKidz #StarShine
Add to cart1 in stock
Kayak (Small T-Shirt)
$19.99Glide through the cool waters of Christ s love in this Kayak T-shirt in Antique Sapphire. This overhead shot of a floating kayak whispers calm and calls to mind the unforgettable words of Psalm 23, when the boy who would be king sought refuge from danger.
Psalm 23:2 3 says, He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name s sake. These words have comforted countless souls for thousands of years and were written by David during the time he hid from King Saul. In his nature sanctuary, an oasis in the desert, he reflected by the blue waters that splashed around him. This psalm echoed his heart.
All of us come to a place where we desperately need to lay down in a cool place away from the heat of daily life. God is there waiting for us to meet him and become refreshed. He never, ever leaves us and keeps us in that safe place where the shadow of death cannot touch us. #CoolWaters #kerusso #Kayak
Add to cart1 in stock
Faith Gear Set Copper Cross (Bracelet/Wristband)
$7.99Share the Good News of Jesus Christ when you wear this powerful Copper Cross symbol bracelet in contrasting metal and leather. The whole piece calls to mind a plain choice Jesus offered His disciples on their path to being born again.
Matthew 16:24 says, Then Jesus told his disciples, If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. In one sense, He was giving them a hard choice: take the harder path, one that isn t popular, but in the end you ll be rewarded by eternal life with God the Father. It also reminds us of the Bible s narrow road that has fewer travelers. The lure of the world to conform to man s ideas about God wars with the truth that Jesus alone is the way to God.
This inspirational jewelry piece with a shimmering copper cross history s most recognizable symbol will ensure that the wearer has plenty of opportunities to have conversations with people Jesus believes are precious and worth a very high price. #gospel #kerusso #FaithGear
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Faith Gear Jesus Rock Dog Tag
$4.99Rock your wardrobe with this Jesus Rock dog tag accessory in Red/Black. The apostle Matthew quoted Jesus Christ describing Himself as a teacher and mentor, also pointing to His divinity as Jesus the Rock.
Matthew 7:24 says, Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. We praise Jesus as the ultimate Foundation when we acknowledge His identity as outlined in Scripture. When Jesus asked His followers who they believed Him to be, Peter answered immediately that He was the Messiah, the Savior of mankind. Jesus replied that that was the truth on which He would build His church!
The power to save belongs to Jesus; He is the Rock of our faith, our lives, and eternity. Jesus has gone before us to prepare the path and our ultimate destination, and as His church, we are tasked with telling others about Him. Displaying this truth is a display of His power and majesty, which He uses to reconcile the world to Himself. Rock your faith and tag a friend! #kerusso #KerussoFaith #RockIt
Add to cart6 in stock
Faith Gear Power Dog Tag
$4.99Your faith will glow when you wear this Power dog tag in Blue. The power source of our faith is reflected in Ephesians 6:10, where we see that true strength is available to anyone putting their trust in Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 6:10 says, Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. The power of the cross shines brightly still, two thousand years after Jesus showed His ultimate love for us in paying the penalty for our sins. As we travel the road of life, we come to the road less traveled, which is Jesus. He is our moment to seize the day and come all the way home, reconciled to our great God. Plugged into this power source ensures that we never have to find another. He is our Source, the author of love, compassion, and grace.
Imagine how many people are groping in the dark, looking for that longing of their souls. Help them find Him as you don this signature tag emblazoned with pow-pow-power in Christ Jesus! #JesusPower #CrossTalk #kerusso
Add to cart2 in stock
Cherished Girl Follow The Sun Coin Purse
$12.99Give a show of faith with this bright Follow the Son Cherished Girl Coin Purse in Yellow, Blue, and Pink. A casual accessory like your favorite coin purse can give a shout-out to Jesus Christ and provide an opportunity to share your faith. Every single person you meet longs for meaning and dependable relationships that won t let them down. A conversation with you about the saving grace of Jesus could change someone s life for eternity.
2 Corinthians 5:17 says, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. When we follow Jesus, we are turning our faces to the light of His love, just as sunflowers follow the warmth of the sun. No one s life is perfect, but a life of faith is a life filled with hope no matter what the temporary circumstances are.
Share God s blessing, and His abundance, by sharing the Good News. This sweet coin purse for women makes a thoughtful gift for a sister, friend, colleague, or classmate, and you ll definitely want one for your purse or backpack! #CherishedGirl #FollowtheSon
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Love Blocks (4T (4 years) T-Shirt)
$16.99Craft a message of love in this Love Blocks T-Shirt in Neon Pink by Kerusso Kidz. This sweet reminder to love one another like Jesus loves us mixes a delightful pattern of letter blocks with a timeless message of faith. The creative design feels like a fun result of a day spent in the arts & crafts room.
John 13:34 says, A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. Jesus perfect love for us sets the gold standard in how to love others. Jesus came to earth to live as a man so He could die in our place, securing us a place in Heaven for all eternity. His sacrifice is a powerful reminder to give love freely, with no strings attached.
Encourage your child to seek opportunities to be kind, and to love those around them like Jesus. A bright T-shirt like this, with a message of God s love, is a wonderful way to help kids build the skill of loving others well.
Kerusso Kidz T-Shirt – Love Blocks
Color: Neon Pink
100% Preshrunk Cotton, 5 oz.
Double-needle sleeve and bottom hems
Taped neck and shoulder seams for durability
Toddler sizes 3T, 4T, and 5T
Youth sizes Small, Medium, and LargeAdd to cart1 in stock
Love Blocks (3T (3 years) T-Shirt)
$16.99Craft a message of love in this Love Blocks T-Shirt in Neon Pink by Kerusso Kidz. This sweet reminder to love one another like Jesus loves us mixes a delightful pattern of letter blocks with a timeless message of faith. The creative design feels like a fun result of a day spent in the arts & crafts room.
John 13:34 says, A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. Jesus perfect love for us sets the gold standard in how to love others. Jesus came to earth to live as a man so He could die in our place, securing us a place in Heaven for all eternity. His sacrifice is a powerful reminder to give love freely, with no strings attached.
Encourage your child to seek opportunities to be kind, and to love those around them like Jesus. A bright T-shirt like this, with a message of God s love, is a wonderful way to help kids build the skill of loving others well.
Kerusso Kidz T-Shirt – Love Blocks
Color: Neon Pink
100% Preshrunk Cotton, 5 oz.
Double-needle sleeve and bottom hems
Taped neck and shoulder seams for durability
Toddler sizes 3T, 4T, and 5T
Youth sizes Small, Medium, and LargeAdd to cart1 in stock
We Love (3XL T-Shirt)
$22.99Show your love for Jesus in this pretty We Love T-Shirt in Coral by Kerusso . When we know and love God, we can t help but open our hearts to share that love with others. What a blessing to serve a Savior who rules not with fear and force but with love.
1 John 4:19 says, We love because he first loved us. As new believers, we take baby steps into a life of faith: learning about the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus; reading God s Word, the Bible; and growing in maturity in our prayer lives.
Seeking opportunities to serve and love others is a natural step in the progression of our faith, and God smiles to see us reaching out with compassion and loving kindness to others you encounter on your journey. One of the greatest ways to show God s love is to share the Good News. Talk about Jesus, and share messages of hope on a great faith-based T-shirt like this one.
Kerusso Adult T-Shirt – We Love
Color: Coral
100% cotton jersey (preshrunk), 5.3 oz.
Seamless double-needle ?” collar
Taped neck and shoulders
Double-needle sleeve and bottom hems
Sizes Small 4XAdd to cart1 in stock
Faith Hope Love Leather
$14.99Embrace God s grace with this Faith Hope Love Women s Leather Keychain by Faith Gear on your belt, backpack, or bag. With a convenient lobster swivel clasp and sassy Red genuine leather, one side is stamped with Faith Hope Love, the other with 1 Cor 13. The design is simple but stylish, and you ll love sporting it on the side of your purse or school bag.
1 Corinthians 13:13 says, And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. God gives us so many gifts, and every blessing comes from Him. Faith gives us reassurance, hope reminds us of the good things to come, and love is the foundation for everything including our relationship with the Savior. God, in His wisdom, created each of these three things with us in mind. #soblessed
Wherever you clip this marvelous faith-based accessory, it s a daily reminder of how much God loves you. This keychain makes a memorable gift for a stylish friend or loved one, or a meaningful accessory to keep for yourself. #faithgear #FaithHopeLove
Faith Gear Women s Leather Keychain – Faith Hope Love
Color: Red
Genuine stamped leather
Lobster swivel clasp
2″ loop opening with snap closure
Strap is 5/8″ wide x 4 ” long
Attach to belt, backpack, or bagAdd to cart1 in stock
Love Never Fails Leather
$14.99Take encouragement everywhere you go with this Love Never Fails Women s Leather Keychain by Faith Gear on your belt, backpack, or bag. With a convenient lobster swivel clasp and genuine Dark Purple leather, one side is stamped with Love Never Fails, the other with 1 Cor 13:8.
1 Corinthians 13:8 says, Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. Circumstances, finances, even people will let you down, but the love of Jesus Christ is everlasting. When you are frustrated and begin to wonder who and what you can really count on, count on God. His love never fails, and He is just a prayer away. Share this Good News with the people you love.
Wherever you clip this faith-based keychain, it s a daily reminder of how much God loves you. This keychain makes a memorable gift for a friend or loved one, or a meaningful accessory to keep for yourself. #faithgear #loveneverfails
Faith Gear Women’s Leather Keychain – Love Never Fails
Color: Dark Purple
Genuine stamped leather
Lobster swivel clasp
2″ loop opening with snap closure
Strap is 5/8″ wide x 4 ” long
Attach to belt, backpack, or bagAdd to cart4 in stock
Jesus Saves Leather
$14.99Praise the Lord when you’re on the go with this rugged Jesus Saves Guy s Leather Keychain by Faith Gear attached to your belt, backpack, or bag. With a convenient lobster swivel clasp and genuine Medium Brown leather, both sides are stamped with Jesus Saves.
Acts 16:31 says, And they said, Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household. The most important knowledge you possess is this: Jesus Saves. You hold the key to eternity in your heart, and as a believer, God asks you to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Don t hide your light let it shine, and point to Jesus in all things. This attractive keychain is a great conversation starter.
Whether you clip this faith-based keychain on your backpack or carry it in your pocket, it s a practical tool and a nod to your beliefs that you ll be proud to display. This handsome keychain makes a memorable gift, or a great accessory to keep for yourself. #faithgear #JesusSaves
Faith Gear Guy’s Leather Keychain – Jesus Saves
Color: Medium Brown
Genuine stamped leather
Lobster swivel clasp
2″ loop opening with snap closure
Strap is 5/8″ wide x 4 ” long
Attach to belt, backpack, or bagAdd to cart5 in stock
Stand Strong Leather
$14.99Wear this rugged Stand Strong Guy s Leather Keychain by Faith Gear on your belt, backpack, or gym bag as a convenient way to keep track of your keys, and share your faith. With a convenient lobster swivel clasp and genuine Black leather, one side says, Stand Strong and the other references God s Word.
Ephesians 6:13, Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. When you put on God s Word, you can stand strong in His name. Every time you snap it on, it will serve as a reminder to wear the armor provided to you by your faith in God.
Whether you clip this faith-based keychain on your backpack or carry it in your pocket, it s a practical tool and a nod to your beliefs. This handsome keychain makes a memorable gift, or a great accessory to keep for yourself. #faithgear #standstrong
Faith Gear Guy’s Leather Keychain – Stand Strong
Color: Black
Genuine stamped leather
Lobster swivel clasp
2″ loop opening with snap closure
Strap is 5/8″ wide x 4 ” long
Attach to belt, backpack, or gym bagAdd to cart2 in stock
John 3:16 Leather
$14.99Share your faith in rugged style with this John 3:16 Guy s Leather Keychain by Faith Gear . With a convenient lobster swivel clasp and genuine Dark Brown leather, the reference to this powerful verse is stamped on both sides, so you ll be encouraged from every direction.
John 3:16 says, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Imagine life without the reassuring love of Jesus Christ. Let the feel of this keychain in your hand remind you to speak the name of Jesus whenever you have a chance, and to share the Good News with others.
Whether you clip this faith-based keychain on your backpack or carry it in your pocket, it s a practical tool and a nod to your beliefs. This handsome keychain makes a memorable gift, or a great accessory to keep for yourself. #faithgear #john316
Faith Gear Guy’s Leather Keychain – John 3:16
Color: Dark Brown
Genuine stamped leather
Lobster swivel clasp
2″ loop opening with snap closure
Strap is 5/8″ wide x 4 ” long
Attach to belt, backpack, or bagAdd to cart2 in stock
Faith Gear Guys Gold Cross (Bracelet/Wristband)
$7.99Express your faith in our Faith Gear Guys Gold Cross Bracelet combo. This distinctive trio of bracelets offers a rugged look in multiple leather treatments, a vintage-style cross that is cast on an Antique Gold oval, and complimentary beads. Each bracelet is adjustable, and together they make a contemporary statement of faith that pairs well with both casual and dressy attire.
Hebrews 11:1 says, Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Faith is the ability to accept God s love, His best laid plans for your life, and His very existence sight unseen. God is an ever-present force in your life, and when we look with the eyes of faith, evidence of His hands at work is everywhere. Don t hesitate to share your faith with others; everyone you meet needs Jesus, and an encouraging word or testimony from you could be a turning point for faith in someone else s life.
Wear this rugged reminder of Jesus life, death on the cross, and resurrection as a statement of faith. It s a cool way to share your beliefs without saying a word.
Gold Cross: Faith Gear Guys Bracelet
Leather (multiple colors) + Original castings
3 Separate bracelets
Adjustable closures
Measures up to 1 wideAdd to cart1 in stock
Faith Gear Stand Strong In Christ
$14.99You can do all things with Jesus! Alone, you are capable of only so much, and the results of your toil will not bring eternal satisfaction. Because of Jesus Christ, you are redeemed, strengthened, and given hope, new life, and a purpose. Jesus is the key to eternity, and when He is in your life you need not worry over the past or fear for the future.
Our Stand Strong in Christ Men s Necklace features three pendants on a 22-inch long chain, speaking to your multi-faceted faith. This necklace will remind you throughout the day of His presence and offer a beacon of hope for everyone you meet.
Ever wonder what makes tough guys so tough? Real tough guys can admit they are filled with flaws, but Jesus gives them strength and renders them victorious. Philippians 4:13 says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. By His blood you are saved. Jesus is the only key to salvation, and by His grace, you can stand strong.
Don t keep this Good News under wraps! Carry the message of the cross with you. Kerusso s popular Men s Faith Gear Christian Necklaces are a great way to share your faith with others.
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Faith Gear Tassel Crosses (Earring)
$9.99Do you have a desire to see the hearts and minds of people turned towards Jesus? Your love of Jesus and for people can be expressed each time you wear these Tassel Crosses Women s Earrings. By simply wearing these and asking the Lord to use to speak His words of life to someone, you will put yourself in the perfect position to lead someone into making a life-changing decision to follow the King of kings. Wear a pair of Christian Women s Earrings and see what may happen.
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Faith Gear Flower Feather (Earring)
$9.99You can wear your faith on your ears with these Flower Feather Women s Earrings. That statement might sound strange wearing your faith on your ears but don t shrug it off. Don t underestimate how the Lord may want to use those two pieces of jewelry to speak about His love to someone. Keep an eye out for divine appointments, those coincidences may just be the Lord arranging things for you to share your faith with someone who needs to hear it.
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May The Lord Dog Tag
$4.99Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you (2 Thessalonians 3:16, 18). The Lord never leaves you, He is with you in every circumstance and desires the best for you. Wear this Christian Dog Tag Necklace and never forget that the Lord is watching over you with a heart full of love.
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Savior Dog Tag
$4.99As a follower of Jesus, you are living for a higher purpose. 1 Timothy 4:10 says, That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe. Put this Dog Tag Necklace on and go into the world and be a witness for the Savior.
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Play Hard Pray Hard Dog Tag
$4.99First Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God s will for you in Christ Jesus. As you follow Christ and mature as a believer, God will call on you to pray more, so that you can achieve bigger things for Him and His kingdom.
Wear this Play Hard Pray Hard Dog Tag Necklace and live out your faith in a bold way. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with words that will reach people with the Good News of Jesus.
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My Lifeguard Walks On Water Cap
$24.99When you find yourself in the midst of a storm of life, your faith has to rise to the occasion. You have to know that Jesus is with you and that He will not allow you to be overcome by the waves and circumstances crashing in all around you. There are even times when the people around us are causing stress and anxiety, instead of helping us live in peace.
It s exactly like what Matthew 14:22 says, Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd.
The good news and hope we have is that when these times rise up in our lives, Jesus is our lifeguard. He can walk on water and into any situation to provide us with the peace and assurance we need. He can lift you out of the chaos and place you safely in the boat His place of safety.
When you wear this Christian cap you can guide others to safety. You can use it to tell your friends and family that Jesus can be their lifeguard if they will put their trust in Him.
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Sparkle And Shine (4T (4 years) T-Shirt)
$16.99Help your daughter sparkle and shine for Jesus every time she wears this cute Kerusso kids tee. Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Featuring glitter ink, the sparkles and shining for Him will be even brighter!
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Nativity Cross (Ornament)
$5.99apple gift box with poem
A gentle, humble couple had traveled long and far to a little town called Bethlehem and a stable beneath a star.
There among the cattle, God sent His Son to earth with only an angel chorus to celebrate His birth.
Yet shepherds heard their message and knelt there in the straw, amazed and filled with wonder at the Baby whom they saw.
Then wise men came to worship with precious gifts to bring, knowing that before them was their Savior and their King.
Christ came to us from Heaven and did not count the cost, yet behind His humble manger stood a waiting, rugged cross. By R. FogleAdd to cart1 in stock